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If Cats Have 9 Lives.................


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Where to begin?

We decided to take Sidney and Ben down to Porthkerris (some 40 miles away) for a walk after picking Rob up from school.

Our friends own the Porthkerris beach and farm so we thought it would be nice to take the dogs for a run around and for a catch up with Mike & Jo.

Gave Ben his travel pill at 1.30, thought that would be plenty of time for it to do it's stuff and left here at 4pm.

Ben was sick twice on the way but more than anything he was drooley. (was fine as laid down and went to sleep on the way back)

Got down to Porthkerris and said hello to Mike and started on our walk around the beach and cliffs.

We got to the open section that runs down to the beach and let the dogs off as thought it would be good to do some recall with Ben as Sidney has it off to a T so thought Ben would follow suit.

And not worried as Sidney has always been fine in the area having a run about.

As soon as we let Ben off the lead he shot off with everyone calling after him... then he was gone!

It happened so darn quickly.

He had leapt off a cliff.

I will never forget it and the thought still makes me fill with tears and feel sick to the stomach.

I ran over to the edge and looked down expecting to see a sorry sight 30 foot down on jagged rocks.

Thank God that when I looked over he was 15 foot down stuck head first in the crevice (with a gorse bush) only his tail was showing but was wriggling.

I was beside myself and Ian climbed down to him.

He had to pull him up and out by his tail as that is all he could get purchase on.

Thank God for Nicky and her double thickness coats is all I can say as Ben is unharmed except from a little cut on his elbow.

If he hadn't been wearing what we call his glow worm coat (green on side and yellow the other) I think he would of shot through and hurt himself badly if not worse.

Ian checked Ben over and he was happy as Larry..... he was like a blooming Lemming and Ian got the impression that he thought it was fun and wanted to do it again.

I took photos of the cliff and where Ben landed once he was safe again so you could all see.

He is never being let off the lead again, my nerves couldn't handle it.

After rushing back home, we took Ben to the vet who said he was fine but may have a little bruising and the little cut on his elbow.... he said he was a very lucky dog.

The first photo shows Me with Ben and Rob with Sidney at the top of the cliff after we got Ben out



He was stuck upside down (head first) in a V behind the gorse bush :eek: :( (w00t)
OMG... poor you, my stomach lurched even reading that :x . So glad the wee mite is ok... :sweating: :)
julie_s said:
OMG... poor you, my stomach lurched even reading that :x . So glad the wee mite is ok...  :sweating:   :)

I keep reliving it.. thinking what on earth made him go over there... I just can't believe it and am a bag of tears at the moment.... in that blink of an eye we could of lost him.

Ben of course is unaware of all this and it sat at my feet eating a chewy bone :blink:
OK you have me absolutely terrified. :sweating: What a scary story.

No wonder you are feeling a little frayed around the edges! Thank goodness for the coat and the bush.

One very lucky-to-be-alive dog. :blink:

I always worry around large drops - now I shall be extra vigilant as I see how easily it can happen - and though no fault of your own.

Glad he's OK though :thumbsup:
SJM said:
OK you have me absolutely terrified.  :sweating: What a scary story.
No wonder you are feeling a little frayed around the edges! Thank goodness for the coat and the bush.

One very lucky-to-be-alive dog. :blink:  

I always worry around large drops - now I shall be extra vigilant as I see how easily it can happen - and though no fault of your own.

Glad he's OK though :thumbsup:

We didn't really think nothing of it as it is a regular camping in our camper and walking spot for us in the summer months and Sidney has always been fine.

The tide was out too (you can just see the sea in the first picture)

poor you and your family! You must have been terrified. Im so glad Ben is ok and is home safe and sound :huggles:
He is so lucky!! :luck:

My friends Jack Russell ran straight over a 250 foot cliff chasing a seagull and was killed.

I'm so glad to hear your little whippet is okay. :))
Oh how scary that must have been for you, I'm so glad there was a happy ending :))

Some years ago we thought Hebe had gone off a cliff in Cornwall after a seagull, she was missing for only about 10 mins but it was so sickeningly scary at the time. And that was just the thought of it happening. I can't imagine how worried you must have been. Give Ben a big :huggles: from me, glad he's ok.
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(w00t) my gosh what an absolutely aweful scare for you all... I hope you are now having a stiff drink..

Im so glad Ben is now safe and sound.. :huggles: :luck:
blimey that sounds scary. I have to say however that BB is totally mad. She is like a rocket off the lead and takes off at three hundred miles an hour and jumps runs hurdles anything in her way. She is madder than Stan and bouncy and just so full of beans. However, she does come back when called. My goodness that must have been scary but you must still let him have a run off the lead huh? That's what dogs love the most!

On an unrelated subject, met a whippet called Wilma today same colour and looks as Stan and was from Norfolk... maybe a relative eh?

Finally, drooling, yes we have drooling. Stan looks like a fox with rabies exactly 40 seconds after getting in the back of the car. BB less so but still pretty bad. I have tried ginger biscuits (puked up very fast) I have tried non-feeding before journeys: lots of drool, smaller pools of sick. No breakthrough there then...
:eek: OMG what would possess him to do that? :( I'm so sorry for the shock you have suffered. You could never have predicted that would happen so don't blame yourself. He must really have 9 lives.

Try and get some rest and put it behind you. What a crazy pup you've got there :huggles:
Sarah Ramsay said:
blimey that sounds scary. I have to say however that BB is totally mad. She is like a rocket off the lead and takes off at three hundred miles an hour and jumps runs hurdles anything in her way. She is madder than Stan and bouncy and just so full of beans. However, she does come back when called. My goodness that must have been scary but you must still let him have a run off the lead huh? That's what dogs love the most!
On an unrelated subject, met a whippet called Wilma today same colour and looks as Stan and was from Norfolk... maybe a relative eh?

Finally, drooling, yes we have drooling. Stan looks like a fox with rabies exactly 40 seconds after getting in the back of the car. BB less so but still pretty bad. I have tried ginger biscuits (puked up very fast) I have tried non-feeding before journeys: lots of drool, smaller pools of sick. No breakthrough there then...

It must be the blues :lol:

Ben was doing well and coming and having a tit bit but for some reason, goodness only knows what it was he just didn't compute that he was being called at that moment.

He hasn't left my side since and has had the munchies since he got home.

OOh may be Wilma is a relative of Lady

Yes we did the ginger nuts and like you they were eaten in seconds and came back just as fast....

The stugeron junior worked just needed more time me thinks.....

Ben sends lots of love and cuddles to his brother and sister :huggles:
wigglesworth said:
:eek: OMG what would possess him to do that?  :( I'm so sorry for the shock you have suffered. You could never have predicted that would happen so don't blame yourself. He must really have 9 lives.
Try and get some rest and put it behind you. What a crazy pup you've got there  :huggles:

Goodness only knows... I have a port & Lemon sitting next to me now :thumbsup:
OMG (w00t) What an awful terrifying time for you :(

Ben you naughty stunt dog you :eek: thank goodness for the bush and the coat, it really could have been a different ending :unsure:

I'm so glad Ben is ok and I hope you are feeling a bit better now Rachel :huggles:
:eek: omg rachel it all makes sence now i didnt see this post till after repling to the other post ,you must have had the shock of your lives and i bet little ben did to glad one of my coats helped a little if i make another for him il make shure its padded with a quilt :- " :sweating:
nicky12 said:
:eek: omg rachel it all makes sence now i didnt see this post till after repling to the other post ,you must have had the shock of your lives and i bet little ben did to glad one of my coats helped a little if i make another for him il make shure its padded with a quilt  :- " :sweating:
I didn't think to say... still a little shell shocked to be honest :(

Think we are going to need flame, explosive, water & ground proof on the next coat.... could it be made out fo padded rubber do you think?

As Ian was climbing back up with Ben I kept saying... Thank goodness for Nicky's coat :huggles:
:eek: OMG Thank goodness he's allright!!!! Poor you - it must have been horrifying :( I'm so glad he's not hurt :huggles:

Our labrador once leapt off a 20foot quarry but crashed through some bushes on the way down which broke her fall and she was fine. I watched it like it was in slow motion and was nearly sick (I was standing at the bottom). I don't think she saw the drop, just me, and was running at me in a straight line despite me screaming at her to stop (she's trained to stop). That's not a moment I'd like to live through again.

Hope he doesn't have any aches and learns his lesson.
Morning everyone.

Well The stunt dog is wearing his house coat as was a bit shivery today after his walk around the village and is snuggled on the sofa as we speak.

No sign of bruising and his little graze has scabbed nicely.

Ben doesn't appear stiff either so I think to say, other than is being a little chilly out, that the day after the night before, he seems fine.

Sidney can't understand why Ben is allowed his house coat on ( he does seem to feel the cold more than Sid) and he isn't..... so he has dragged out his blanket and is on his sofa with that tucked around himself :lol: you wouldn't think it was a cozy 21 degs in here with the central heating on :wacko:

It took ages to get off to sleep last night... I kept going over what happened and trying to figure out what drew his attention to go over to the spot ... Sidney was no where near over there... Ian thinks may be a fly or something as Ben likes to catch them at home.... I don't think we will ever know what processed him.. I just thank God he is ok.
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:eek: OMG!!!! just felt sick reading this!!!! so glad he is ok :huggles:
:sweating: This made me cry and my stomach knot. It reminded me of our border collie puppy that did a similar thing when i was a child . he was not killed but had to be put to sleep because he was so badly injured.

I think your right, the gorse bush, and certainly nickys coat saved his life . Im going to get one for mollie, they look fab and offer some protection .

my good wishes to you all :huggles:

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