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  1. W


    The loss of another great little dog with a lot of character. Who will Tony sing with now? RIP Jake, happy racing with your other little friends who have gone before you.
  2. W

    Best Dog/bitch In Last Ten Years?

    hello four dogs spring to mind for me dawns mystery and razzamatazz both untouchable for so long. and jolson and a great heavyweight hellbound brilliant on the straights and the bends how many titles accumalated between these four good dogs? just my oppinion.
  3. W

    Stud Dog's

    I have been told that Slim Shady is at stud (Viv's Finale x Mickey Mouse - litter brother to Viv's Merlin), although his owners no longer race but I think Yvonne (Hellbound) still keeps in touch. :D
  4. W

    Good Luck Paul And Alison

    I hear the Irish men are up for anything, hope you all behaved yourselves. How many hens went? Am I also right in assuming this is Paul & Alison who had Spaceman???? :luck: :luck:
  5. W

    Good Luck Paul And Alison

    Dublin is a fantastic place to party. Did you go to Shelbourne Park, I hear it's a great night out? CONGRATULATIONS :cheers: :cheers: :luck:
  6. W

    N.n.w.r.f Straight Championships 2006.

    I can see the FOR's & AGAINST for grass & sand. However, when I used to race dogs I preferred the grass (although not when the ground was rock hard in summer). This is because I saw some nasty accidents of dogs getting broken legs where they had hit the sand so hard their paws dug and they were...
  7. W

    Is Drug Testing A Waste Of Time &money

    I have to agree with Kipper Fluke. Why should people spend all that time and effort getting their dogs ready for a championship race only to be beat by a dog that does not deserve it due to it's owner simply wanting 5 minutes of glory. Why can't everyone be honest. The sport is about fun, there...
  8. W

    5, Times Racing Straight Champion

    Well done Danny. :luck: