My bitch (Molly) is due to whelp on 7th Dec, although she looks huge and I've a feeling it could be anytime now.
I've never bred a litter before and despite doing lots of reading I'm terriied. Any tips / advice appreciated. Also, one specific thing - Molly generally chooses to sleep on the quarter step, but obviously this is not an ideal place to whelp! Should I risk stressing her by placing her in the room I've prepared for her now, or should I wait until the pups are literallly 'on the way'?
(Molly is a five year old maiden bedlington x lakeland terrier).
I've never bred a litter before and despite doing lots of reading I'm terriied. Any tips / advice appreciated. Also, one specific thing - Molly generally chooses to sleep on the quarter step, but obviously this is not an ideal place to whelp! Should I risk stressing her by placing her in the room I've prepared for her now, or should I wait until the pups are literallly 'on the way'?
(Molly is a five year old maiden bedlington x lakeland terrier).