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  1. C

    Pup Electrocuted

    glad the pups ok.... might be worth checking your fuse box is up to scratch, it should have tripped soon as it was shorted. these new 60 milliamp trips are fab, even i cant give myself a belt.... :blink:
  2. C

    Puppy Growth

    scared now! i have a 5 month beddy/whipp/grey! she's 20 inches, and good for another couple of inches. my sainted mother says they tail should stop level with the hocks, so its probably a good thing that peppers tail doesn't drag the ground any more... :blink:
  3. C

    Puppy Updates

    here is pepper, 18 weeks, nearly grown into her tree trunk legs, not yet grown into her sail like ears...
  4. C

    3 Hounds Found Hung

    the E.U has one single standard for bananas, and we have this going on in spain compared to the 18 page guidelines on catkeeping we saw last week in this country.. interesting priorities.. :rant:
  5. C

    Can The Hare Survive The Ban

    oh how i would love to see the antis falling foul of the new glorification of terrorism law...
  6. C

    Wind Problem

    are you sure its not the builder causing it? :blink:
  7. C


    £20.21 today with a quick check over, free flea jollop, wormer and a packet of puppy iams! can i be smug now? :- " this was in coventry
  8. C

    Hunting Rabbits

    I understand that people who want to hunt stand up for that but you can't do it productively by knocking down those who don't lesley its ja whose name calling.. and hijacking a perfectly straight forward thread. we all have our views and clearly very few people will change there mind (sadly)...
  9. C

    Hunting Rabbits

    as you own horses, you will be aware of the dangers of rabbits sharing land with them, possibly you will be aware that a land owner is legal obliged to control pest on that land. since it is illegal to live trap pests and release them elsewhere, how do you deal with the problem?
  10. C

    Hunting Rabbits

    dont think that adds much to the question asked or the general debate, ja. but thanks for popping in
  11. C

    Hunting Rabbits

    the guy who got done was on the land where the waterloo cup was run without permission. they used the hunting bill to do him, but it was staight forward poaching. he got a small fine. if they had used the existing laws, they could have fined 10 times as much and taken his dogs too.. i think if...
  12. C

    Our Whippet Statue...

    for any of you south cotswold types, there a card/book/gift shop in fairford market place that has 2 lovely whippety statues in the window... ;)
  13. C

    Buying A Puppy Online?

    are there forums for the breeds they sell? clearly they wont be as good as this one, but they probably should be told. i suppose its naive to think the kennel club would have a problem with them?
  14. C

    Advice Needed

    7 weeks... :blink:
  15. C

    Advice Needed

    my monster is also 9 weeks old. at 7 weeks she would come, sit and fetch(!) house training wasnt quite as good... :- " this week house training is going much better, but she 'thinks' she has discovered the option of Not Coming, Not Sitting and Not Fetching.. back to square one then.(she hasn't...
  16. C

    Pepper Not Doing Anything Bad

    in the picture? cute as a button! in the flesh?.... :blink:
  17. C

    Lure Coursing

    if you want to use pepper for the lure, i wont mind.... :- "
  18. C

    Pepper Not Doing Anything Bad

    is the absence of bad behaviour, proof of good behaviour? anyway there was a split second of pepper not peeing, chewing, old dog baiting or owner tripping today so i thought i would share the moment....
  19. C

    I've Got A Bone To Pick With You Lot!

    staffy? yep got one of them too.... anyonr know where to get cheap covers for the sofa?
  20. C

    I've Got A Bone To Pick With You Lot!

    oh no, shes no allowed on the furniture, just the walls!! (w00t)