I've been browsing this forum and others and have found a series of sites that list the URLs of pedigree breeders, but not yet any that list the sites of non-pedigree breeders of good, sound whippets (or indeed, any whippets at all)
is there such a thing?
and - that apart, can someone tell me the difference between pedigree and non-pedigree, given that most of the non-pedigree ones I've seen seem to have pretty good 5 generation pedigrees?
confused, but that's nothing new.... :b
I've been browsing this forum and others and have found a series of sites that list the URLs of pedigree breeders, but not yet any that list the sites of non-pedigree breeders of good, sound whippets (or indeed, any whippets at all)
is there such a thing?
and - that apart, can someone tell me the difference between pedigree and non-pedigree, given that most of the non-pedigree ones I've seen seem to have pretty good 5 generation pedigrees?
confused, but that's nothing new.... :b