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Stud Dogs


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One of my favourite topics and was talking to Alison at weekend about the breeding revolving around the same stud dogs.

Sorry to use you as an example Lyndon but you've just rhymed off the exact list that springs to my mind and i'm sure the owners of these stud dogs won't mind me mentioning their dogs but i quote you.

I have nothing against any of the dogs mentioned, Just Friends & Oscar have been two of my favourite racing dogs and have fabulous qualities that i can see people would find appealing both have proved in a handful of litters that they are excellent stud dogs but it seems it's the same handful of dogs continually being used.

We saw the same with Marillion a few years ago and it seemed every other dog was sired by him, there must be other good dogs out there being totally forgotten about and i really applaud anyone who uses something different, if nothing but to add different blood.

This is in no means a dig at anyone using these brilliant dogs but are we going to find ourselves stuck with very inbred dogs in a few years? Is it any wonder that greyhound blood is continually being brought into our lines when the gene pool is becoming so small?

Is it that people think their dogs won't get used so they don't bother to put them to stud? In which case people might not approach the owner.

I've just looked at the matings that have taken place this year and only 8 new sires have been used, those have only had 1 lining each and one was a greyhound.

Your thoughts please...................................
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Something else that is a great concern for me, if someone used a dog of mine would be the welfare of the pups & where they ended up, maybe i'm just soft or maybe a lot of other people think the same and this is why they don't put their dog "out there"??
Maybe if the stud register in whippet news was used a little more like it used to be when we had 3 pages at the back with stud adverts people may see something a little different that they may possibly use. I realise it is still in use but is very sparce now to what it used to be. Get your dogs advefrtised and maybe they will get some bitches and bring in different lines again.
Ditto said:
Maybe if the stud register in whippet news was used a little more like it used to be when we had 3 pages at the back with stud adverts people may see something a little different that they may possibly use.  I realise it is still in use but is very sparce now to what it used to be.  Get your dogs advefrtised and maybe they will get some bitches and bring in different lines again.
For some reason people no longer bother, beginning to think after another conversation if it's down to people with bitches taking advantage of the families with the stud dogs and just turning up at last minute & giving them no prior warning. Or maybe it's the cost of advertising their dogs?

I've asked again about the possibility of having a "dog feature" on the non ped section, not necessarily an advertisement but just anyone who wouldn't mind their dogs being used doing a quick run down on their qualities and race achievements, that way the do gooders can't complain our dogs are being advertised as such.

Would people be interested in that?
it's been like that for a long time now vicky, tyrone was used so much bitches missed to him in the end,dreaam vision was used a lot because of what he had won compared to marillion, then everbody used marillion after he started to produce class dogs. and it's the same now wor john is being used because of what he has produced. the next one will be just friends.


plus there is'nt the amount of dogs about now as there was 25+ years ago ,there was a bigger selection just take a look at the stud register in an old whippet news,if anyone as one might be a good idea to scan it and post on here so the new racers can see for themselves. :thumbsup:
Using the "Lyndon example" again (sorry Lyndon I can assure you we're not picking on you) I think this could be the reason that dogs aren't being put to stud. I'm sure if I were a dog owner and some very good dogs were already being heavily used as "favoured" stud dogs then I would probably be thinking,

"if I advertise my dog at stud nobody will use him as they will want the popular ones, and people might criticise, I might show myself up"

I remember when we used Viv's Quest he had not had many bitches and someone said to me, "why have you used him, he's not thrown anything ?" ... my reply, just simply ... "YET".

Getting a "quality" mating is not always simply a case of picking the dog that's thrown the best, it's picking a dog that suits your bitch best. A little research, trial and error and a hell of a lot of luck. :luck:

If I want to use a dog at stud I will just go and ask, that's how I got the mating with A Kinda Pleasure to Moany Moany, and how I made sure everything was alright with the dog I have chosen to use on Connor's Legacy in a few years :thumbsup: . Also the matings to Red Ranger with Connor's Lass :wub: .

Don't be shy bitch owners, if you look on the databases and you see a line you like that is represented in a dog today the just go and ask the owner, the worst they can say is no thankyou. :unsure: Just because a dog isn't advertised doesn't mean it's owner wouldn't give it a shot at mating a bitch.

Also remember, there are some dogs out there (recent example 3xSup Rch Little Bill) that are kept on a hell of a top form, there are other dogs out that will finish 2nd place to these top dogs week in week out it doesn't mean they should be ruled out as potential stud dogs, your bitch could have that little bit of something that is needed to improve the line enough to get right up there at the top.

Breeding isn't always best to best, generation after generation. Work carefully at it and it can be about improve, improve, improve until you produce the best. That's how it all started out :thumbsup: .

Fleesh (who is climbing off her soap box and filling up her wine glass).
Aaaand as usual I seem to have brought the topic to a close :- "
Absolute classic example of a fantastic dog never or hardly used has to be Kirby!! Great dog, shame he wasn't used more!

I tend to think it has a lot to do with where the dog is located as to how much it is used! E.g. 2 Become one sired quite a few litters down south, but hardly any up north, with the cost of petrol etc I think the top stud dogs are all geographically desirable to the majority of racers.
I hope someone will use OB2 at stud, he was a hell of a bend dog and his sisters Sing for Us and Megasaurus were always impressive on the straights :cheers: .
jade scott said:
Absolute classic example of a fantastic dog never or hardly used has to be Kirby!! Great dog, shame he wasn't used more!
My god woman - were you listening to my conversation on Sunday (w00t) Scary!!!
theres been loadsa great dogs who couldn't be used with the lack of wedding tackle :D one who would have had em queuing up was slippy blue and now there seems be more and more great dogs with no bits :(
Ha no sorry I definately wasn't! Sounds like it was a good one though!
Vicky said:
jade scott said:
Absolute classic example of a fantastic dog never or hardly used has to be Kirby!! Great dog, shame he wasn't used more!
My god woman - were you listening to my conversation on Sunday (w00t) Scary!!!

I suppose it goes to show, we all know which ones the good dogs are. Just need someone with the "right bitch" to start the ball rolling :D

Another thought, how many bitch owners out there are nervous that if they don't use the most popular stud dogs nobody will want their pups :- " .
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Not relevant now but does anybody know if Lex go crazy had all of his tackle / wouldn't mate? I always thought he was a brilliantly bred dog, only real decendant of the kissy fur line- Kiss n tell & Razamatazz!
Must admit it does make me sad when I go looking back on the databases, find a very old line I like and that seems to have produced some quality progeny in one generation or another, only to trace it forwards 2 generations or so only to be hit with a dead end :( .

I would have like to see Coral mate a few more bitches (Connor's Lass would have been on his list), only I remember Steve/Karen mentioning that he was not available to stud. It's not only down to bitch owners but down to the preference and choices of dog owners as to whether a dog is used at stud or not.
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Fleesh said:
Vicky said:
jade scott said:
Absolute classic example of a fantastic dog never or hardly used has to be Kirby!! Great dog, shame he wasn't used more!
My god woman - were you listening to my conversation on Sunday (w00t) Scary!!!

I suppose it goes to show, we all know which ones the good dogs are. Just need someone with the "right bitch" to start the ball rolling :D

Another thought, how many bitch owners out there are nervous that if they don't use the most popular stud dogs nobody will want their pups :- " .

Errrr not me coz i never want to part with any anyway and if it means keeping the full litter then so be it. I purposely used something that was unproven and am very happy with the results.
jade scott said:
Not relevant now but does anybody know if Lex go crazy had all of his tackle / wouldn't mate? I always thought he was a brilliantly bred dog, only real decendant of the kissy fur line- Kiss n tell & Razamatazz!
Ahhhhhh (w00t) This is getting more scary by the minute!! Another dog that got mentioned :lol:
Vicky said:
Fleesh said:
Vicky said:
jade scott said:
Absolute classic example of a fantastic dog never or hardly used has to be Kirby!! Great dog, shame he wasn't used more!
My god woman - were you listening to my conversation on Sunday (w00t) Scary!!!

I suppose it goes to show, we all know which ones the good dogs are. Just need someone with the "right bitch" to start the ball rolling :D

Another thought, how many bitch owners out there are nervous that if they don't use the most popular stud dogs nobody will want their pups :- " .

Errrr not me coz i never want to part with any anyway and if it means keeping the full litter then so be it. I purposely used something that was unproven and am very happy with the results.

Ditto :thumbsup:

But I'm sure there are some out there that feel pressured into selecting the dogs they do.
Fleesh said:
Ditto  :thumbsup:
But I'm sure there are some out there that feel pressured into selecting the dogs they do.

In that case they aren't honestly breeding for themselves :thumbsup:

Like Jacqui always says, at the end of the day it's you who has to live with the dogs.
Vicky- The rule great mind think alike obviously applies lol!!

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