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Poor Tink ...

Strike Whippets

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Whilst playing frisbee today up our local fields, Tink slid along the ground on her chest to grab her frisbee and ripped her chest, foot and back leg open :( .....She's been to our vets to be stitched up .....and even though our vets were pleased and surprised she came round sooo quickly that she was allowed home tonight, Tinks VERY cold and not really with it (not that I expect her to be after a GA) ...... I've wrapped her up and given her rescue remedy every 1/2 hour as to me it seems like delayed shock .....She has had a fish tea and has had fluids, but isn't very responsive ...any ideas please ??
OMG (w00t) poor little Tink :(

The best thing you can do is to keep her as warm as you possibly can (hot water bottle, furry blankets, fleece jumper etc etc) and make sure you dribble some fresh water into her mouth as frequently as possible. If she will drink then even better :thumbsup:

Jinny was exactly the same for nearly 24 hours after her GA, very cold and like a zombie :( She came round quicker than the vet expected and then stressed out badly until I got her home. She then virtually collapsed and was completely out of it until the next afternoon other than to pee (which I carried her out for). No poo because she was empty and it was another day before anything came through again :blink:

I hope they've given you pain killers for Tink as she is bound to be sore when she gets back to normality again :unsure:

Bless her, sending lots of :huggles: :huggles: for my favourite little girl :wub: :wub:

PS A little honey in warm milk may help as it will raise her blood sugar level again and help her energy to return :thumbsup:
Poor baby :( get well soon Tink :huggles: :huggles: :luck: :luck:
oh no,poor Tink :( :huggles:

I can't really add anything to Jinny's excellent advice.I just hope she recovers quickly :luck:
alfyn said:
oh no,poor Tink :(   :huggles: I can't really add anything to Jinny's excellent advice.I just hope she recovers quickly :luck:

Hi, glucose and water is useful, most important is warmth, some vets don't understand that whippets have no fat reserves to to disperse the anesthetic. If in doubt call your vet as delayed shock can kill.


Poor little Tinks.

Dandy and Magic send kisses as do we.

Fingers firmly crossed. :luck: :luck: :luck:

:( aww poor tinks ,how is she doing today hanna ?sending lots of :luck: :luck: and :huggles: :huggles:
:( Oh, poor Tink! :huggles: I hope she is feeling alot better today. :luck: :luck:
Poor Tink hope she feels better today, Moz and Daisy send hugs and love :huggles:
oh poor tink what a shock for you and her :( hope shes feeling alot better today and sending lots of gentle :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Poor poor Tinks and poor you, sounds like a nasty one :( How is she today, I hope she is on the mend :luck: :luck: Phoebs sends lots of love :huggles:
Ouch! Sounds nasty :( Hope she's better today.
Poor little Tink... :(

Hope she is feeling better today, Get Well.. :huggles: :luck:
poor Tink hope she is feeling better :huggles:
:eek: poor little love :wub: :wub:

get well soon :luck: :huggles:
Thanks all :huggles: ......Tink was up and down all last night .....She had had a metacam injection at the vets, but about 2 o'clock this morning she was crying so I gave her 1/4 of a rymadil (after she'd had some tripe) .....This seemed to settle her ..... She went to sleep on top of my head (w00t) .....I think Tink is going through what your Jinny did :unsure: .....She's eaten a little this morning and as mentioned I've syringed warm milk and honey down her little chops .....Shes now lying next to the radiator, snuggled under my sons duvet :sweating: ....Thanks all again :thumbsup:
[SIZE=14pt]Ouch![/SIZE] (w00t) Poor little girl. It's got to be extra worrying with her being so small - even if she's normally a little toughy.

Hope she's back to her normal bouncy self by tonight. Though not too bouncy with all those stitches. :huggles: to the little poorly lass.
Lots of love from your brother Supe :huggles:

Poor Tinkybelle - see it's no good for you all of this off lead running :- " :lol:

I hope she's feeling better today and you both get a better nights sleep tonight -_- How about putting your bed socks on her ears to keep them warm? :p
sorry to hear tinks had an accident :(

sending lots of hugs to her :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:

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