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Karen said:
dessie said:
mikadene said:
Why though do Whippets have to move so fast. One can see just the same at a slower speed in fact more at times than running round the ring.
Don't know about others but I show mine at the appropriate pace for each dog. I have two long striding, forward going ones (1 dog, 1 bitch) who will pace if I do not go at their natural speed, which is an extended trot that I cannot keep up with by walking, so it would be pointless me strolling round the ring with them. IMO you should go at the speed that suits your particular dog and there is nothing worse than seeing a dog that wants to go faster being throttled to the point that it cannot swallow by its handler who thinks that the best way to control it is by creeping round the ring with the dog strung up on a fine chain!

Yes agree with Dessie here. I cannot keep up with my dogs walking they need to be gaited in the ring in a way that is comfortable for them. If I had a dog that looked better at a slower speed then I would adjust my speed for that dog. Frodo wants to throw his legs forward and cover the ground front and rear. Many a good dog IMO has been spoiled by tugging them back and making them clop along. Which is why I put presentation in the list.

Personally,and this is just my thrupenny bits worth,I think they are "running dogs" and therefore should be shown as such. ;) Anyhow my dogs all dictate their own pace at which they are most comfortable and that is fine with me! :D
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mikadene said:
That I can agree with to some degree, but how many times have you seen dogs moving far too fast for a comfortable gait for the dog.
Then the handlers are not very good in that case and don't know their own dog!!

They are not natural gaiters and when the ring goes round most handlers seem to think they have to keep up with the one in front or they will be penalised.

I dislike this term 'gaiting', we are English not American and we move dogs in this country!!  Some dogs cover more ground than others on the move so it is equally frustrating to have a dog like that and keep getting held up by the biddy in front who can hardly hobble round the ring with her dog going at the same pace!!

When Judging I ask my handlers  to slow down for at least one round so I can see natural movement. Then off they race again

Hope I never enter under you then cos I will go at the pace for my dog whether you like it or not!!!  All my dogs are shown at their natural speed.  I pay to enter shows and figure that gives me the right to show/move my dog to its best advantage. 

mikadene said:
Karen said:
dessie said:
mikadene said:
Why though do Whippets have to move so fast. One can see just the same at a slower speed in fact more at times than running round the ring.
Don't know about others but I show mine at the appropriate pace for each dog. I have two long striding, forward going ones (1 dog, 1 bitch) who will pace if I do not go at their natural speed, which is an extended trot that I cannot keep up with by walking, so it would be pointless me strolling round the ring with them. IMO you should go at the speed that suits your particular dog and there is nothing worse than seeing a dog that wants to go faster being throttled to the point that it cannot swallow by its handler who thinks that the best way to control it is by creeping round the ring with the dog strung up on a fine chain!

Yes agree with Dessie here. I cannot keep up with my dogs walking they need to be gaited in the ring in a way that is comfortable for them. If I had a dog that looked better at a slower speed then I would adjust my speed for that dog. Frodo wants to throw his legs forward and cover the ground front and rear. Many a good dog IMO has been spoiled by tugging them back and making them clop along. Which is why I put presentation in the list.

That I can agree with to some degree, but how many times have you seen dogs moving far too fast for a comfortable gait for the dog. They are not natural gaiters and when the ring goes round most handlers seem to think they have to keep up with the one in front or they will be penalised. This does happen in some judges minds from conversations I have had with them. For a dog not to keep up with the crowd means it can't cut the chase so to speak.

Not sure who you have been talking to but most people I know move thier dog at the speed they think best for it. which is why Dessie says she has to wait.

It happens in all breeds not just whippets. Probably far more in GSDs

When Judging I ask my handlers to slow down for at least one round so I can see natural movement. Ditto Dessie, you would be out of luck here with a lot of people

Then off they race again . The best time for me to observe movement is when a dog first enters the ring. Whilst the handler is sorting themselves out, this is where one see natuaral movement of a dog. Skilfull handlers can hide a multitude of problems but not when they are putting their ring numbers on lol.

I don't think speed dictates how far a dog throws it's front legs fwd. It's the angulation that dictates this.

If a dog is moved too slow it doesnt have the chance to throw its legs forward because of the constraints of the lead.

Also at speed a dog can seem to throw it's legs fwd but when looking closer it is moving the shoulder fwd and not the upper arm. My usual method of evaluation is to take a video of my dog moving at differing speeds and then making my mind up how to show them.

And if you videod one that needed to be moved faster?

Video is such a wonderful tool. When my son and daughter were growing up and entering in Junior handling classes it was the video I took of them handling that became a great tool in the teaching process. One is 32 and the other is 28 and both can handle better than I now lol.


Karen said:
dessie said:
mikadene said:
Why though do Whippets have to move so fast. One can see just the same at a slower speed in fact more at times than running round the ring.
Don't know about others but I show mine at the appropriate pace for each dog. I have two long striding, forward going ones (1 dog, 1 bitch) who will pace if I do not go at their natural speed, which is an extended trot that I cannot keep up with by walking, so it would be pointless me strolling round the ring with them. IMO you should go at the speed that suits your particular dog and there is nothing worse than seeing a dog that wants to go faster being throttled to the point that it cannot swallow by its handler who thinks that the best way to control it is by creeping round the ring with the dog strung up on a fine chain!

Yes agree with Dessie here. I cannot keep up with my dogs walking they need to be gaited in the ring in a way that is comfortable for them. If I had a dog that looked better at a slower speed then I would adjust my speed for that dog. Frodo wants to throw his legs forward and cover the ground front and rear. Many a good dog IMO has been spoiled by tugging them back and making them clop along. Which is why I put presentation in the list.

When i show Archie - I know he is not the most enthusiastic show dog :blink: but walking is best for him anyway - but with my dads pup he is really long and really drives and has a long pace so I tend to 'jog' just enough to keep up with him.

Only think I object too is that once I was placed VHC in a class just because he wasn't enthusiatic enough - the judge said if he had been he would have been at the top of the line up!
Hope I never enter under you then cos I will go at the pace for my dog whether you like it or not!!!  All my dogs are shown at their natural speed.  I pay to enter shows and figure that gives me the right to show/move my dog to its best advantage. 

Wow that was straight talking and hitting below the belt, but hey no matter. I don't think there is the slightest chance that you will enter under me in the ring. Firstly I have given up wasting money judging, I have given prize money to all the shows I have judged in the last 35 years. For the last 15 years it has been about £100 unless the committee don't want it. Some have gone home with alot of cash in their pockets. I have always said when Judging becomes distastfull then I'll pack it in. My last show I got flack because I didn't put up the dogs some thought I should have done. I did my own thing and put the best on the day up in my own mind. Couldn't stop laughing to tell the I always thought the judge was the boss in the ring, seems I am wrong again lol. I keep learning all the time lol. I have judged this breed quite a few times as well as other breeds and I used to love judging, but lately there is more back stabbing especially in gsd's , so I just turn them down now. My last one was the GSD breed club show.

Many thanks for the education , I sure need it. :huggles:
dessie said:
mikadene said:
Why though do Whippets have to move so fast. One can see just the same at a slower speed in fact more at times than running round the ring.
Don't know about others but I show mine at the appropriate pace for each dog. I have two long striding, forward going ones (1 dog, 1 bitch) who will pace if I do not go at their natural speed, which is an extended trot that I cannot keep up with by walking, so it would be pointless me strolling round the ring with them. IMO you should go at the speed that suits your particular dog and there is nothing worse than seeing a dog that wants to go faster being throttled to the point that it cannot swallow by its handler who thinks that the best way to control it is by creeping round the ring with the dog strung up on a fine chain!

I am not talking about showing dogs at their comfortable speed, but showing them at the maximum speed the handler can make it around the ring :D . I am not sure how correct it is but i have heard that over there in UK you are showing your dogs at lot slower pace, some even walking. Therefore, when UK judge is judging here, even the people who normally run fast, slow down somewhat. When i am in the ring with the fast guys, I just cut the corners so I am not left behind. Although my girls would keep up easilly, I cannot anymore I am afraid. :(
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I dislike this term 'gaiting', we are English not American and we move dogs in this country!! Some dogs cover more ground than others on the move so it is equally frustrating to have a dog like that and keep getting held up by the biddy in front who can hardly hobble round the ring with her dog going at the same pace!!

Now this thread has turned nasty and personal I am out of it. I know I can never talk or debate when someone thinks like this. One day we will all be old, and to call them for not being able to move as spritely as yourself I think is not a nice thing to say. I respect these older exhibiters as I think they have more knowledge that they have forgotten than you or I have ever learned. Personal attacks on a group of people is just the same as a personal attack on me. I brushed off the one about me not moving fast enough as banter. I'll try and get to the back of the lineup so as not to hold you up in future.
mikadene said:
QuoteI dislike this term 'gaiting', we are English not American and we move dogs in this country!!  Some dogs cover more ground than others on the move so it is equally frustrating to have a dog like that and keep getting held up by the biddy in front who can hardly hobble round the ring with her dog going at the same pace!!

Now this thread has turned nasty and personal I am out of it. I know I can never talk or debate when someone thinks like this. One day we will all be old, and to call them for not being able to move as spritely as yourself I think is not a nice thing to say.  I respect these older exhibiters as I think they have more knowledge that they have forgotten than you or I have ever learned.  Personal attacks on a group of people is just the same as a personal attack on me. I brushed off the one about me not moving fast enough as banter. I'll try and get to the back of the lineup so as not to hold you up in future.

I don't see anything personal or nasty in the quoted comment. It's a statment that she dislikes the term and explains why. In discussions about crates, many people state in simiar terms that they hate the term crates - "let's call them what they are 'cages'" and this highlighted comment is very much in the same vein. It certainly doesn't come across even remotely personal - just a difference in how terms are used.

I have to say that the term gaiting isn't really used here - I heard it used in the States (having just come back from the US Whippet National), but I've never heard it used in relation to showing whippets here. It doesn't bother me, but it did sit a bit funny the first time I read it just because it isn't a term we tend to use. The poster was just expressing that and expanding on the words and terms they would use and why it bothers them.

Now everyone put the water pistols down and play nice :cheers: .

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mikadene said:
QuoteI dislike this term 'gaiting', we are English not American and we move dogs in this country!!  Some dogs cover more ground than others on the move so it is equally frustrating to have a dog like that and keep getting held up by the biddy in front who can hardly hobble round the ring with her dog going at the same pace!!

Now this thread has turned nasty and personal I am out of it. I know I can never talk or debate when someone thinks like this. One day we will all be old, and to call them for not being able to move as spritely as yourself I think is not a nice thing to say.  I respect these older exhibiters as I think they have more knowledge that they have forgotten than you or I have ever learned.  Personal attacks on a group of people is just the same as a personal attack on me. I brushed off the one about me not moving fast enough as banter. I'll try and get to the back of the lineup so as not to hold you up in future.

Thats why I like to be at the back :- " then I aint holding any one up while I wait for the `old biddy` in front of me to waddle round :oops:

We pay £20.00 plus to show our dogs for about 3 mins in the ring (w00t) , and if we cant show our dogs to the best of their ability without someone being too slow in front of us ,then they they should either get a handler or go to the back . :- "

If Im unlucky enough to get a slowmover in front of me I just hold back until such time as I know I will be able to move my dog to advantage . Its as simple as that .

I respect these older exhibiters as I think they have more knowledge that they have forgotten than you or I have ever learned.

Speak for yourself

I completely disagree with you there :eek:

Just because they are older dosnt mean A) they have more knowledge about whippets

B) or even been showing that long ,

Age dosnt mean experiance you know ;)

this isnt personall ,,just a statement of fact
JAX said:
If Im unlucky enough to get a slowmover in front of me I just hold back until such time as I know I will be able to move my dog to advantage . Its as simple as that .

When I started to be interested in showing one of the first things i learned about ring etiquette was to try keeping up with the dog in front of you, and under no circumstances to run too close. If you want to run faster you run "along the ropes", if you (or your dog) need to go slower run in smaller circle cutting corners, that gives the people behind you chance to run as fast as they want. :)
What great points you all make :thumbsup: , but each dog gets a turn to strutt its stuff when the judge has a look at the movement after they have been over the dog on the table. This is the time when you get to move at your own pace and make the most of this, and if you impress the judge enough well.... they will take it from there. I've found here in Oz that if someone in front of you is slow then wait for them to get going, then move off.

Well it seems that handling was well done the list when this poll was started, but I think that some people need to edit their post to put it at the top of their list. To get whippets to gallop around the ring to see who gallops the fastest " thats called racing ", "gaiting" a term used here for Standard Bred Horses " Pacers ".

Lets look at what we do ... it's the glamour end of things to do with the breed, dress up and present the "Best Of Breed" on the day and to go on and Try and get Best In Show. We have a Breed Standard which we judge our dogs by, but no handling standard. This is what makes this hobby what it is. At the end of the day some win and some don't, but there is always next week. How sad it would be if we all thought the same and handled the same, plus we all pay the same money to show on the day, and handle the best we can. :D :D :D
parnew said:
that some people need to edit their post to put it at the top of their list. To get whippets to gallop around the ring to see who gallops the fastest " thats called racing ",

(w00t) :D Let me assure you that was a joke! :D

But i do think it would be interesting to have to prove that our dogs can gallop fast. it is done in some countries ( France), show dogs must be able to run at certain speed to have their championship ratified. They just have to attend some training and then race their dogs to get a certificate stating how fast they can run.

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