So, why did nobody warn me what I was letting myself in for? I can imagine everyone on this site sniggering behind their hand when a 'newbie' says they are getting a whippet puppy :- " I posted pictures of Luna when I first got her, everyone said how cute she was, no warnings of what was to come though was there!! No one told me that whippets can 'talk', or about their attitude and answering back when scolded :angry: And how come she doesnt seem to grow for weeks and then overnight her legs are 3 inches longer? And where does all that food go? (when of course she decides that the best chicken, beef and vegetables I put in front of her is 'good enough') I am used to seeing nice fat puppies after their dinner, not Luna though, oh no, she still looks bloody skinny. I am sure she stores the food in her chest like some deformed hampster
And you can forget chocolate drops, Luna will do anything for an ice-cube (makes things difficult when out for a walk, your pocket gets rather damp!) which she delights in crunching up in the middle of the living room, leaving puddles of a different sort than usual (and thats another story!) My poor lurcher looks at me with hang-dog eyes, begging me to remove this whirlwind that I have brought into her life 
If I can get her to stand still long enough I will get some new pictures up, if you look close into her eyes you can see that she is possesed by the devil (w00t)
She is cute though :wub:
If I can get her to stand still long enough I will get some new pictures up, if you look close into her eyes you can see that she is possesed by the devil (w00t)
She is cute though :wub: