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That still doesn't answer the comment "Fannying about" John.

if we ran the track the other way you would have more people at the end, plus the reason they have more at the end at non ped meetings is that they rag their dogs that we don't in ped racing.

as for why some don't chase well I think most of the time the reason lies squarly at the door of the owners and is very rearly the fault of the dogs.
What happens at the end of a race? Do you not have dogs running back down the track to their owners because they haven't been trained to rag at the end?

I know there will be people like you mark who have them 100% lure keen at home but there will also be a lot that don't do any lure training on pups from one week to the next, & if once they do start trialling the owners can't rag & call the dog on for encouragement at the end - how are the dogs expected to be lure keen if they have no fun at the end for their efforts of running up the track at the back of an "onion sack"?

Just my HO but i think thats why there are so many non chasers in peds.

Don't get me wrong i don't think the way non peds are raced is out & out better than the peds - i think our committee's could learn a lot from your committee's but to me the above seems dead obvious or am i really missing something?
I am all in favour of "encouraging" your dog when it's racing........I know from running Cotswolds now that even Miya (who people have taken the micky out of her cos her sisters are so fast and she's a bit slower).....runs faster and with more purpose when i call for her but she's not running to me as she's fixated with the lure and she gives it a good killing and then shes a nightmare to get off the bloody thing :b ..............I encouraged Jacob when he was a pup and i think he's about one of the most honest, straight lure obsessed dogs that i've seen :wub: , (not that i'm biased or anything :lol: ) so calling him didn't hurt ...........As for Inca we had problems with her due to the way we felt we had to behave at the clubs we trialled her at and it didn't help that she was always so dissapointed when she found out that the lure was abit of plastic, even fur didn't impress her,..........but now we are running Cotswolds i have started ragging her and she's actually running and going in on the lure at the end :thumbsup: .......Stupid thing is she loves chasing anything from her tennis ball through to deers and she has always loved playing ragging games :blink: ........but i do think that she dosn't really see the point to chasing a lure .......then yesterday at lure coursing she set off with Miya, then stopped and ran back to where the first/last rollers were, and waited for the lure to come to her :eek: ............So i know that she knows that she's supposed to catch the lure ;) (smart arsed baggage :wub: )
Hi Vicky - At the end of the race every dog is supposed to have someone catching them so that they don't run back down the track. It's the differences between trialling and racing with pedigrees that you might not have realised. We might have slightly different terminology. Even ragging has 2 meanings when you think about it. There is ragging in the sense of calling your dog up the track (which is not allowed at opens) and there is ragging in the sense of playing with the lure with your dog.

Trialing with us is essentially another word for training. During trialing you can do anything you want (almost!) to encourage your pup to run, including calling your dog and running up the track with them. We are allowed to play with them on the lure as well so we probably aren't very different when it comes to training pups. They start of running on their own and then progress to running with other dogs - still in trials, not official races. When it is racing properly with other dogs it then has to pass official clearing trials before it can race.
Sorry for the confusion Vicky I didn't think.

As Judy say's the ragging I was talking about was the Pedi Term for Shouting encoutragement to your dog while racing at an Open/Champs.

owners of pups ect are encouraged to play with their dogs after a trail to get them keener for the lure.

In Ped Racing theres a grey area what is or isn't ragging (shouting encouragment during a race).
In Ped Racing theres a grey area what is or isn't ragging (shouting encouragment during a race).
One way to solve the grey area - let you all shout :D
I agree Vicky 100%,

But there are several who think if I shout for my dogs I may destract theirs? all I can say to that is theirs are not genuine then! as nothing should put a dog off while in full flight.

I think owners shouting for their dogs as was the case at the Stanborough Open a few weeks back was fantastic a great atmosphere and some friendly banter/rivalry that can often be missing when everyones stood sil;ent so as not to upset the organisers of the event.

:b So, if you think that we should be allowed to bellow and shout, then put it to the WCRA talk-in. If the consensus is that it would be OK, then the proposal can be pushed into the committee stage. At least then it's a level playing field for everyone, and no-one need fear being DQd for encouraging their dog. If the majority of racers think we should be able to encourage our dog, I don't see how the WCRA committee could possibly reject the amendment to the rules. This will help at Championship meetings, but one could still find that at a Club open you are not able to bellow like a bull, because the club rules forbid it, and as you all know, at Opens, you run to that club's rules, not the WCRA rules.

I did speak to a member of the committee after the Andover open, and that person is of the opinion that shouting may be detrimental to dogs of a more nervous disposition................... but I have my doubts about that one, the noise they make when waiting to race far outweighs the db levels that we humans can reach!

As for 'ragging', the peds race to the lure, not a rag, so it's non-negotiable really, isn't it??? Should we be prevented from being at the end of the track to pick up at the end of a race as June suggests? Does the visible presence of an owner constitute 'ragging'? (I was always told that I could not be on the track until the race had finished, but perhaps I was misled, the reason being that a dog might hit into me and the dog, not me, sustain an injury). So then it becomes a safety issue, not one of our personal enjoyment of the day.

A day at the races should be one of fun, and if we in the Ped field think it's not , then we should set about making it just that, fun. And whilst making it fun, let's make the playing field level, whatever that might be!!!
Hi Carmel, The talk in's are only for club reps to throw ideas about with the WCRA committee. no rules can be changed at a talk in but any ideas descussed are then taken back the a WCRA meeting for further descussion.

it is worth adding this topic to the list for descussion at the next talk in and maybe next year we'll be able to shout our dogs home without fear of disqualification.

I agree regarding nevouse dogs, if they can cope with all the dogs barking, the traps banging ect i'm sure a few owners shouting won't put them off.
thought it was time I put my two penny worth. I cannot see why people get their knickers in such a twist about shouting for your dog. I think it adds to the fun/excitement. In my experience calling my dogs when out in the field usually results in him going in the opposite direction, not exactly the desired effect!!

Besides, if anyone wants a quiet afternoon perhaps they should try the local library !!
I agree with Carmel :thumbsup: , Mark :eek: And Lesley ;) .....Lets make peddie Whippet racing more fun, lets rag/call them all :p
I quite agree Lesley - I've no problems with people shouting their dogs. I think Carmel may have misunderstood my meaning somewhat. I didn't mean you shouldn't be at the end to pick up your dog - I just meant you shouldn't be standing on the track, as it is dangerous for the dogs. The WCRA rule used to say you couldn't shout inside he perimeter fencing, but the rules have been re-written since then, and I'm not sure of the wording now. Lots of people cheer and shout from the side of the racetrack - especially when a friends dog is doing well, or the race is particularly exciting. I have shouted many a time from the sidelines, and haven't yet seen a dog freeze with terror!!! Of course my mouth isn't as big as some (sorry Mark!!!)

You say you were always told you could not go onto the track until the race had finished Carmel - that was very good advice. I have seen people dive in to pick up their dog, only to have a slower one plough into them after. A few years ago when we raced at Linton, Cathy Batten used to stand at the end, and prevent anyone from passing her until all the dogs had come to a stop - and woe betide you if you tried to get past her! :eek:
Of course my mouth isn't as big as some (sorry Mark!!!)
No need to appologies to me June? I just hope you havn't offended the person with the big mouth :huggles:
Just noticed? this is one of the few threads that has not caused an argument :p
Not had a good k9 bust up for ages have we :- "
Just give me the nod, and i'll start an argument for you  :thumbsup:   lol  :lol:
I thought that was my job Hannah ? :- "

There again I can start an argument in an empty house! :b
I'd shout encouragment for everyone to stay on topic but i'm afraid of getting banned for ragging? :oops:

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