I have bred several litters of lurchers. I weaned my pups straight onto a mixture of raw mince and chicken wings. You'd be amazed how they crunch them up even with baby teeth. It was absolutely heartwarming to sit with them, pup on each foot, couple on my lap, others arranged closely around me, all munching up their chicken wings. I would also let them have a huge raw bone to gnaw on under supervision.
If you are nervous about the chicken wings fed whole, bash them with a hammer or similar to break the bones up. But I never did, and they coped just fine. Raw beef trachea goes down well too. But always supervise.
If you are nervous about the chicken wings fed whole, bash them with a hammer or similar to break the bones up. But I never did, and they coped just fine. Raw beef trachea goes down well too. But always supervise.