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Any ideas what could be wrong with my dog


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I have an 8yo GS cross who started developing problems about 5 weeks ago
Started with a cough and increased thirst,not too bad at first but after a few day thought
it was time to take him to that house of hell called the Vets, after much screaming and squirming
the Vet said it was a chest infection possibly with a touch of Kennel cough.
She prescribed a weeks course of antibiotics wnich seem to have sorted him,but a week after they
were finished he started to go dowhill.I changed to another vet as I was not happy with the old one since they were taken over by Medivet
The new vet said he probably needed a longer course of antibiotics and gave me a 2 week course.
After a week he was showing no improvement so the vet recommended he go to their hospital for
full tests which i booked for 2 days time.
Over the last week he has started to get worse,his symptoms are ..
Extreme thirst,you would not believe how much water he drinks
Increased appitite, he has times when he is desperate for food even after his main meal.
Gets very chesty with coughs and dry retching after lying down, seems worse after he has
had a lot water
He was very sick early this morning, it was just fluid , but a lot of it
Most worryingly , he is losing an awful lot of weight.
Sounds like possibly diabetes or Cushings from what I read, any opinions from members will be much appriciated.I just want to get the tests done and find out what is going on even if its bad news, I hate
seeing him suffer as he is normally such a happy dog.
Oh the poor lad. I can't help with a possible diagnosis, but will keep my fingers crossed that the tests find something fixable.
Has he had the tests yet, or are they two days from now? Do you know when the results will be available?
Booked the tests last week, this Wednesday is the earliest they can fit him in.
He will be there all day so I would hope they will be able to tell me something when
I go to pick him up.
Hopefully you will get some answers, and a plan. Please let us know.
Im sorry to hear this. I hope the tests come back with answers, Let us know how he's get on.
Monty has been for tests today, worst possible diagnosis, cardiomyopathy,his heart
is very enlarged and little can be done for him, vet thinks his max life expectancy is no more than
3 months and he could collapse and pass away at any time , all i can do now is try and make his
remaining time as happy as possible and make sure he doesnt suffer when hes near the end.
Going to ignore the vets advice of short walks only he loves his walks and if he passes away
chasing rabbits its not a bad way to go.
Going to ignore the vets advice of short walks only he loves his walks and if he passes away
chasing rabbits its not a bad way to go.

I'm sorry to hear your bad news, but absolutely agree with that. Make happy memories - give him the whole ice cream, the whole sausage roll, the whole slice of cake. Buy him new toys if that's his thing, spend hours every day chucking balls for him if that's what he wants. I hope you have many more happy days together.
thanks, hes still zonked out from the anasthetic and been bit sick
I agree with Judy. You know him best and can make his last days just as much fun as all the previous ones. So sorry for you - it's really hard for us.
Hes very miserable this morning, may be the the anasthetic,hoping we can go for a walk if he cheers up.
Horrible situation knowing he could die at any moment,cant really make plans for anything.
I sensed he was very poorly when this first started, but shocked to find out how serious and advanced his
problem was , Dogs are so good at hiding illness.
Really is a fine balance between the joy and happiness dogs and owners share and the pain of when
they have to leave you.
I am getting on in years but would like one more dog, I feel guilty about even thinking about this while
Monty is still with me but I have to face realities, I live by myself since my wife died and Monty
is my only company, I wouldnt want to live entirely on my own.
No dog can every replace him but perhaps somewhere there is a rescue dog needing a friend as much a
as I will,It would not be fair to get a pup, i could not be sure I will around for all its life.
Sorry to be downbeat but still in shock after yesterday
No need to apologise... And don't feel guilty for wherever your thoughts take you. One thing I have learnt is that whatever you feel is OK. We are here to support you if you need us.

My dog was discombobulated for a few days after sedation - I hope Monty will pick up soon.
Am sorry to hear your news.. But I can only echo all of the above, one day at a time and make each moment count, even if it's just laying with him if he's not up for more at this moment.
Please don't apologise for being understandable down, we do all understand. And contemplating adopting again, I believe is a wonderful way to honour the love you have for Monty by sharing it with another... My thoughts are with you.
Thanks for the replies, Been for a slow walk with him this morning, did us both good, he even had
a little paddle in the river.The Hospital gave me contact details of a lady who is an expert in this
condition, dont know exactly what she does but i think she is supposed to be very good at tweaking
medication to make the dogs life more comfortable and help keep them going for as long as possible.
Wont do any harm to email her.
I have contacted the cardio specialist who can scan him on Monday and give a more definitive diagnosis ,
Just hope he will be well enough to go and stay still while they scan him, they will be able to fine tune his medication
to give him the most help.He is very tired still after yesterday , been for a slow walk but not really himself hope
he picks up over the weekend
Montys meds seem to be helping him quite a lot,his cough has stopped and hes not drinking so much,
We are having lots of treat hunts and playtimes and a slow walk every day.I know hes not well and the
outcome will not be good but hes happy at the moment, such a shame there is no cure.
Going for a scan and consultation on Monday, not sure how much they can do for him,
but would be silly not to as the insurance will cover the cost and any news they give me
about him cant be worse than the vet gave me on Wednesday, hoping they can prescribe
meds to help him put on weight, he is eating really well, but not putting the weight back on
That's huge progress in a short time, so great news. Thanks for keeping us up to date - forum dogs are special to us. Knowledge is power, and once you know how the land lies, you can make the most of your future together.
So sorry to hear about Monty,,hope he gets well soon,,just make him the happiest dog in the world.
There is no need to apologise about what you are going through right now,,I hope the scan shows a bit more of his condition and the lady can help you.

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