[SIZE=21pt]Helllllllloooooooooo hunny bunnys how are you all I hate fire works phoebe wont go out when it gose dark now :rant: bloody tossers sorry Juney. [/SIZE]
we've had a few accident with her cos she carnt hang on for morning she just wont go out the brakes go on.bless her
the good thing shes getting better with pagen she's following him around and sniffing him and she will even lie down with him even if its for a cupple of minuets it progress. (w00t) god I love my dogs :huggles:
we've had a few accident with her cos she carnt hang on for morning she just wont go out the brakes go on.bless her
the good thing shes getting better with pagen she's following him around and sniffing him and she will even lie down with him even if its for a cupple of minuets it progress. (w00t) god I love my dogs :huggles: