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Hannah, your post are some times very? what does youtr last one mean?.
June Jonigk said:
The WCRA rule used to say you couldn't shout inside he perimeter fencing, but the rules have been re-written since then, and I'm not sure of the wording now.
Oh no! Not another re-write. Trouble is that nobody gets to see these rules so how are we supposed to know if we are breaking the rules or not anyway?

I have seen dogs stop a couple of times because of someone shouting from the sidelines but they were both dogs that used to stop sometimes anyway. Just proves that the dogs don't care where you shout from :)) ]
Don't you get a copy of the rules everytime it's changed?
  Don't you get a copy of the rules everytime it's changed?
As far as i'm aware it's only Club Seacretary's that get sent the rules from the WCRA and if any club member has a querie they can get the rules from the club .

I agree with what our Administrator , Nigel , posted on another thread and think that perhaps the WCRA should post a copy of the racing rules on their forum and then we might all know where we stand !! :- " ...... :cheers: .
I think that the club secretaries might get a copy of any rule changes when they happen but I'm not sure. However it's then down to the clubs to let us mere members know about rule changes and they don't quite frankly.

Any info goes into the club sec's and nine times out of ten stays there. :angry: Which in my opinion is not good enough. The club sec's should tell the members when they have rule changes etc. Particularly any changes relating to how we behave or our dogs. How can we racers know what the rules are if we aren't told.
  However it's then down to the clubs to let us mere members know about rule changes and they don't quite frankly.
Any info goes into the club sec's and nine times out of ten stays there.  Which in my opinion is not good enough.
:oops: ..Sorry Beejay !! ..I consider myself told off :eek: ....With so much to remember in both personal life and getting club things sorted out sometimes things just get forgotten about... :unsure: ..I will try harder from now on but you must remember we Club Secretary's are only human after all... :D :thumbsup: .

Well most of us are !!... :D .
BeeJay said:
I think that the club secretaries might get a copy of any rule changes when they happen but I'm not sure.  However it's then down to the clubs to let us mere members know about rule changes and they don't quite frankly.
Any info goes into the club sec's and nine times out of ten stays there.  :angry: Which in my opinion is not good enough.  The club sec's should tell the members when they have rule changes etc.  Particularly any changes relating to how we behave or our dogs.  How can we racers know what the rules are if we aren't told.
I agree with Barbara, we all should know of any rule changes, and it's upto the club secretaries to filter the info down! ;)
ddn't you get a copy earlyer this year Mr F? I remember when we descussed somthing you said you'd not bothered to read it? thats the other problem even if the secretarys do pass info down does it always get read?.
yeh once I reminded you that you had it!

I think they should have changes in bold then we only need to read the interesting bits :- "
Mark Roberts said:
I think they should have changes in bold then we only need to read the interesting bits  :- "
The changes need to be in bold so that the reader knows what's been changed. :- "

Maybe they could include pic's. :rolleyes: :wacko:
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We can talk as much as we like, but nothing will happen unless racers put pressure on the powers that be, so why not put an item on the Agenda for open discussion? Why not ask that both the Minutes of the WCRA committee meetings be posted on the Internet, (excluding the pink papers of course!), and include the request that club secs ensure that changes are also distributed via the club meetings (they could be attached to the programme couldn't they?) After all, the committee is making decisions about racing which you and I have had no input into at all. How many times have your views been sought from one of the committee prior to discussion at committee level? And how can we police the changes if we don't know what they are?
Hi Carmel, I must say I and several other if not all secretarys have been contacted in the past by the WCRA to ask how we feel about certain things so that they had a general idea of how clubs would feel about the odd things.

but it would be nice to see as many things as possible for descussion at the next talk in so as to try and sort as many things as possible, unfortunatly the talk in's are often very poorly supported by club reps (I was 1 last time due to the Ruby shamefull I know!) so I think racers also need to contact their club secs and make sure that at least 2 members from each club are at the reps meetings to make it worth it and to get a good representation on the feelings of all club, otherwise whats the use of the WCRA going to the trouble of having them!
>Hi Carmel, I must say I and several other if not all secretarys have been contacted in the past by the WCRA to ask how we feel about certain things so that they had a general idea of how clubs would feel about the odd things.

And the club secs then tell whom about it? Oh yes I know their friends and in most cases NOT the rest of the club members. As always in peddie racing things are kept to the select few or to put it another way the people who spring to mind or get bumped into at the right time.

As for members going to the WCRA talk in's as representative members. Well the same thing applies. Only the secs and associates of the secs need even think about it. Although Gloucester reps last year and the year before asked members what their views were before going. How many other clubs bothered to do this?

Some clubs don't even bother thinking about going. Comments like oh we're not going ourselves so I didn't think anyone would be interested springs to mind. Presumably because some officials aren't interested then they believe that their members aren't either.

Members can't ask about being a rep at the WCRA talk-in or say what their views are if they don't even know that the meeting happens. I'd been going whippet racing for 3 years before I even knew that there was a WCRA talk-in. Because of the way that peddie whippet racing is unless you know certain people you are out of the information loop it doesn't get filtered down at a lot of clubs.
Hi BJ, I think I speak for most clubs when I say that for the reps meeting the best people to attend are the Chairman, Secretary, Race Manager the last 2 being the most important.

the reason I say that it because most Secretarys/racing managers are dealing with members week in week out and know what their members would like to see changed.

those officials are voted in to look after the interest of the clubs and thats why they are normaly the ones who attend talk in's.

after a talk in I tend to ad the descussed things to the newsletters so everyone knows whats been descussed.

but from your reply you seem to have a real downer on officials?
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Hi , I must admit that I have yet to attend a WCRA talk-in... :eek: ....Does anyone know when the next one is

but from your reply you seem to have a real downer on officials?
Hopefully not all officials............ :wacko:
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I'm sure there would be a much better communication flow both from racers to the WCRA and from the WCRA to the racers if the racers were actually members of the WCRA.

The way it's set up at the moment where the WCRA really only talks to club officials (secretary) and racers should communicate with the WCRA via the club secretary is outdated. With the ease of communication available to everyone today I think that the present structure no longer works effectively. (w00t)
I agree Nigel, thats were I think BJ is pointing at as the WCRA only deal with Club officials.

but it's suprising how many people think they are members of the WCRA? the WCRA doesn't actually have any members only a committee to over see the running of it.

it's up to Secretary's to make info available and for members to activly find out whats going on and not sit back expeting Secretary's ect to run round after them. (it's a 2 way thing.)
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I don't think Beejay has a downer on officials at all MArk. Ahhhh.... your so sensitive :wub:

What she is saying is right - I've been moaning about it for years but have just been told that the WCRA talks to clubs, not people, and that it is our fault for not electing better secretaries!! But..... no matter how good the intentions of the secretaries, they are only human and are only doing the job voluntarily as are the WCRA committee and lets face it - it's hard enough to get anyone to do these jobs. Obviously blame doesn't lie in just one place.

I think the fault lies with the system and that the WCRA could pass on information more effictively if it communicated directly with the racers rather than through club secretaries. Yes, in theory it should work but the fact is it doesn't. Maybe when the WCRA was founded it was the best way but in these days of easy communications I think a lot more could be done.
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