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Theres Allways A Pratt About


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last night we decied to take the dogs to

blackpool for a strol down the prom and to look at the lights. We

were having a nice time and even took Indy allthough she was carred

in a bag as shes too smale to walk far yet.

there was a little nasty jack russel who had a go out our lot and

out of all 8 only Talula the lurcher barked back and she was still

being frendly with it she just wonted to play. As this happend a

coupe came from behined us and shouted at us THEY SHOULD HAVE


I asked why he started raving thay all ngr dog have to were muzzels

i did try to explain that There not NGR dogs and only 2 of them ever

were. That they were retire racer and were well socilaised, He

screached back again that they should all be muzzel all our dogs.

Agin tryed to explian that thet werent all greyhounds anywhy there

was a lurcher and 2 whippets. he recons its the law they were muzzels

so i again tryed to explain that all NRg dogs that are racing or

resting from nrg track but will be going back to racing must were

muzzels in public places but that does not aply to retired dogs.

He then started telling me he used to work with greyhounds up to 2

years ago and he new the rules so losing it a bit i suggested in the

nicest why that he phone bellvue up and check on the rulies and if he

liked i could send him photos of some of my dogs being walked without

muzzels in a public place buy John Gilburn(maniger of bellvue and charman of bellvue RGT) and other staff from

bellvue on last years sponsord walk.

If he had just come over and asked nicely or even spocken and said

he thought greyhounds allways had to be muzzels i would have explaine

the rules to him be he stood away from us shouting the odds down the

prome but after my last coment he shut up and walked off. All this

time his wife was tugging at him trying to get him to shut up so I

hope he gets a real ear bashing when he gets in.

Its hard enghen teaching peoepl about greyhound without pratts like

him from NRG kennels making it wores
You see the more I encounter Joe public while I'm out walking the more I think a good old F'off does the trick, you just can't tell these folk nothing! :- "
Cor - this sort of thing always seems to happens to you Wendy - but you usually have a witty put me down.

Good on yer! :D
:angry: I would have told him to P*** Off and walked away :angry:
Oh Wendy, just ignore them all ...... enjoy the rest of the stay with your gorgeous dogs - there are definitely some folks about with a tile off. :blink: :lol:
You should get a megaphone to take with you when you go out Wendy, then you can share your one-liners with everyone in the street and embarass these poor fools.
ILoveKettleChips said:
You should get a megaphone to take with you when you go out Wendy, then you can share your one-liners with everyone in the street and embarass these poor fools.

PMSL Tannoy Tony!!! :lol:
You should have sweetly said. Oh but we only need to use a muzzle when ignorant members of the public won't listen, a human muzzle that is! (w00t)
Funny isn't it - my dogs have been attacked 4 times in the last few years, firstly Brodie my Lab X - by a J. R.[SIZE=14pt]TERRIER[/SIZE], secondly Rasta, my old whippet who I lost 18 months ago was attacked TWICE by the SAME dog, a Lakeland X Patterdale [SIZE=14pt]TERRIER.[/SIZE] The first time Ras was attacked she required vets treatment, the vet said she was lucky her lung hadn't been punctured, the owner didn't give a S***. The second attack by the same dog resulted in me getting bitten as the owner had no intention of getting involved. I know I shouldn't have got my hands in but I couldn't stand there and watch 12 year old Ras being attacked. I had taken as much as I would take this time and rang them police (I had to tell them the law re; a dog dangerously out of control in a public place!) This resulted in the dog having to either be muzzled on kept on a lead at all times. The 4th attack was by a Staffordshire bull [SIZE=14pt]TERRIER [/SIZE]on my collie X Tizzy, she had to have 11 stitches in her back leg (Tizzy is so placid, she loves everything and everybody, the vet stitched her using a local, the only problem they had was they needed another nurse to hold her tail because it kept wagging in the way!!) On none of these occassions did the owners even ask how my dogs were, never mind offer to pay towards the bills (fairly hefty when added together) I don't recall any of my dogs even being threatened by a sighthound, never mind being attacked by one. If you ask me it's the terrier people who should muzzle their dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
Well the only one of mine i dont trust 100% he dosnt like some malie dogs does were a muzzel when hes off lead and hes the why he is after getting bit on all 4 legs buy a minatuer shnozer and we try and let him of in quiet places. But at the time this man was having a go all the dog were on leads and just walking down blackpool prome what were they going to do attack the iluminations the prome has a dogs on lead policy. that why we like walking there cos we know other peopel dogs arnt going to come up and have a go at our dogs cos there on leads.
One of my dogs got attacked by a litte poodle. His owner an old lady said shes just trying to play and be friendly. I stroked my dog and lifted my had up and said can you explain why my dogs now bleeding (punctured ear). She didnt apologise but lifes too short to worry about it I did explain to my daughter about 'grannies today' and how in my day they were much better behaved.
Every morning I take Wiliam out before I go to work and this litle terrier has a go at him Then at the park on Friday night an old man had a terrier of its lead and that came runing at him growling he caught it and apologised and it didn't get near to him anyway .Judging by the look on Wiliam's face he would probably lay on it and pinned it to the floor to stop it bitting him thats what he does with Rosie Blaze and Maggie when they anoy him

It seems as though the small dogs are wrse than the big ones a white long caot gsd thats usualy at the park comes to say hello then goes back to chasing sticks
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some people, eh? its not so bad if something happens by accident, these things do happen. my bitch for some unfathomable reason cannot stand the sight of westies, but most of the time i can get owners to put theirs on leads(mine is always on a lead in busy places) but the same as you with that poodle, some owners are a pest. we had an old lady with a westie who absolutely wouldnt restain it. oooh, never you mind, hes friendly...she totally ignored both my dog and her dog growling at one another. at this point my girls (amber) lead was wrapped around my hand so much i had her collar at my knuckles, and this monster was trying to get in to bite her. my oh kept placing himself in the way. we couldnt drag amber away for love nor money (staffies are strong little gits) and the lady in question sauntered off without calling hers to heel. thankfully at this point, someone we knew from walking came around the bend with her two rottie x's. i've never seen a westie run so fast! turns out the same thing had happened to her dogs with the old lady, but while our friend managed to restrain one of her dogs, the other had a pop back. :( .

some dogs have a reputation, but i prefer to go on individual behavior. its all in how you treat and raise them, not their origins. i knew a labrador that had to be pts after he 'turned' after his first mating, and a rottie that if you wanted to, who'd let you jump on him repeatedly

joe public need to be informed by people in the know, as the media gives an unfairly biased image of all dogs in general :angry: slandering wonderful breeds indiscriminately
oakmoorehill said:
          It seems as though the  small dogs are worse than the big ones
Definitely, and they hate big dogs. Walking my Great Danes used to be a nightmare, we were attacked by small monsters regularly. :rant: Their owners did nothing, while I tried to keep my dogs from biting back. :rant:

When I was about 9 months pregnant (couple of days overdue), I walked our 2 dogs down the street and this little JRT came flying at us through an open gate of a terrace house. I had my dogs on very short leash and held their heads up. The JRT leapt up. attached itself to one of my dog's throat and , hanging there, try to shake her. (w00t) She was not too pleased and I thought if she will manage to get it she will kill it. Not that I would blame her. As I was desperately struggling to hold my dogs with one hand and remove the JRT with the other when a man came out of the house, leant against a door jamb and said proudly;” Isn’t he a brave little fella!" :rant: (w00t) At which point I held my dogs at arms lengths, kicked the JRT as hard as i could and it lost it's grip and flew off. Thankfully he also got bit winded, and I was able to sprint down the road. (w00t)
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i told him he was a efin dic head i could not bite my tongue as well as wendy i did start to say "that yorkie should have a muzzle" at the top of my voice so he could hear me and i think i said if he did not shut it he would be wearing a muzzle and my foot in his groin area he was a complete idiot prob did a few months at belle vue and thaught he knew it all and i dont think he had seen a grey off the track or lived with one

people with small dogs just dont realise how close they come to being pulverised by the larger dogs... if a big dog had the temperament of a terrier it would be p0ut down for being aggressive.. whereas a terrier is "cor hes feisty for a littlun"

peony is going to kill me for saying this but I hate JRT....... not as much as Yorkies but its close
20 mins ago i watched our nupty of a nabour set his jrt x yorky(could there be anything worse) on my other nabours 18 year old cat shouting go on gizzmo have it and then said to his frend hes a fisty little bugger ant me. If i was to have got our boris out and said go on boris have it and set him on his dog would he have stood there saying hes a fisty big bugger ant he. this wasnt a kid thia was a 60+ man who lets his dog wonder the streets **** and s**t everywere and its S**gs everything in site animel vegitable or mineral
i saw a guy in town today with an american pit bull was growling an barking at everything going past,children,people dogs etc.he was bragging how tough it was and how much hed paid for it.he was also bragging how much money he was going to make from breeding it.i thought pit bulls couldnt be bred in this country but he said they can.they have to be registered with the police and muzzled in public.he had a small child with him and i said to him youre gonna have probs with him later on.ha!not me he said i know how to bring up a dog.he then proceeded to tell me how it was all a matter of leathering the dog and letting him know whos boss. :( i despair,i really do
We took Dylan (our whippetx) to the park a couple of evenings ago, and a patterdale terrier, muzzled but offlead, tore straight at him and started making murderous noises and jumping at him! not surprisingly, Dyl flattened it, and stupid owner is calling, oh she's alright, she cant bite she's got a muzzle on! Didn't seem to occur to him that she could get bitten though! My husband was swearing a blue streak, Dyl is fear aggressive on lead, and its taken us six months to get him to walk quietly when he sees other dogs........all undone in about three minutes, thanks you stupid bloke. Our Dyl hates Westies too lalena, any white dogs, come to that........shame really, as my son's fiancee owns a Westie and it'll be coming to stay at Christmas! (w00t)

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