hi,wonder if anyone can shed any light into the ongoing health problems with my 20 month old deerhound/greyhound? since getting her 3 months she has had various health problems eg. wheat allergy,shocking ear mite infestation,poor skin+coat. Finally we successfully got rid of the earmites but she is suffering from sudden sharp pains that shoot down the sides of her face. she will try to scratch her face quite intensly,this created very sore cut skin! we have managed to get her to come to us when this shooting pain happens and we very gently rub the ear area until the pain subsides. her head will strain to one side when the pain happens . ( she does not seem to be suffering from epilepsy as she is very coherent and aware when the pains occur. ) she experiences these pains at least 4 times a day! the frequent visits to the vet,have succeeded in gettin rid of the mites but with regards to this horrible pain she is on streoids,antibiotics and now morphine ! the pain still manages to surface through the medication! the vet says that a lumbar puncture is the next possible option,but as you can imagine I am greatly concerned. has anyone any experince or possible thoughts on what maybe wrong or treatments we could try next? Georgie, our dog, is fine other than this,and doing what these great dogs do best ,namely running,playing,chilling etc. ! any help or thoughts will be so greatly appreciated. p.s. both her earcanals are clean and clear.