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This is Fritz wearing his new collar made for him by a friend of my sister'sHe had just been having a snooze and he then got up on the back of the chair and I felt a paw on my shoulder,then I looked around and he gave me a kiss.He had to have a bathroom brak,came in from that and was sitting next to the fireplace staring at his waterdish.So,i went and filled it ,brought it back and he has yet to touch.he's too busy grooming himself.
Fritz geeting a whole lot of loving from his Aunties on their last visit here 2 weeks ago.Currently,they are on a 3 week holiday in Regina,Saskatchewan and won't be back home til September 8th.On September 1oth,my 45th birthday we are going to pick them and go up north for some shopping and dinner at the fish and chip place.He hasn't done a whole other than bark at a German Shepherd from the window,snooze and eat.He will have his big play tonight when we want to rest.
Fritz on his outside throne,thinking of the next visit from his Aunties.finally settled down last night after he had a game of fetch with his stuffed parrot and he then got thirsty and wanted fresh water,then outside on a bathroom brek.Later ,had another break and another himself off after playing so hard.He has barked at 2 dogs that went by this morning ,a Yellow lab and a Alaskan Malamute.
Fritz was on one of his nutty spells.He was trying to get under the blanket to have a snooze,but ended up going a little crazy and made the mess seen in the picture.With the mess made,he got all done in and had a rest.3 dogs went by our house,a Yellow Lab,a Chocolate Lab and a Alaskan Malamute.fritz did not hear them and he kept right on sleeping next to in the chair.Right now,he is having a cool off outside.
fritz guarding my computer against trespassers and nasty computer hackers.fritz had quite a day today as he got all handsome today.when he got there,the groomer's Collie came to him and put her paw right over fritz.The groomer Michelle saud those two are in love.When it came time to come home,he didn't want to leave,he just laid on the floor.he wanted to play with the cats some more.Michelle got a big laugh out of it.Had a snooze after he came home,but came alive later on.Had to get him some fresh water and he wanted it put where he was,right in front of the fireplace where he drank it up.He eventually settled down and has now gone to bed for the night.
fritz taking it easy with Dad ,relaxing on the couch.Hasn't a great deal today,although he has barked a few times at things outside,only when i would check there was nothing there.Every year,Fritz seems to have a itching problem in the summer and this year is no exception.Mom phoned his vet,he wasn't in,so she will have to try again tomorrow to get something for the itching.He's been doing it since he had his haircut yesterday.He has now settled down for the time being,but maybe later he will show some life.
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Fritz relaxing ,waiting to to bed for the night,his head on his favorite blanket.He has had an awful time lately with scratching.Apparently he has some sort of allergy that kicks in at this time and the vet is supposed to phone on whether to bring him over or to come and get pills that he got last year for the allergy.right now,he is watching the goings on outside from his favorite spot on the window ledge.
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what a lucky boy fritz :) :) is to have pic put on every single day ;)
fritz posing for a picture in one of his favorite places,the window ledge.he is not much for posing now,he is snoozing next to dad on the couch.The pills for his scratching are making him sleepy and he will probably wake up later when we are watching something on television.his Aunties phone from Regina,Saskatchewan this morning to check on their little,they were going out and getting tatoos,nothing fancy
Fritz is hoping Dad will share some of his snacky with him.We try not to feed fritz much people food,but he gets a bit of wiener when we give him his pills for his itching.the pills seem to be working and he is not scratching as much.Right now,he is curled up in the front window napping as there's not too much happening right now as it's Sunday morning and people are probably getting ready to go to church.
Fritz looking comfie on Mom and Dad's bed,all fours in the air.Bad boy last night.He had been outside where he had time to do his business,but he then come inside and peed on the glass top of the coffee table.Mom not impressed,but didn't stay angry long.This morning ,he went outside and peed right next to my boots,luckily not in them or i wouldn't too pleased with that.fritz taking it easy for the moment,next to dad on the couch.
Fritz snoozing on the pillow while Dad reads the paper.fritz was bad again last night.He stared at both Mom and me,wanting something,didn't know what until he went over to his water dish,so i filled it up and he had some and instead of going out he got right up on the arm of my chair,squatted and peed all over shorts and the side of the chair.We were not impressed by that and he got put to bed since it was his bed time anyway.Maybe we were too slow in figuring out what he wanted and he took it out on me.that's the second night in a row he has done this and I hope it's the last.
Fritz looks like he really enjoyed his play with Mr.Parrot.Mom bought a beenie Baby dog that looks Fritz and his name is Rabble.he wagged his tail and jumped up at it,thinking he was a real dog.Mom put on the stereo and barked at it from the coffee table and i had to move it to another room.This morning,mom wanted to put in the front window,but fritz wanted too play with it,so mom moved it to the dining room table.Fritz then moved to the couch,growled at it and then sat up and begged for Rabble to come back.Mom has now put Rabble in the dining room window.People who see it may mistake Rabble for Fritz.He doesn't have a peeing proble,he was just marking his territory as Taffy,my sister's dog had been here the previous day.
Papa,i have been good,please give me some Muskmelon.Right now,he is hoping for some Pizza from Dad.Fritz does a new thing now.He will stand with his two front paws on the window ledge looking around outside and then will jump up and lay down on the window lwdge.
Fritz all cozy in his cool little hideawy,staying out of the hot sun.Right now,he is at the top of the stairs waiting for somebody to go up and get a snack.Today,Dad had a black and yellow ball cap on and fritz didn't like the color i guess and he had quite a barking session.Fritz picked his sitting routine on his own.One day while i was eating lunch,fritz all of a sudden sat right up and the rest is history!
fritz waiting at the gate for dad to bring a snack of food downstairs.We put that gate there to prevent him from running around upstairs when the kitchen door wasn't closed.He had been sleeping in the living room,bu he just heard a noise and was barking at it.he has quieted down and is just sitting there ,watching what is going on outside.
fritz looking for mom or Dad to come back and play with him.Mom took fritz on a walk last night,although at first hestopped in his tracks,but he did eventually and he tired out and was ready for his bed.he has been busy barking at people from the window.First ,it was a kid delivering a paper and he would go from the fron tto the back door barking and he did the same with a kid walking a big,black dog.the kid wearing rollerblades and he was yapping at them until they were gone.Were having steak for supper and Fritz is right there looking for some.
Here is our tired boy Fritz trying to wake himself up from a restful sleep on mom and dad's bed.he had his usual routine of barking at people going by.There will be plenty of that tomorrow as all the kids go back to school.Rght now,he is curled up in a corner of the kitchen waiting for supper.
Here is Fritz keeping an eye on me as i take his picture.ithink he is saying,don't bother me Barry.I'm having a little shuteye and i'll play with you.Anytime,a dog barks in our neighborhood,fritz has to join in the chorus and put his 2 cents in.there is a cement plant a few miles away and about every day at noon hour there is a blast like today and it shakes the house and into the barking he goes.Not doing any barking right now as he is snoozing at the top of the stairs.
Fritz getting ready for a sleepy on his favorite pillow next to Dad.Right now,h eis waiting on the coffee table hoping dad brings him a snack.He got a brushing earlier today .that seemed to help his itching somewhat.If it doesn't get any better,mom will have to take him to the better.he was bad earlier today.Dad left the furnace room door open and he went in and peed under the billiards table,WE were not happy with him but you can't be mad at Fritz for too he is just so darn cute.

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