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Rosie our 10 week old whippet puppy is doing amazing she has taken to training and loves it. It seems to chill her. I am new to the clicker training myself but we both seem to have got it. We are also using the dog whistle to recall which she seems to have taken too also. This may all change when she has her second injection on Saturday and we venture out into the big wide world. House training is also going very well she jump up at the door to go out for a wee and a poo and loves playing in the garden. Having said all this the chewing is driving my crazy. Sorry for the long post just wanted all the other people on here who are having issues with their puppies there is light at the end of the tunnel. I hope everyone had a merry Christmas and fingers crossed we all have a better new year.
She is absolutely adorable, and clearly a smart cookie. Best wishes for a happy 2021 to you too.
There should be a warning on posts that show puppy pics.

Go on send her up to Yorkshire to come and stay with me. It can't resist a pointy face.
She is so beautiful.

Don't get agitated about the chewing - just give her safe things to chew, and barricade all the unsafe things. All pups chew - they have to - so see it as a phase rather than letting it annoy you. We can advise further if you want.
Hi Hemlock would appreciate it she is chewing shoes, slippers our hands she has ripped wallpaper off in my living room. Anything she can get her mouth round she chews it.

We are in Yorkshire.
Hi Hemlock would appreciate it she is chewing shoes, slippers our hands she has ripped wallpaper off in my living room. Anything she can get her mouth round she chews it.

We are in Yorkshire.

You could go and meet up with the Yorkshire whippet racing club. They have a wealth of knowledge on whippets. They race for fun on Sundays, the dogs love it.
Put away or fence off everything you don't want chewed. Get plastic pipes from the hardware shop and protect your furniture legs and electric cables with them.

At the same time, supply lots of safe things to chew e.g. big raw vegetables, cardboard if you can trust pup not to swallow it (most whippets are far too precious to swallow anything but the best food, but still...) beware of pet shop chews which are frequently from far-off countries that don't care about using toxic chemicals and colourings, but raw chicken wings from the butcher/supermarket are great. I can get beef trachea and venison or lamb ribs with a decent covering of meat, so maybe you can too.

Major chewing phases are when the second teeth are bedding into the gums, and usually another phase at around 10 months old, but varies from dog to dog.

Have a look at our pinned thread on games that occupy the mind (and pleasantly tire out pups and grown dogs). Even puppies only have so much chew in them. Keep telling yourself: "This too shall pass" and make sure you have plenty of wine/cake/chocolate for those times when only these will lift your exhaustion.
Thank you so much that is great advice and I will definitely try some of these ideas never thought about raw vegetables. We have an allotment so have a good supply plus I know they have not been treated with anything. Wine and cake sound good too I think I may need some of them.
Hi all quick update she loves chewing on raw carrot that is a brilliant idea and I have ordered her 2 puzzle balls which should arrive tomorrow. We have tried hiding treats but she just can not get that yet. We are also throwing the ball for her to fetch and that helps for a little while.
Thank you all also injection went ok but the vet said to not to take her out yet give her another week at home them she will be 12 week we are happy to do that.
she loves chewing on raw carrot
To make it a little more challenging you could put the raw carrot in the freezer before feeding. That's also soothing when she is teething.
We also got a few yak milk bars for when the frozen carrots did not pass muster. I think it might be recommended to wait until 12 weeks for them so double check? Also the middle bit of toilet rolls filled with scrunched up paper (we use Who Gives a Crap which each come wrapped so thats perfect) and something like a gravy bone hidden in the middle of the paper. I think its the noise of the paper as much as anything that she loves.

Oh yes and finally my sister came to visit on xmas day WITHIN THE RULES DONT SHOP ME and bought a bottle of veuve cliquot (sp?), I can confirm the box has provided hours of chewing entertainment for our apparently very posh dog.
Another advantage of Who Gives a Crap loo roll is that if you upgrade to the limited edition, it provides endless entertainment for humans too....

Hi all quick update she loves chewing on raw carrot that is a brilliant idea and I have ordered her 2 puzzle balls which should arrive tomorrow. We have tried hiding treats but she just can not get that yet. We are also throwing the ball for her to fetch and that helps for a little while.
Thank you all also injection went ok but the vet said to not to take her out yet give her another week at home them she will be 12 week we are happy to do that.
Hi whinpin, whats a puzzle ball? Im trying to entertain my nearly 12 week old boxer pup which is prooving more difficult so any suggestions welcomed. I tried her with carrot she just barked at it
Another advantage of Who Gives a Crap loo roll is that if you upgrade to the limited edition, it provides endless entertainment for humans too....

Do you think maybe you are getting into Scrabble a little too much?

[QUOTE Im trying to entertain my nearly 12 week old boxer pup which is prooving more difficult so any suggestions welcomed. I tried her with carrot she just barked at it[/QUOTE]

Get on the floor and play with the carrot yourself. She'll copy you. Might take more than one session.
[QUOTE Im trying to entertain my nearly 12 week old boxer pup which is prooving more difficult so any suggestions welcomed. I tried her with carrot she just barked at it

Get on the floor and play with the carrot yourself. She'll copy you. Might take more than one session.[/QUOTE]
Ha ha ill give it a go!! Any excuse to act the fool with her
Put away or fence off everything you don't want chewed. Get plastic pipes from the hardware shop and protect your furniture legs and electric cables with them.

At the same time, supply lots of safe things to chew e.g. big raw vegetables, cardboard if you can trust pup not to swallow it (most whippets are far too precious to swallow anything but the best food, but still...) beware of pet shop chews which are frequently from far-off countries that don't care about using toxic chemicals and colourings, but raw chicken wings from the butcher/supermarket are great. I can get beef trachea and venison or lamb ribs with a decent covering of meat, so maybe you can too.

Major chewing phases are when the second teeth are bedding into the gums, and usually another phase at around 10 months old, but varies from dog to dog.

Have a look at our pinned thread on games that occupy the mind (and pleasantly tire out pups and grown dogs). Even puppies only have so much chew in them. Keep telling yourself: "This too shall pass" and make sure you have plenty of wine/cake/chocolate for those times when only these will lift your exhaustion.

Most appreciate your ideas. We feed our whip/saluki cross puppies a raw diet but wonder at what age they are safe to be given raw chicken wings or other raw bones? Many thanks for thoughts on this b

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