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Ha the vote lets you vote over and over?

come on then lets change the results.
Polar explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes was greeted with loud cheers and applause when he told the crowd that the Government was using hunting for political gain.

He said: "I have never hunted and never will, but for me this is all about the hypocrisy and a creeping disregard for democracy, not about hunting.

"This is about our government making what it sees as a small concession to an awkward, noisy part of itself in order to shut that part before an election. It is hypocrisy."
The police handled the demonstrators really well didn't they ?? :rant: .......Heavy handed T***ts :rant:
Those idiots are making this country into a place where I'm not sure I want to live any more.

And it's not just BLiar who should go. It's the whole lying, devious, mealy-mouthed, hypocritical, defective, misinformed, dictatorial, propogandizing, drivelling, vain, self-seeking, corrupt and (unfortunately) omnipotent lot of them.

Helen :angry:
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Helena said:
And it's not just BLiar who should go. It's the whole lying, devious, mealy-mouthed, hypocritical, defective, misinformed, dictatorial, propogandizing, drivelling, vain, self-seeking, corrupt and (unfortunately) omnipotent lot of them.
Helen :angry:
I take it that you are annoyed then Helen (w00t) ........I needed a dictonary just to understand your post :lol: ...........I really don't think that anybody has the rights to dictate to another person, let alone to a group of people's who's livelyhood's this will destroy :angry:

Those idiots are making this country into a place where I'm not sure I want to live any more.
I totally agree with you here ..... :(
I have just watched the news - I think it's true to say that we don't live in a democracy any more. This is now a police state, isn't it? :nuke:
They want to use the Parliament act to force the bill through the Lords. One of the acts may be illegal so it depends which one they are going to use.

Cerito said:
They want to use the Parliament act to force the bill through the Lords.  One of the acts may be illegal so it depends which one they are going to use.
From what I can gather the last time they used this act was to lower the age of consent for homosexuality fro 18 to 16. My local MP came to power with family values then ditched his wife cos he batted for the other side! He does not respond to my emails or faxes. Talk about hypocrysy (bad spelling) and 3 monkeys! :b
Helena said:
Those idiots are making this country into a place where I'm not sure I want to live any more.
And it's not just BLiar who should go. It's the whole lying, devious, mealy-mouthed, hypocritical, defective, misinformed, dictatorial, propogandizing, drivelling, vain, self-seeking, corrupt and (unfortunately) omnipotent lot of them.

Helen :angry:
I've been trying to get out for the last 3 years! :b

It's obscene the amount of tax we pay and the 5hit we have put up with! :rant:
Can I just say that I applaud the actions of those persons who invaded the chamber of the House of Commons today. My only regret is that there was not 55 instead of 5 and a further regret that I was not one of them! Sadly, I was not in London today despite my best efforts. I will however be in Brighton on the 28th and would urge as many as possible to be there as well. The time of the kid glove approach is passed . Let us all stand up and continue what was witnessed in Parliament Square and in the House today. Long live hunting, long live coursing and power to the people.

Christopher Doyle
Is it just me or is coursing neglected ? :b

There seems no mention of it, all people want to talk about is fluffy little foxes and red coats!

I have been made aware that the NCC is to host an open meeting at Conference Centre 1 High St. Huntingdon on Thursday 23 S ept at 2 pm. The purpose of the meeting is to establish a fighting force to meet the challenge of the Hunting Bill. Be there if you can my friends!!
Well they said it would never happen! but as always the ostritch with it's head burried in the sand has lost out?.

Although nobody should condon violence direct action looks like the only way back.

The government faced with the Anti's sending letter bombs ect have took the easy option and given into the bullies rather than backing the bullied.

Those who stormed the Commons once again proved what a farce the British security can be, lets hope we never have a real terrorist attack if a small group of peacefull protesters can gain entry so easy.

instead of critisising those protesters the government should be thanking them for highlighting yet another weakness in their security!.

Well you know my views Scott, The CA for me have only ever been interested in saving fox hunting and would happyly have sacrificed Coursing a long time ago it it meant they could keep fox hunting?.

So whats next on the agenda? Fishing, shooting!
Q&A: Hunting Bill

BBC News Online explains what may happen to moves to ban hunting with dogs.

What does the government's Hunting with Dogs Bill do?

It will ban all hunting with hounds.

Originally, a bill introduced by the government proposed banning stag hunting and hare coursing, but would have allowed fox hunting to continue under licence.

This was a compromise which ministers hoped would get the backing of both the generally anti-hunting Commons and the generally pro-hunting Lords.

So why hasn't it become law?

Anti-hunting MPs last year voted for the bill to be re-written to become a wholesale ban on hunting with dogs in England and Wales.

The House of Lords then rejected that call in a vote in October 2003.

In effect, the MPs made the bill identical to the one originally introduced by the government, although allowing stag hunting and hare coursing under licence too.

So what happens now?

The Hunting with Dogs Bill is being reintroduced on 15 September with MPs given a free vote on the issue.

If it is backed by MPs and then rejected by peers when they debate it next month the government has said it is ready to use the Parliament Act of 1949 to force it on to the statute book.

The Parliament Act?

The House of Lords is intended to revise and, if necessary delay, House of Commons plans it does not agree with. The idea is that some compromise is reached.

However, if there is steadfast disagreement between peers and MPs, such as over hunting, the act can eventually be used to force a Commons-backed measure into law despite the opposition of the Lords.

It is a major step to take - one which has only been taken three times since 1949 - on the War Crimes Act 1991, on proportional representation in European Parliament elections in 1999 and in 2000 for lowering the age of consent for homosexuals to 16.

How would it work in this case?

The Parliament Act could only be invoked if peers voted to block the bill for a second time.

If the Lords voted the bill down, it would still become law by the end of the session (i.e. November), providing the Commons speaker certifies that the provisions of the Parliament Act have been complied with.

So hunting with dogs could be banned by the end of the year?

No. In a final twist, it has emerged that Commons leader Peter Hain has said an actual ban on fox hunting would not come into force for two years.

Rural affairs minister Alun Michaels has said this is to allow people involved in hunting "adequate time" to re-house dogs and "refocus" their businesses.

But many pundits believe the government is anxious to avoid pro-hunting demonstrations during next year's expected general election campaign.

A ban on hare coursing, as outlined in the bill, would come into effect three months after the Bill becomes law.



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