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BWRA AGM / Testing etc etc

Apology accepted Karen :thumbsup:
cliff hanger said:
S. Rodgers said:
cliff hanger said:
cliff hanger said:
S. Rodgers said:
wild whippies said:
hellbound said:
S. Rodgers said:
Yes karen drug testing was voted out last year, dont know y but i will wanted to put it forward this year  sue

sorry sue it was not voted out all region's voted to keep drug testing

I was wondering about this because at this years BWRA Straight Champs, I noticed HFL testing packs on the table when I entered my dog and presumed that there would be drug testing following racing.

Which leads me to my next question, why ask members what their wishes are if they're not going to be granted?

jaq answer to your question, there was a member that had said he would like some tests done and they he would pay for them himself, i know this cos i took the message over the phone sue

Who was HE?

clifford hanger

And once again were did the HFL drug testing packs come from? I'm asking because if the BWRA don't have drug testing anymore why was it there for all to see :wacko:

clifford hanger

well cliff hanger r u a member of the bwra or fed, if u r y dont u like most of us put your real name to topics, well u must have been at champs to have seen them, and the bottles came from the HFL Lab and if u r not a member its really nothing to do with u is it SUE

No, I did not have to be at the champs to ask this question SUE, It was on a post on here, wild whippies said that there were on the table when she entered her dog.

So once again SUE, who asked for the drug testing and who provided the drug testing kit? believe me SUE these 2 questions are not going to be unanswered.

clifford hanger

I have found the answers to all my questions which I was seeking (w00t) ie

(1) Who phoned :b

(2) Who's dogs did they want testing :b

(3) And that the BWRA no longer drug test :(

(4) And who puts posts on here giving us a load of bulls manure.

So its back to more intresting topics for me and I will say no more on this subject,

unless you want to push your luck ;)
cliff hanger said:
cliff hanger said:
S. Rodgers said:
cliff hanger said:
cliff hanger said:
S. Rodgers said:
wild whippies said:
hellbound said:
S. Rodgers said:
Yes karen drug testing was voted out last year, dont know y but i will wanted to put it forward this year  sue

sorry sue it was not voted out all region's voted to keep drug testing

I was wondering about this because at this years BWRA Straight Champs, I noticed HFL testing packs on the table when I entered my dog and presumed that there would be drug testing following racing.

Which leads me to my next question, why ask members what their wishes are if they're not going to be granted?

jaq answer to your question, there was a member that had said he would like some tests done and they he would pay for them himself, i know this cos i took the message over the phone sue

Who was HE?

clifford hanger

And once again were did the HFL drug testing packs come from? I'm asking because if the BWRA don't have drug testing anymore why was it there for all to see :wacko:

clifford hanger

well cliff hanger r u a member of the bwra or fed, if u r y dont u like most of us put your real name to topics, well u must have been at champs to have seen them, and the bottles came from the HFL Lab and if u r not a member its really nothing to do with u is it SUE

No, I did not have to be at the champs to ask this question SUE, It was on a post on here, wild whippies said that there were on the table when she entered her dog.

So once again SUE, who asked for the drug testing and who provided the drug testing kit? believe me SUE these 2 questions are not going to be unanswered.

clifford hanger

I have found the answers to all my questions which I was seeking (w00t) ie

(1) Who phoned :b

(2) Who's dogs did they want testing :b

(3) And that the BWRA no longer drug test :(

(4) And who puts posts on here giving us a load of bulls manure.

So its back to more intresting topics for me and I will say no more on this subject,

unless you want to push your luck ;)

OH GO ON KEEP IT GOING !!!!!not much else in my boring life lets have the next thrilling installment soon !!!!!

much better than Geoff's (MR KIPPLINGS) [SIZE=21pt]TALL[/SIZE] STORIES

could look back at Mkp and his postings for inspiration if needed---now he could write a thriller ---and he did his homework i believe---

a very interested reader------and i see that the farmers are out muck spreading ------------------------====== must be time of year LOL

Make sure that you don't tread in any Steve lol or you may have to go in the

shower with you know who :D ;)

mmmm Mr Kipling that's a thought :- "
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OH!!! Geoff the thought of that shower !!!!leaves even me speechless-----



will let Karen have a look when she gets home from work!!!!!!



reopened with some of the personal stuff removed as it was complained about.

Please don't restart the same.
I am glad it was not the bit about the shower --Tony ---as was GEOFF---lol

steve :- " :thumbsup:
rodders said:
Find it hard to believe you don't want an argument Geoff as why else bring this up :wacko: but will take your word on that.
My last comments then are. Yes I do believe in drug testing.It should be done by both organisations as far as i'm concerned.As i had not been whippet racing long when your Penny was tested,I was in the naive position of listening to other peoples opinions of organisations,therefore you can understand my mistrust of results when you quite openly stated at Maltby,after Pennys test in Devon infront of witnesses I might add.That you believed the drug test was done on Penny because you were friends with Yvonne and Tony.Don't worry Geoff i've learned since then that not everybodies opinion is correct,and when I hear in future that a 'Test as come back positive for certain substances' I will take it to mean that it is below acceptable levels,unless ofcourse a ban occurs.


Karens post is absolutely right! I did think that I got the drug test at Devon because I was associating with Tony & Yvonne, but what she didn't know was that I made these comments immediately after the test to several of the committee.

I also enquired why my NEGATIVE test was put in the whippet news stating (quote) The above sample was analysed, screening tests indicated the POSSIBLE presence of LOW LEVEL Methylxanthines.

As agreed with the HFL NO confirmatory analysis was performed.

(Methylxanthines comes from CHOCOLATE)(unquote)

So just for the benefit of the misinformed and the naive please read the drug test procedure done by HFL

(quote) If a sample being tested is thought by the HFL to have an EXCESSIVE amount of CAFFEINE or its related substaces it would AUTOMATICALLY go through the next stage of testing, and dealt with accordingly.

Any samples tested and FOUND to have traces of any OTHER substance will AUTOMATICALLY go through further testing by HFL.

Any POSITIVE sample will be dealt with according to what is found.

The test for EPO drug is a completely seperate test at additional cost we do have it done and it is ZERO TOLERANCE(unquote).

If anyone else wishes to discuss the results of this test please take it up with the NNWRF

Geoff & Hazel Fletcher
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I have to say that after lots of reading and careful thought that I really wish both organisations would stop drug testing. I agree that cheating in any form is deplorable but the drug testing issue seems to cause more bad feeling and aggravation than anything else.

There are people in all walks of life that cheat just as there are people who level accusations at fellow competitors due to jealousy and drug testing just seems to make the situation worse. We have seen through various rows that when people hold strong opinions it doesn't change them whatever the result.

Whippet racing is a very small hobby in the scheme of things and from what people tell me has shrunk over the years, surely we should be spending our limited resources on improving racing for competitors and perhaps encouraging others to join in. Afterall drug testing is very expensive as has been previously stated and doesn't seem to achieve a positive outcome for racers as a whole.

I have searched for any references to those that have had a positive drug test and I have to say that the amount of "guilty" folks are so few that to me it doesn't warrent the amount of bad feeling the drug testing issue generates. I know some will say that even one shouldn't get away with cheating and in an ideal world I would agree but we don't live in an ideal world, I'd be happier seeing these few guilty people keeping their ill gotten gains than see people fight and argue and ultimately leave a wonderful hobby because they don.t like all the agro.

Just my opinion

All the best

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It's interesting as newcomers, me and Marie have such differing views. Personally I'm pro drug testing however this is on the proviso that it is done correctly. I think to stop drug testing would be a slap in the face to those who were banned in the past and thus left the sport, especially those who fell under the ''zero tolerance'' levels of methylxanthines, something I consider to be farsical.

It's not only these people, but the well being of the dogs that I consider to be paramount and I can't help feel that drug testing is a deterrant to those who are of a far less favourable character than the majority.

Which leads me on to those particular individuals, personally I feel if you want to improve racing get rid of the tossers. I don't just mean a ban where they can come along and still enjoy the social side and cause havoc anyway but an outright ban. These people think nothing of the hassle they cause, the laws they break and the possible repercussions we could all face for their actions (i.e. loosing a race track) and I can't help feel that those who think nothing of plying themselves with illegal substances won't think twice about sticking some kind of shite into their dog either so I recon you'd be killing 2 birds with one stone either way.

Just my, albeit, blunt opinion.
wild whippies said:
It's interesting as newcomers, me and Marie have such differing views. Personally I'm pro drug testing however this is on the proviso that it is done correctly. I think to stop drug testing would be a slap in the face to those who were banned in the past and thus left the sport, especially those who fell under the ''zero tolerance'' levels of methylxanthines, something I consider to be farsical. It's not only these people, but the well being of the dogs that I consider to be paramount and I can't help feel that drug testing is a deterrant to those who are of a far less favourable character than the majority.

Which leads me on to those particular individuals, personally I feel if you want to improve racing get rid of the tossers. I don't just mean a ban where they can come along and still enjoy the social side and cause havoc anyway but an outright ban. These people think nothing of the hassle they cause, the laws they break and the possible repercussions we could all face for their actions (i.e. loosing a race track) and I can't help feel that those who think nothing of plying themselves with illegal substances won't think twice about sticking some kind of shite into their dog either so I recon you'd be killing 2 birds with one stone either way.

Just my, albeit, blunt opinion.

;) Don't hold back eh Jacs? Lol

Spot on....

Those who ply themselves with crap-won't think twice about plying their dogs with it too-cos if they've no more sense/respect for themselves they won't have any for a dumb animal....

I think also that those who thieve/cheat can't be trusted in other areas either...

If you'll thieve from those who have put you in a position of trust-how can anyone have any trust/belief in past racing merits.......?

Karen B.
well put, at least you telling the truth iam against any sort of drugs in this game,get the cheating sods out,and ban them for life :thumbsup:
Nought wrong with blunt Jac :D and I do understand where you're coming from. The rub comes I think in the doing it properly part and in understanding the results when they come back. To take the methylxanthines as an example, it OK for those that understand that a miniscule amount of this may due to a stolen bit of choccie but unfortunately it would seem that to some this is misunderstood and reputations are sullied. I agree with you that people that stuff their bodies full of illegal substances or even too much legal ones are a menace to everyone and I think that people who cant behave themselves in company should be banned from inflicting themselves on that company again.

The problem is we all have differing ideas on what doing it properly is, I think if we really want to route out the unscrupulous then we should be testing a lot more, however as a small sport with small resources we can't afford to, so it is still possible for cheaters to prosper year round making their dogs suffer. I don't think that the offchance that there may be drug testing at an event is enough of a deterent to make it worth the amount of bad feeling and animosity it seems to create. So you see Jac we're not so far apart in our views its just the ways and means we disagree on

Your not so blunt pal

I'm not sure what i feel about drug testing, but i do think that unless there are clear protocols in writing,available to everyone, for the administration, testing and use of result's obtained then i don't think it will ever work. Perhaps that's something that the BWRA and NNWRF can share and agree on? :clown:

I do agree with Marielou tho............there are more arguments and libellous comments on K9 when drug testing,the results and bans are discussed than anywhere else. I don't understand why it's necessary,I suppose it's easier to say it on a computer than to people's faces? :D

I love racing whippets, and we have certainly met some fantastic people (w00t) and I love having a bit of banter on K9 :- " (I know. no life at all, but it's what happens after you hit 40 and have 8 dogs :teehee: ) I just wish it could remain fun, not sickening :x as it sometimes becomes when people have a go :D


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