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Wcra Mandatory Rules

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May I wish you a Happy New Year Carmel.Many thanks for singling out my post to pick apart, I am actually well aware of all the points you have raised and do understand the workings of the Whippet Club, I am still a member of this organisation.

I think you have missed the essence of my post. Nobody knows if rule 6 will be enforced, it does affect all of us who wish to open race and the decisions that other clubs will be taking with regard to affiliation in 2010.

"I may be restricted to Gloucester and Oxford as it stands now. Surely we have the right to know if this is the case?

Your CLUB, if it affiliated, has the right to know this. But as I understand it, Gloucester has disaffiliated, so no, it doesn't have the right to know!"

The issue has been raised during 2009 when Glos was fully paid up to the WCRA.

There isn't much point in going over every sentence you have written, it would be futile since we are clearly of different opinions, which of course we are entitled to. It is a shame that you have made this slightly personal a general response to the issues raised in the topic may have been more appropriate.
well said Joanna :thumbsup: and a happy new year to you and your family :)
Isn't it time this going round in circles stopped?
As far as I am concerned the issue is not resolved, it affects all people who intend to race at opens hosted by affiliated clubs in 2010. There needs to be a conclusive decision on RULE 6 and the WCRA should either have the rule removed from its mandatory rules or enforce it.

Frankly Ann, I think you are just arguing for argument's sake. The problems this year may not have affected you in a great way, but believe me, they have really affected people who live for the sport (and I don't include myself in that, I am more like you, an occasional racer). I have seen what has happened and feel saddened by the spilt in friendships. We have all moved on, and yes, the two organisations can run side by side. The problem arises when you may only be able to open race at a handful of clubs if you decide not to passport your dogs with the WCRA. I may be restricted to Gloucester and Oxford as it stands now. Surely we have the right to know if this is the case? It's not going round in circles, it is simply an attempt to get a straight answer to a straight question from a body who seems reluctant to disseminate information!



Well if we are restricted to running at unaffiliated clubs in 2010, you can bet your life they will be fun friendly well attended opens :teehee: and if clubs lose out on entries this year, they will be in no doubts as to what to do next year ;)


Anne isn't an open racer, so whilst it might look like we are going around in circles to her, she just really doesn't understand the importance of the issue. :*

I do understand the problem, why dosen't somebody ASK the WCRA what they intend to do?????? Surely one of you who are going on and on could ask?

They are not really known for answering any correspondence! Many of us have written letters on occasions, and we never had replies or even an acknowledgement. They are well aware of the situation, and aren't very forthcoming with their intentions. Truth is, I don't think they know what they are doing themselves! But, clubs need to know before they part with £50 a piece :D


Hmm ...... The WCRA always reply with their intentions!!!! ....Look forward to the 1st champs with my crap dogs .... :D
Isn't it time this going round in circles stopped?
As far as I am concerned the issue is not resolved, it affects all people who intend to race at opens hosted by affiliated clubs in 2010. There needs to be a conclusive decision on RULE 6 and the WCRA should either have the rule removed from its mandatory rules or enforce it.

Frankly Ann, I think you are just arguing for argument's sake. The problems this year may not have affected you in a great way, but believe me, they have really affected people who live for the sport (and I don't include myself in that, I am more like you, an occasional racer). I have seen what has happened and feel saddened by the spilt in friendships. We have all moved on, and yes, the two organisations can run side by side. The problem arises when you may only be able to open race at a handful of clubs if you decide not to passport your dogs with the WCRA. I may be restricted to Gloucester and Oxford as it stands now. Surely we have the right to know if this is the case? It's not going round in circles, it is simply an attempt to get a straight answer to a straight question from a body who seems reluctant to disseminate information!



Well if we are restricted to running at unaffiliated clubs in 2010, you can bet your life they will be fun friendly well attended opens :teehee: and if clubs lose out on entries this year, they will be in no doubts as to what to do next year ;)


Anne isn't an open racer, so whilst it might look like we are going around in circles to her, she just really doesn't understand the importance of the issue. :*

I do understand the problem, why dosen't somebody ASK the WCRA what they intend to do?????? Surely one of you who are going on and on could ask?

They are not really known for answering any correspondence! Many of us have written letters on occasions, and we never had replies or even an acknowledgement. They are well aware of the situation, and aren't very forthcoming with their intentions. Truth is, I don't think they know what they are doing themselves! But, clubs need to know before they part with £50 a piece :D


Hmm ...... The WCRA always reply with their intentions!!!! ....Look forward to the 1st champs with my crap dogs .... :D

You should do well Hannah :thumbsup: :D
Just thought I would like to comment on Carmels views I feel that she is correct in what she has said and think it was well written and consructive. As she said we are all entitled to our views and of course we wont all agree all of the time.

It makes a nice change to read something that does not contain sarcasim and personal comments about other dogs or people.

I used to love racing my dogs and had years of fun, however due to a few people in the racing world behaving like school children in the playground I will never return to racing my dogs again.

I think it is a sad state of affairs that people who were friends who shared their love of the dogs and sport on a week to week basis has now been destroyed.

And yes I dont come racing anymore but I do love my dogs and I do go with Paul to the WCRA Champs to help if I can, but still feel I am entitled to my opinion.

And the dogs I have left would prob never be the fastest on the track but I really dont care, we always enjoyed racing no matter wether we won or not, we were never trophy hunters, we never got angry or had a strop when our dogs were beaten and always had a laugh and a joke with our fellow group runners.

Happy days.

Anyway I have had my say and wont be back on here again as I have no interest in school yard comments.

By the way June to make comments about other peoples dogs in a sarcastic manner is very childish.. I have one of the dogs fom Hannahs litter and I love him to bits he is funny intelligent and extremely handsome and wouldnt change him for the world.

Regards Jo Good luck to all racers for 2010.
Just thought I would like to comment on Carmels views I feel that she is correct in what she has said and think it was well written and consructive. As she said we are all entitled to our views and of course we wont all agree all of the time.
It makes a nice change to read something that does not contain sarcasim and personal comments about other dogs or people.

I used to love racing my dogs and had years of fun, however due to a few people in the racing world behaving like school children in the playground I will never return to racing my dogs again.

I think it is a sad state of affairs that people who were friends who shared their love of the dogs and sport on a week to week basis has now been destroyed.

And yes I dont come racing anymore but I do love my dogs and I do go with Paul to the WCRA Champs to help if I can, but still feel I am entitled to my opinion.

And the dogs I have left would prob never be the fastest on the track but I really dont care, we always enjoyed racing no matter wether we won or not, we were never trophy hunters, we never got angry or had a strop when our dogs were beaten and always had a laugh and a joke with our fellow group runners.

Happy days.

Anyway I have had my say and wont be back on here again as I have no interest in school yard comments.

By the way June to make comments about other peoples dogs in a sarcastic manner is very childish.. I have one of the dogs fom Hannahs litter and I love him to bits he is funny intelligent and extremely handsome and wouldnt change him for the world.

Regards Jo Good luck to all racers for 2010.
I think we must have been reading different posts Jo. It was filled with sarcasm and caustic remarks hence my comment about wasn't it a shame to make it personal. I suppose you read it as a WCRA supporter which would, of course, make all the difference. However you look at this issue there are two sides. It is a shame and you will inevitably find yourself in a divide.

I also wish every-one a Happy New Year, but I don't think this issue is going to disappear in 2010. We await the decisions from clubs on affiliation, and the decisions of the WCRA on Rule 6.

I don't run my dogs much now Jo, but it doesn't matter to me as like you, I love them as pets first and foremost and only raced for the social and a bit of fun. Shame it isn't fun any-more, on that point I agree with you 100%.
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Just thought I would like to comment on Carmels views I feel that she is correct in what she has said and think it was well written and consructive. As she said we are all entitled to our views and of course we wont all agree all of the time.
It makes a nice change to read something that does not contain sarcasim and personal comments about other dogs or people.

I used to love racing my dogs and had years of fun, however due to a few people in the racing world behaving like school children in the playground I will never return to racing my dogs again.

I think it is a sad state of affairs that people who were friends who shared their love of the dogs and sport on a week to week basis has now been destroyed.

And yes I dont come racing anymore but I do love my dogs and I do go with Paul to the WCRA Champs to help if I can, but still feel I am entitled to my opinion.

And the dogs I have left would prob never be the fastest on the track but I really dont care, we always enjoyed racing no matter wether we won or not, we were never trophy hunters, we never got angry or had a strop when our dogs were beaten and always had a laugh and a joke with our fellow group runners.

Happy days.

Anyway I have had my say and wont be back on here again as I have no interest in school yard comments.

By the way June to make comments about other peoples dogs in a sarcastic manner is very childish.. I have one of the dogs fom Hannahs litter and I love him to bits he is funny intelligent and extremely handsome and wouldnt change him for the world.

Regards Jo Good luck to all racers for 2010.
I think you will find that Hannah made sarcastic comments about her own dogs ?

and we all love our dogs fast or slow and like yourself we enjoy our racing win or loose happy new year
I LIKE the Whippet Club. I LIKE the idea that when there is a serious problem they keep an open and unhurried mind when dealing with situations. I ADMIRE them for their fairmindedness. I APPRECIATE their determination to help people to do what they like to do with their whippets in a safe and well governed way. If you don't LIKE them you now have an alternative which was not there before. Which is a good thing. As the meerkat says, 'it's simples' you get a sticker from an affiliated club and you may race at WCRA events. :)

Carmel, i hope you are going forward for the WCRA committee, i think you will be an asset to them ;) both organisations need strong bodies of support who are passionate in their beliefs and what they feel is right for the sport, im sure your get the votes so stand for committee :thumbsup:
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Just thought I would like to comment on Carmels views I feel that she is correct in what she has said and think it was well written and consructive. As she said we are all entitled to our views and of course we wont all agree all of the time.
It makes a nice change to read something that does not contain sarcasim and personal comments about other dogs or people.

I used to love racing my dogs and had years of fun, however due to a few people in the racing world behaving like school children in the playground I will never return to racing my dogs again.

I think it is a sad state of affairs that people who were friends who shared their love of the dogs and sport on a week to week basis has now been destroyed.

And yes I dont come racing anymore but I do love my dogs and I do go with Paul to the WCRA Champs to help if I can, but still feel I am entitled to my opinion.

And the dogs I have left would prob never be the fastest on the track but I really dont care, we always enjoyed racing no matter wether we won or not, we were never trophy hunters, we never got angry or had a strop when our dogs were beaten and always had a laugh and a joke with our fellow group runners.

Happy days.

Anyway I have had my say and wont be back on here again as I have no interest in school yard comments.

By the way June to make comments about other peoples dogs in a sarcastic manner is very childish.. I have one of the dogs fom Hannahs litter and I love him to bits he is funny intelligent and extremely handsome and wouldnt change him for the world.

Regards Jo Good luck to all racers for 2010.
Jo I'm not sure what sarcastic comments you mean about Hannah's dogs - I said she should do well :unsure:

I think if you and Paul had have still been racing, you would have had a different view.

This topic was to discuss whether or not the WCRA will enforce rule 6, and whether it is worth clubs paying affiliation to be dictated to by a dwindling committee, and being told they have to accept entries from dogs which the majority of racers refuse to race with. If clubs affiliate, they agree to accept the WCRA mandatory rules, and as yet the clubs have not been told whether the WCRA will enforce rule 6. Whether you like it or not, clubs affiliating to the WCRA and accepting their rules stand to lose out on entries to their opens. It is a serious issue for clubs. Any club agreeing to run opens for WCRA passported dogs only will be running opens at a loss.

You keep spouting that there's room for both organisations - well why not let clubs decide who runs at their opens - yes Carmel - that is simples! :D and part of the reason the Nationals have been so successful - they do not dictate to clubs, they are left to run their opens, and everything else for that matter :D
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Hasn't this gone on long enough? We all know how everybody thinks on this matter. Time to draw a line and stop going over and over the same things.
OMG we are so new to this sport, just starting out with marley and to be honest if i took notice of all the comments put on this website at times, i think we would run away and start pigeon racing :D . Are people really like this, because all the people we have met are really really lovely dog loving people. i know we don't know the full story but what i am reading on this site is not what i have seen so far when we have been trialing. i just hope this gets sorted soon we are sooooo looking forward to racing our first whippet next year and just hope it is the sport we think it is. All we hope for is that our Marley races against dogs he has a chance against for his sake as much as ours.
Hi Dave - don't worry too much about all this, the choice of where to race is still yours to make, and while you are still running Marley at Harvel there won't be any problem :) Sending pm ....
OMG we are so new to this sport, just starting out with marley and to be honest if i took notice of all the comments put on this website at times, i think we would run away and start pigeon racing :D . Are people really like this, because all the people we have met are really really lovely dog loving people. i know we don't know the full story but what i am reading on this site is not what i have seen so far when we have been trialing. i just hope this gets sorted soon we are sooooo looking forward to racing our first whippet next year and just hope it is the sport we think it is. All we hope for is that our Marley races against dogs he has a chance against for his sake as much as ours.
Hi Dave - don't worry too much about all this, the choice of where to race is still yours to make, and while you are still running Marley at Harvel there won't be any problem :) Sending pm ....
Tried to edit but not fast enough! - Just to say that Harvel voted to affiliate for 2010 but in any case as we won't be hosting an Open you won't have any hard decisions to make until you go elsewhere!

Incidentally, I believe that this season will be a defining one for the WCRA and the sport. If nothing changes, and especially if the "suspects" are bred from, then I can see a rapid decline of the official body, more people leaving the sport and the divisions that have already occurred never being mended. Like I said, it's MY opinion, not a Harvel one.
I don’t normally get involved in these threads because of the personal abuse. But I must express my disappointment in June’s post. She still persists in these false accusations against my litter. She ignores all the evidence which supports the pedigree status of my litter. She seems to care little for evidence and only wants the WCRA to come up with evidence to support her prejudice. Unfortunately for her, there is no evidence to support the allegations against my litter.

I know that this litter is pedigree and I know more about it than anyone else. I am not prepared to see these dogs withdrawn from racing and accept being accused of being a cheat, liar and fraud. The campaign against them is disgraceful, because it is not based on evidence or truth. The campaign against these dogs has already damaged the sport. Unfortunately, the next person who breeds fast dogs from unfashionable parents will go through the same agony as I have had over the last year.

If June et al feels she can deflect me from racing my dogs with her bullying and false allegations she is mistaken. The Kennel Club, Whippet Club and the WCRA have accepted the Mary Lowe report which says that there is absolutely no evidence to support the allegations against the litter. I suggest racers read the reports and the answers to questions if they want know the truth about the situation. Don’t believe the stories which are circulating over the internet etc. It is not good for the sport for dogs to be banned without proper evidence. If June or anyone else has any evidence against this litter then they should pass it on to the WCRA who will investigate it. But sadly for June, no such evidence has ever been produced.

As a club secretary of a club which has decided to affiliate, I feel that Gloucester has made the decision not to affiliate and should live with the consequences. They should not feel that they have the right to bully the WCRA into rule changes to suit them. If Gloucester members want to know what the entry conditions are for Opens they should wait until they are advertised.
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Good for you, time this came out. This will no doubt lead to a load of abuse. Stand firm, there are people who know the truth.
I don’t normally get involved in these threads because of the personal abuse. But I must express my disappointment in June’s post. She still persists in these false accusations against my litter. She ignores all the evidence which supports the pedigree status of my litter. She seems to care little for evidence and only wants the WCRA to come up with evidence to support her prejudice. Unfortunately for her, there is no evidence to support the allegations against my litter.
I know that this litter is pedigree and I know more about it than anyone else. I am not prepared to see these dogs withdrawn from racing and accept being accused of being a cheat, liar and fraud. The campaign against them is disgraceful, because it is not based on evidence or truth. The campaign against these dogs has already damaged the sport. Unfortunately, the next person who breeds fast dogs from unfashionable parents will go through the same agony as I have had over the last year.

If June et al feels she can deflect me from racing my dogs with her bullying and false allegations she is mistaken. The Kennel Club, Whippet Club and the WCRA have accepted the Mary Lowe report which says that there is absolutely no evidence to support the allegations against the litter. I suggest racers read the reports and the answers to questions if they want know the truth about the situation. Don’t believe the stories which are circulating over the internet etc. It is not good for the sport for dogs to be banned without proper evidence. If June or anyone else has any evidence against this litter then they should pass it on to the WCRA who will investigate it. But sadly for June, no such evidence has ever been produced.

As a club secretary of a club which has decided to affiliate, I feel that Gloucester has made the decision not to affiliate and should live with the consequences. They should not feel that they have the right to bully the WCRA into rule changes to suit them. If Gloucester members want to know what the entry conditions are for Opens they should wait until they are advertised.

firstly id like to point out that you whole post seems like a personal attack on June, also in your opening statement you say your disapointed that june will not accept you litter to be what you claim they are? (as ive read its a stale mate and can not be poved either way).....well thats june and over 100 other racers Julia, so please dont feel the need to single her out.

the NPWRA like the WCRA are not asking for you to withdraw your dogs from racing, what the WCRA choose to do is down to them.

you also say

" But sadly for June, no such evidence has ever been produced".

or ever can be it would seem :lol:
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thats "proved" not "poved" :lol:

opps i think someone pinched my R that should read your litter, not you litter

note to myself...must read before posting
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firstly id like to point out that you whole post seems like a personal attack on June, also in your opening statement you say your disapointed that june will not accept you litter to be what you claim they are? (as ive read its a stale mate and can not be poved either way).....well thats june and over 100 other racers Julia, so please dont feel the need to single her out.
the NPWRA like the WCRA are not asking for you to withdraw your dogs from racing, they just will never ever (or any offspring from them) be able to run with the Nationals, what the WCRA choose to do is down to them.

you also say

" But sadly for June, no such evidence has ever been produced".

or ever can be it would seem :lol:
I am sorry, 'peppermint lady' but I disagree with you. All the dogs in this litter have been DNA tested including the sire and dam. The DNA tests on the sire and the dam were taken by the vet who wrote to the WCRA to confirm that he took the sample and knew the sire. Parentage has been confirmed by the Kennel Club DNA Service - FACT. Read the report and the responses to the questions! It is NOT a stalemate. The basic problem is that you will not accept any evidence which comes out to support the pedigree. The colour of the dogs is also correct - confirmed by Mary Lowe and the Kennel Club.

You have closed your minds and are not prepared to consider any evidence or able to provide any to support your false allegations. Guilty before innocent - Guilty without evidence. Some justice.
OK - some more personal stuff deleted. Please stay on topic which is the rule not the dogs.
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Well as expected, the dictatorship known as the WCRA have now stated that they are enforcing rule 6. Strange that they waited for clubs to decide on affiliation before they answered the question posed by many :lol: Lots of people and clubs have asked the question, but no one was answered until now. They have said that all affiliated clubs have to only allow dogs with valid WCRA passports to run at their opens. They will also not have the right to refuse entry to any dog with a valid WCRA passport. The WCRA are trying to kill the very clubs who have paid their money - shame on them.

Just as well there are opens open to National passport holders, as that's where most of us will be :teehee: Those clubs who can invite all pedigree dogs to run will most likely put on more opens to fill the spaces left by those who will adhere to WCRA rules :thumbsup:

Makes you laugh as the Nationals have avoided WCRA dates this year, to let who wish to race with them do so - looks like the WCRA want to stop National racers going to any of "their" clubs. It would seem that if you are affiliated, then the WCRA runs your club :angry:
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It's as it always has been. If you are affiliated to the WCRA you have the backing of the Whippet Club and the KC. As for calling it a dictatorship it is no different to the national. They have their rules as does the WCRA.

What's done is done people have voted for what they want, so it's time to let this alone and not start another lot of slagging off the WCRA.
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