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[SIZE=14pt]in a word no youve done the right thing cathie :thumbsup: [/SIZE]
I once had an applicant for a puppy who had a low fence (3 foot). I told her that the whippets would jump it and as she lived on a sporting estate that maybe wouldn't go down too well as they raced after pheasant and deer. She informed me that her husband was the gamekeeper so it would be OK!

Given freedom half of my whippets would hunt all day and the other half would stay home and mosey around the boundaries of my property. I personally think it is extremely irresponsible to let your dog have freedom to roam. It is up to you as an owner to take them on exciting walks where they can run and chase and where you are on the scene if a problem arises.

Just my humble opinion

sorry i know this is a little off the subject of this lady being aloud a pup but you all talk of enclosed areas for the whippets to run in?

we are in search for our first whippet and we have an enclosed garden of reasonable size but we DONT have an enclosed area for free run. :b

is this a big problem?

what happens when you go to the beach or into the woods or out up a hill are you sapose to keep them on a lead?

i have looked at a lot of photos on here and very rarley have i seen the whippets on leads at the beach or out and about in the country.

i thought that if you teach them the recall then there would be no problems? :wacko:

although i see the flaw in letting the pup out into an large area that is not enclosed and leaving them and going back into your house from the replys this has been getting i am now questioning our own sutability for a whippet.

i would be completely gutted to find out that our situation wasnt suitible but i would prefer to find out in advance so that problems didnt arrise in the future.

please if someone could let me know if not having an large enclosed area is ok??


Wow, what a can of worms!! Home sounds idyllic other than I just cannot imagine giving a Whippet 'free rein' over such a large area, amongst wildlife, livestock etc. As a farmer's daughter, our labs etc wandered about the farm at will, but then they are very different to whippets, our working collies never ran free unsupervised as there is a fine line with a working collie. My father is now retired but I often visit the farm where I grew up. My whippet is used to livestock and I would trust him in a field of sheep provided I was there. On his own, with another whippet unsupervised, no sorry I wouldn't trust him because there is always the chance that the prey drive takes over, any chase being better than nothing.

Incidentally, I now live on a housing estate, reasonable sized garden, my dog is walked twice a day (free run off lead on local farmland or on the beach). I think what I am trying to say is that everybody's circumstances are different and you need to look at the people and their attitude rather than the house they live in.

Must have been a hard decision though.
k4tie-d said:
sorry i know this is a little off the subject of this lady being aloud a pup but you all talk of enclosed areas for the whippets to run in?
we are in search for our first whippet and we have an enclosed garden of reasonable size but we DONT have an enclosed area for free run.  :b

is this a big problem?

what happens when you go to the beach or into the woods or out up a hill are you sapose to keep them on a lead? 

i have looked at a lot of photos on here and very rarley have i seen the whippets on leads at the beach or out and about in the country.

i thought that if you teach them the recall then there would be no problems?  :wacko:

although i see the flaw in letting the pup out into an large area that is not enclosed and leaving them and going back into your house from the replys this has been getting i am now questioning our own sutability for a whippet.

i would be completely gutted to find out that our situation wasnt suitible but i would prefer to find out in advance so that problems didnt arrise in the future.

please if someone could let me know if not having an large enclosed area is ok??



I have a very tiny garden, but we have loads of walks and Bluebell goes off lead as well as on

I have three very happy dogs - so large enclosed area not neccesary in my mind as long as you are willing to put the time into walking (once a bit older than a little pup) playing with, and generallly making life fun - and lots of training - you'll make a fine whippet owner - as long as you know a bored under-entertained and exercised whippet is TROUBLE!!! :blink:
i agree with lal.i once sold a dobermann pup to a young black girl who lived in a flat in manchester.when she first rang me for a pup my first instinct was no way but i invited her down and we went to her flat and in the end after knowing her for a while when we next had a litter of pups we let jean take a male pup.he had a fabulous life.went everywhere with her and cos she lived in a flat she knew she HAD TO MAKE THE EFFORT to take the dog out and make sure he got his exercise.when we used to go down to visit her this dog was always in fit hard condition and was obviously well looked after and very happy. :thumbsup: like lal says every home has to be judged on its own individual merits
k4tie-d said:
sorry i know this is a little off the subject of this lady being aloud a pup but you all talk of enclosed areas for the whippets to run in?
we are in search for our first whippet and we have an enclosed garden of reasonable size but we DONT have an enclosed area for free run.  :b

is this a big problem?

what happens when you go to the beach or into the woods or out up a hill are you sapose to keep them on a lead? 

i have looked at a lot of photos on here and very rarley have i seen the whippets on leads at the beach or out and about in the country.

i thought that if you teach them the recall then there would be no problems?  :wacko:

although i see the flaw in letting the pup out into an large area that is not enclosed and leaving them and going back into your house from the replys this has been getting i am now questioning our own sutability for a whippet.

i would be completely gutted to find out that our situation wasnt suitible but i would prefer to find out in advance so that problems didnt arrise in the future.

please if someone could let me know if not having an large enclosed area is ok??



hi there i free run my whippets up mountains and forestry what i do is go on walk to wereever if i think its safe and away from road then ther aloud off same with the mountain as soon as were away from any roads ext then ther let off ,i think you need to just walk the walk once to see if its suitable for off lead runs then ya know which spots are suitable and your dogs can go of lead ,we have two faverote places we go and i know ther out of the way of roads and none of my whippets will get hurt :thumbsup:
thanks very much.

we have quite a few places i would consider safe to let a dog of a lead, when i was younger i used stay at my grans and they have a lab, i always used to go on the walks with them and sam was always on a lead right up until safley in the woods or into the fields and was always back on the lead a good 5mins at least away from the roads.

wer pretty central to everything where we stay and there is no shortage of different places to walk or go. but after reading all these comments about large enclosed areas i was starting to worrie a little.

thanks so much for putting me straight


Im sure will be fine if taught good recall and are stock safe even then accidents do happen, so stay away from roads as a whippet on a rabbit rarely recalls

Dont let this put you off as they are a wonderful breed if a bit wearing on the nerves!!!!!!!!
k4tie-d said:
sorry i know this is a little off the subject of this lady being aloud a pup but you all talk of enclosed areas for the whippets to run in?
we are in search for our first whippet and we have an enclosed garden of reasonable size but we DONT have an enclosed area for free run.  :b

is this a big problem?

what happens when you go to the beach or into the woods or out up a hill are you sapose to keep them on a lead? 

i thought that if you teach them the recall then there would be no problems?  :wacko:

please if someone could let me know if not having an large enclosed area is ok??



Katie I think many people on this board take their dogs for free runs on beaches and on farmland or other such paddocks. But they are always with the dog/s and, I am guessing, the dogs have fairly good recall skills. By "secure free running" I think many people here mean a paddock where there are no deer, paddocks and beaches that are not right beside a road etc. However there are many whippets that have still been lost or killed whilst out on what their owners considered a secure free run. It is a calculated risk you take. Whippets are sighthounds, they chase by sight. And once on the chase and very focussed, it is difficult to call them off. Even some of the dogs that are excellent at recall have disappeared on the chase, run much further than their owners thought they would, got run over, killed by a train, hooked up on fences, killed by deer, kidnapped by the person whose house they ran into - tragic stories abound here year after year.

Personally, I have a very large fenced yard for my dogs to run in and I am too scared of the dangers that could befall my whippets in the country around my home (in Nth Qld, Aust - snakes in particular) to take them free running in open country anywhere here. We only do fully fenced cleared areas like a sports oval or something like that. There is one beach that I have taken my most reliable girl to but it's an hour's drive away so we don't go there very often.

The point about the particular owner in question is the situation at home . The dog has 6 acres of his own garden to run around in which is WAY plenty, but the person still leaves the unfenced part open and lets him go wandering off into neighbours farms ON HIS OWN where, unattended, he could get into all sorts of trouble.
k4tie-d said:
sorry i know this is a little off the subject of this lady being aloud a pup but you all talk of enclosed areas for the whippets to run in?
we are in search for our first whippet and we have an enclosed garden of reasonable size but we DONT have an enclosed area for free run.  :b

is this a big problem?

what happens when you go to the beach or into the woods or out up a hill are you sapose to keep them on a lead? 

i have looked at a lot of photos on here and very rarley have i seen the whippets on leads at the beach or out and about in the country.

i thought that if you teach them the recall then there would be no problems?  :wacko:

although i see the flaw in letting the pup out into an large area that is not enclosed and leaving them and going back into your house from the replys this has been getting i am now questioning our own sutability for a whippet.

i would be completely gutted to find out that our situation wasnt suitible but i would prefer to find out in advance so that problems didnt arrise in the future.

please if someone could let me know if not having an large enclosed area is ok??



Please don't let all of this discussion put you off owning a Whippet. There have been many very valid and relevant points made in this discussion. The first one being that Whippets, as sighthounds, are bred to chase. Provided you are prepared to put the time into teaching recall (and it can be frustrating to say the least!!) and to check out prospective 'off lead' walks (as I think Nicky said in her post) and above all else, to be there on hand then there are lots of places you can allow a Whippet to free run. The OP's main concern I think was the fact that the dog may be allowed to roam unsupervised and that, in my opinion was a very valid concern and if I was in that person's position then I'm sure I wouldn't have been happy about selling a puppy however idyllic the setting may have sounded. I think 'unsupervised' is the key issue here.

:luck: If you do decide a Whippet is for you, I have never regretted it although I may have a few more grey hairs than I would have done!! :)
There is a big difference between an owner who plans off-lead walks in fairly safe areas where the dog is always within voice control, and one who just shoves the dog out the back door to run free until whenever it decides to come back.

I think there are clearly some dogs who are so home-oriented (like some of the guard or herding breeds) that they aren't bad unfenced, but a coursing hound breed? No way, without training and supervision.
thanks so much for all your advice i get it now it was the unsupervised that was the problem

i feel so much better now :sweating:

I will be on my guard incase this lady phones me thanks cathie :thumbsup:

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