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I have just been to the vets today to have my boys wormed and also got some frontline for fleas. It cost me just over £40.I was just wondering what you all use for your dogs and cats too, and how much would you expect to pay?
Glad you asked this question and will be interested to read peoples answers. I've always sworn by frontline for all my animals, and hang the cost. Having had a flea infestation I don't care - I will NOT go through that again and don't mind spending a lot to avoid it.

HOWEVER, I think frontline is giving Josie really bad dandruff and would like to know what else I might use. I will still use frontline for the cats, tho. Poor Josie, she has a lovely coat, but always the morning after frontline (every two months) she has the most disgusting dandruff - huge flakes and tons of it. It lasts for about 3-4 days and then settles :( It's obviously itchy, and it looks horrible, really embarrassing when I'm out with her... people avoid stroking her and veer away as if she might be contagious :b :lol:
i was going to vets this morning for my worm/flea stuff but i think i'll wait a bit now to see what other people use :- " :- " :lol:
garlic is a excellent way to get rid of fleas :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Frontline. The cheapest way to procure it is to get a prescription from your Vet and then buy from either Vetmedic (they have got all Frontline products on 'special' during May) or Canine Chemists (Hyperdrug).

Like worms, fleas can only be effectively treated with conventional drugs.
I started using frontline on my dogs and cats a few years back after a bad infestation of fleas and ticks. At one point the broblem got so bad that when I bathed my spaniel the water ran RED :( We are very rural and at that time had sheep as well which added to the problem. Thankfully my animals have never had a bad reac tion to it and I've only found maybe 3 or 4 dead or dying fleas on my cats since I started using it . I used to use the pump spray on the dogs and the files on the cats but now use the spot on files on all of them, they are very easy to use. Also I find the protection lasts a lot longer than it states on the box. I agree with Helen it is expensive but if you have suffered an infestation its worth it for peace of mind.
We also use frontline as we did get some stuff from the petshop once but ended up with a flea infestation. I'd never use anything else now.

Helen my two black whips have the dandruff thing as well after they have front line, but my parti colour pup who is brown and red does not get it, it must only show on darker dogs :wacko:
Nothing :D

Mine just don't seem to get fleas!

I have bought 5 cans of Nuvan Top over the past 16 years - and the last one was 5 years ago!
Whip said:
Helen my two black whips have the dandruff thing as well after they have front line, but my parti colour pup who is brown and red does not get it, it must only show on darker dogs :wacko:
Really? Oh, that's interesting. Maybe I shouldn't worry, as it does settle after a few days. But it's obviously an irritant to the skin :(
Nuvan top is banned now - dont think you can buy it a all. I used to buy it but it is lethal stuff if you breathe it in. (w00t)

Now I only use Frontline Combi from my vet for all 3 cats and Oscar too. I have never had fleas lately- just the odd one or two when the young rabbits are being born (cats come in with them). But find the frontline keeps them at bay. Ive never had trouble with the dandruff Helen - you could ask the vet about that maybe.

I once did have an infestation of fleas - so went mad in the house with Nuvan top and powder etc and ended up in bed really ill . :( ...... hence Nuvan Top cannot be purchased now.

I wouldnt use Spot on I think they are pretty useless along with any other similar products - I only use Frontline.

Oscar does get garlic tablets too on a regular basis from Dorwest Herbs.

For WORMS I use Drontal worming tablets or Panacure liquid.
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~Helen~ said:
Whip said:
Helen my two black whips have the dandruff thing as well after they have front line, but my parti colour pup who is brown and red does not get it, it must only show on darker dogs :wacko:

Really? Oh, that's interesting. Maybe I shouldn't worry, as it does settle after a few days. But it's obviously an irritant to the skin :(

Helen, do you use the all over spray or the phials (not files as someone else wrote LOL) that you just apply to the back of the neck??

I find the Whips do not usually get many fleas but we did have an infestation last year, mainly the cats bringing them in off the allotments/fields. Even the poor old ESS who live outside were riddled and I cannot EVER remember them having fleas before, the odd tick from the visiting hedgepigs yes, but not fleas. I used Frontline spray on the Whips and the rest of cats/ESS had the phials.

I think it was my fault cos my old cat ALWAYS had a flea collar, although my Vet always tells me they are not effective but he never had a flea problem. I didn't bother with the two youngster and VOILA we have a flea invasion!!! Since then the cats are armed with flea collars and also I bought some Zodiac flea collars for a couple of the older Whips who are not bathed very often (the show dogs are bathed so regularly in a flea shampoo that they don't seem to get a problem) and I haven't seen any fleas at all (yet, famous last words) and the bonus is that these Zodiac collars don't stink like the normal flea collars but have a very pleasant aroma!!! Wish they did them for the cats!!
I use the phials on the back of the neck, dessie. It makes a horrid greasy patch however hard I try to get it right down onto the skin only, so I might swap to the spray.

edited to say, i have been wondering about "Program". I've been offered it for the cats so don't know if there is a dog version. It's a prescription only tablet, and it doesn't kill the fleas, but it sterilises them so that they cannot lay eggs. If you get a flea, you obviously need to comb it/kill, but it won't lead to an infestation. I wonder if anyone else knows about this, or has any experience of it?
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I use programme. I have given them a break over the winter months but was intending to start using it again. Someone has told me it has been discontinued so I'll have to ask my Vet. I used it as I am quite allergic to sprays and was worried about the frontline causing a bad reaction ( on me :( )
One of the Cockers I bred used to be given the Programme tablets, he seemed OK on them and he used to come to stay on a regular basis.

Personally, I would not be too keen to give something like this, I wonder what it does to the dog's system. I am not that keen on the phials on the back of the neck either because I am sure it must soak into the skin whereas the spray just coats the hair. Might be wrong but it is just my perception of things and what I feel comfortable applying!!!
Correcting my earlier spelling mistake. I use Frontline Spot On 'PHIALS' on both cats and dogs!!! My apologies, we are an I.T company and theres only one kind of 'file' we ever talk about here. :lol:
We don't flea unless we see a flea... arn't short-haired dogs great?! :thumbsup: We've always used Frontline and my Nan also uses Frontline on her cat, and we've never had any problems (touch wood) :D
I used to use frontline until I started Northolm Supplies. The bio spot I sell works out much cheaper (£14/£15 depending on weight) for 3 phials that kill the fleas for the first month and kill eggs redeveloping for 123 days (4 months) So one packet will do a dog for a year!

Well after reading all of your replies Frontline is the most popular.Neither of my dogs showed any sign of having fleas, but Snoop developed a small bald spot on his neck, of which I put down to his collar rubbing. Then after giving them a bath I noticed he had a small one on the inside of his leg.I combed and searched but did'nt find any sign on either Snoop or Gucci,but took them to the vets the next day.She thought it was fleas which Snoop must have a reaction to their bites. Since Snoop has had it put on he also has a bad case of scurf. :b

They were weighed for their wormers, Snoop was 10kg and Gucci 10.5kg.Is that about right, they are 6 months now.
~Helen~ said:
I use the phials on the back of the neck, dessie. It makes a horrid greasy patch however hard I try to get it right down onto the skin only, so I might swap to the spray.
We seem to have the same problems, it makes them itch their necks for a few days as well.
our dogs all wear a flea collar and are treated with spot on every 3 months,we also spray their sleeping areas once a month,never had a problem,we use a flea comb on them when we groom them so we would spot any flea problems quite quickly anyway.

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