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Fritz pretty well behaved today.When Dad and i came home from cutting grass,he was sitting in the window waiting for us.Later on,when we came back from trimming a hedge,he wasn't there.I t got too warm for him,so he got out.Tonight,he had been growling at mom wanting food.Didn't want it,so he did it again,so tried food again and this time he peed on our couch.We were not impressed by it..yesterday,he had a heck of a time,playing with water bottles and running around hiding dad's socks
I had a little bedfellow this morning.Dad usually gets fritz out of bed in the morning and he goes to their bedroom to sleep,but he couldn't get Mom's attention,so he came to my bed.He put his front paws on my bed and then got up and kissed me,then went and curled up at the foot of my bed.the next thing he does and goes to sleep in the chair in the living room.He came in to my bed at 5 in the morning.Right now,he is having a nap under our couch in the recreation room.Right when we are ready to watch the news,he's ready to play with his water bottle or whatever else he can get.he usually will want a snack of his own food which ,Mom will feed him by hand,have a drink of water, then a bathroom break.he'll settle down after all this and will be asking to go to bed at around 9p.m.
Fritz took it easy most of the day.he started off the day snoozing under the covers of mom and dad's bed,then went to the living room and slept in a chair.After thatn,he went to my bedroom where i was watching t.v.i don't know how he heard it,but a man in a motorized cart was walking a dog and he ran from my bedroom to the front window to bark and a few minutes later did the same thing when boy was roller blading with a dog and diidn't like that much.Had a snooze while we were watching a baseball game on t.v and after supper ,snooze next to a living room chair.Had a little nap on the back of the chair next towhere i'm writing this.He is now having a little snack of his own food out of Mom's hand.When he gets all fed,had a drink and out to the bathroom and he is all ready to settle down.
Fritz got scared again.We had another thunderstorm yesterday and as soon as he heard the thunder,he went to lay down next to mom in her chair.This the second time in a week he has done this.Before all this,it had never happened to him,don't know what to make of it.Fritz was a good watchdog again today.He heard a man go by with a Chocolate Lab while he was snoozing on mom and dad's bed.Then he was off like a shot to the front window to bark at it.Then a few minutes later another neighbor was walking his Alaskan Malamute down the street and he saw that dog and he started into the barking as dog went on its way.Should have heard his growling.It sounded like a car sstarting to rev up.
Fritz has had quite a busy time over the last two days.Yesterday we went with my Aunt and Uncle on a 2 hour ride to my sister and Husband's cottage.fritz slept between my dad and uncle the whole way up and didn't make a sound.he didn't bother with my sister's dog Taffy too much.she was too busy going into the water retrieving her kong(a rubber ball attached to a rope) that my Brother-In-Law Larry kept throwing.Fritz rested most of the time,either sunning himself,sleeping on the patio or in a chair snoozing.Fritz did go for a boat ride with everybody which he really enjoyed but he got awful hot out there and had to have a big drink of water.I didn't though as i had a bad headache and didn't want to make it any worse by going out into the hot sun.he wore his brand new collar that my sister's friend made and i got a picture of it later.After our visit,we stopped at a fish and chip place for supper.fritz stayed in the van with the window open slightly and van was in the shade so he was cool.then we were on our way home and he slept next to my uncle the whole way and continued the sleep at home,getting ready for his big day with his Aunties.He watched out of the front window all morning for them to come and when they came in he greeting with big kisses and tail wags and then hopped around wanting the treats they bring with them.Fritz then went on a couple of walks,one with Auntie bev and got a picture of.On another walk two little girls wanted to pet him and he obliged thm and then gave then some kisses.He also had a big roll around on our front lawn on his lead so he was in no danger of running off.Then later on,everybody was sitting under the shade of a tree and Fritz got cool and got in Dad's lap as he was sitting in the sun.fritz kept good care of the house as we went out to supper.he is now begging his Aunties to go out on a walk.he has to wait for the baseball game on t.v. to be over.
here is our happy bichon fritz having a relaxing good time on the table in the gazebo.
This Fritz licking an Ice Cube from Dad's glass of Pepsi.His Aunties have gone home.Fritz wouldn't give them any good-bye kisses.he just turned his head and ignored them.We will see them next on September 10th,my 45th birthday.We will pick them up at their apartment and go up North to do some shopping and then go to the fish and Chip place for supper.fritz has been resting since they left and he'll be doing that for the rest of the day.fritz is now in his perch on the front window ledge.
here's Fritz,still with his face right in the glass,licking the Ice cube.Dad got him up early today ,at around 4 today.Dad was going to watch the Shuttle landing which didn't happen due to bad weather.Then Dad went to get the paper,Fritz heard that and he got into the barking which Mom didn't appreciate at such an early hour.Fritz brought up some fluid today,but he seems fine now and is napping in the living room.
Fritz tring to get his nose in to the flower pot.fortunately,there was no dirt of flowers to eat from it.Dad thought he had lost fritz this morning.he thought he went to their bed after he got him out of bed,but fritz had gotten out thedoor and into the patio.Thought maybe,he might have got out the gate,so at 10 after 5,i'm out in Pajamas looking out in the street.Didn't have any luck,headed home and mom called me over and she had found him behind the gazebo trying to eat leaves from flowers.The treats his Aunties had given him had cheese in them and fritz brought it up and wasn't feeling too perky for half the day.He is better now and sleeping in the living room.
Smiley Fritz posing with Auntie iIrene on the front step.we didn't lose him today.Right after he got out of his bed,he went straight to mom and dad's bed and crawled under the covers.Mom had to make the bed,so he is now in the living room sleeping.i hope to have a brand new set of pictures later today.Stay tuned!
Here is another shot of Fritz on the front porch with Auntie Irene.We got a big laugh out of Fritz last night.We have 2 dog statues on our stereo,one a Bichon and the other a Black Miniature Poodle.Fritz was on the back of the chair and into the barking a the statues.I then brought the bichon over and sat in on the cushion and fritz got halfway down the chair,maybe scared of it,I don't know ans started barking again.he finally got right down,right in its face and yapping at it some more.Then thar was enough of that one and he got back on the ledge of the chair and got into the barking ,at the Poodle this time.Brought it over to him and it quieted him down.I guess he had to see if they were real.He would have really jumped a mile if one of them had barked or made a sudden move.The new set of pictures will be ready by next Monday.
This is fritz with his Auntie Bev resting on the front porch.he barked at his dog statues again last noght,so i put them down on the chair,but he didn't bother them,so he must realize that they are not a threat to him.When i put them back,I let him sniff them to assure him that they are not real.He did have a chew on his water bottle and had a good play with his Parrot toy,who kept asking him if he wanted a treat.
Another porch picture of Fritz with Auntie Bev.he didn't like the dog statues last night,really growled and barked at them.he hasn't done a great deal today,all he's done is sleep which he's doing now under the couch in the rec room.Around 6 or so,he will start getting ambitious and playing with his bottles and parrot toy.he might even start growling at his doggie statues again.
This is Fritz and his rooster pal welcoming people to come and visit at his humble home.Fritz loves all visitors to his home ,including his Aunties.Kind of gray here,hasn't done much but sleep.He now sits on the ledge of the fireplace and stares at his water dish to get fresh water.
Would somebody please get me a dish of fresh water.I have been waiting rather patiently for it!.This is what Fritz does now for fresh water.He'll follow me out as far as the gate across thedoorway to the stairs and when i come back over the gate,he walks backwards on his back paws a few feet and then follows me to the rec room where he has his drink and then he is begging to go out on a bathroom break.I should remind everybody that it is tinabow's birthday tomorrow,so anybody that wants to can wish her a happy birthday. :))
This is Fritz posing with a bumper sticker he won as most popular dog in another dog forum.I had a big play with him with his Parrot.I would throw,he would bring it back.That went on several times and he then would get on m lap and chew on it.I then would try and grab it from him and he would playfully growl at me.there was some blasting a nearby cement plant and he heard and off he went into the barking.Tried to get upstairs to the living room but I had the door closed upstairs so he came back on the dead run and ran around the rec room several times before he got tuckered out.Fritz doesn't like anybody wearing anything on their head.Dad had a cap on yesterday,Fritz growled at it and dad had to take it off.The last two morning there been a guy who has been waiting for a ride and he's wearing a hooded sweatshirt and Fritz got into the growling until the man left.
This is Fritz in one of his favorite pasttimes:Chewing on a plastic water,he saw a lady walking a Brindle colored Greyhound and really got into the barking.Fritz also had a big play with dad with his stuffed parrot and chewed on more bottles.He is now outside cooling off on the back step.
In this picture of fritz,it looks like I just have woke him up from a big snooze as evidenced by his messy hair.He went out his usual 2 or 3 times,had a play with a water bottle and i played with him by throwing his Parrot and he bring it back,i throw it and so forth,There's quiet here now as he was just put to bed.Had quite a day today.Dad and i were in a minor fender bender.We were turning into a driveway to cut a lawn and the man behind us couldn't wait and tried to pass on the right,partly on a sidewalk.Dad couldn't help but hit him.The police were called.The man was charged with an unsafe pass and dad got a $110 fine for a faulty taillight on his trailer.Dad took it for an estimate later and it was $650.So,we had quite a day.Hope everyone else had a good day.
This is fritz out on a stroll with his Auntie Bev.Wouldn't be doing that today as we had a bad thunderstorm with Lightning and heavy rain.fritz hid under the couch until the thunder went.he is now with mom,sitting in the chair.

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