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Karen-Coral said:
I would think Dee that the  regional/rep for the area in question is like any other voted on ----i think you are lucky really that you dont have her/him in your area --or ours --


They shouldn't be a rep in any region as it was proved in court what they are ;)

Spoke to one of my rep yesterday and they think the same

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rob67 said:
If the open at Westhoughton is a BWRA event then you might think that there might be some sort of minutes of the reps meeting available and then decisions may be clearer to understand?

the open on Sunday is a NORTH WEST BWRA event it is up to your own regional reps to inform members of what took place at the reps meeting NO meetings will take place at this event

DON'T WANT TO HEAR THE NAMES BRUCE,DI,TONY, YVONNE PASS ANYONES LIPS on Sunday its the first open of a new season lets enjoy it
SPOT ON LINDA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!see if we can start the years racing in

good old -----LANCASHIRE FASHION WITH LOTS OF GOOD WILL ---to all-----

Karen-Coral said:
SPOT ON LINDA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!see if we can start the years racing in




WELL ALL [SIZE=14pt]BAR 4[/SIZE] :oops:
Karen-Coral said:
Bit i forgot to add  like Chris has said the votes are in and counted so lets get on with the racing --
Lets Just Remember ----

-Both these couples have had a much fairer deal than Steve/Julie ever had

without all this sort of outcry

being the couple they are walked away with dignity ---a very sad loss to whippet racing in general--one of whippet racings blackest days---and one  that can never be rectified

they also had a fairer deal than

Colin Nevision who owned Avalanche and mark P--

where were all those who want justice to be tempered  with mercy then???

and yes Tony we all are entitled to a opinion  on all things that go on in our lives ---

this is mine


It isn't true to say there was no outcry over Steve and Julie. I know why they left the sport because Steve told when we discussed this at the time. There was clearly no point in supporting them in an appeal because they had already made up their minds to follow a different path and I understand why they made that choice.

Similarly there was dissent over those banned for theobromine. I discussed this at length with Mark Pettite and the evidence he passed onto me convinced me he was right. He was banned for bringing the sport into disrepute. Or was his membership suspended indefinatly? Do a search and you'll find who spoke out in their favour and those that just wanted to get on with the fun side of racing.

Everyone is entiled to their opinions but when opinions are canvassed to form a policy that affects an individual then those opinions need to be accounted for in a transparent, fair and honest way.
Tony Taylor said:
Karen-Coral said:
Bit i forgot to add like Chris has said the votes are in and counted so lets get on with the racing --
Lets Just Remember ----

-Both these couples have had a much fairer deal than Steve/Julie ever had

without all this sort of outcry

being the couple they are walked away with dignity ---a very sad loss to whippet racing in general--one of whippet racings blackest days---and one that can never be rectified

they also had a fairer deal than

Colin Nevision who owned Avalanche and mark P--

where were all those who want justice to be tempered with mercy then???

and yes Tony we all are entitled to a opinion on all things that go on in our lives ---

this is mine


It isn't true to say there was no outcry over Steve and Julie. I know why they left the sport because Steve told when we discussed this at the time. There was clearly no point in supporting them in an appeal because they had already made up their minds to follow a different path and I understand why they made that choice.

Similarly there was dissent over those banned for theobromine. I discussed this at length with Mark Pettite and the evidence he passed onto me convinced me he was right. He was banned for bringing the sport into disrepute. Or was his membership suspended indefinatly? Do a search and you'll find who spoke out in their favour and those that just wanted to get on with the fun side of racing.

Everyone is entiled to their opinions but when opinions are canvassed to form a policy that affects an individual then those opinions need to be accounted for in a transparent, fair and honest way.


I was going to answer you Tony but i will leave it till we are face to face as i have a question i would like answering with regards to Bruce asking you about running at Westhoughton and your comments at a meeting regarding what i may of may not say or do?--looking forward to seeing you

weathergirls said:
rob67 said:
If the open at Westhoughton is a BWRA event then you might think that there might be some sort of minutes of the reps meeting available and then decisions may be clearer to understand?

the open on Sunday is a NORTH WEST BWRA event it is up to your own regional reps to inform members of what took place at the reps meeting NO meetings will take place at this event

DON'T WANT TO HEAR THE NAMES BRUCE,DI,TONY, YVONNE PASS ANYONES LIPS on Sunday its the first open of a new season lets enjoy it

I'm sorry linda I dont think I suggested that any meeting would take place, if it is a BWRA event, whether it has any prefix to it or not, I merely meant that those who might have more capacity to shed light on the issue discussed in the thread might be in attendance. I too am pretty sick of names being mentioned, it might be interesting to look at past posts and see who mentions them the most?

It would be nice to think racing can start in 2008 with a good heart, but then that might take EVERYONE ......sorry my caps button got stuck.... to talk about how our dogs run rather than recent or past events. Even so I dont think you will ever stop people talking or writing about it.

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rob67 said:
. I too am pretty sick of names being mentioned, it might be interesting to look at past posts and see who mentions them the most?
That must be me then :oops:

The comment wasn't aimed at anyone in particular dee, think you have had enough flak lately, so I wouldn't be adding to it :) . Considering I wasn't around when the other difficulties happened I don't have the same feelings as those that were, but i appreciate that people are so frustrated, it doesn't resolve anything tho. I would be quite happy if none of these people were never mentioned again......................but pigs would have to get to space before that will happen!! (no offence piglet :D )

Karen-Coral said:
I was going to answer you Tony but i will leave it till we are face to face as i have a question i would like answering with regards to Bruce asking you about running at Westhoughton  and your comments at a meeting regarding what i may of may not say or do?--looking forward to seeing you

A face to face discussion will make a nice change from the usual gossiping behind peoples back. :)

The question of Bruce running at Westhoughton club has only a tenuous connection with the post of mine you quote so why you don't want to reply to that because of questions you want to ask about Bruce asking me to run at Westhoughton isn't clear to me.

FYI Bruce pm'd me Nov 21/11/2007 so unless you have only just found out about it I find it odd you suddenly want to question me over the matter since you have had plenty of opportunity previously and we have spoken to each other since. Furthermore your view on his email was made known to me at around that time.

As to what you "may or may not have said, and do" it has been independently repeated to myself and others by at least 3 different people what you have said on the matter. I have no reason to believe all these people are wrong so I don't think it's unreasonable to believe what has been reported is your view.

There was no meeting. The matter was discussed after racing with a number of my long term racing colleagues and friends. I can count the number of people who I have discussed this with on one hand and I can recall exactly what I have said on the matter at the time as no doubt others present can and will verify.

I'm not in the habit of discussing or revealing the content of my private conversations with anyone and I won't be making an exception in this case.

However if you want to discuss the matter of Bruce running at the club with me in a civil way I'm more than happy to do so. For the record my view is that he be allowed to run next year and I know that others running the club feel the same way. I agree that any decision at the time should be made with the agreement of the majority. I think that any vote as to whether Bruce is allowed to run or not should not be swayed by the threat of any participant at the club not to run their dogs because of Bruce being allowed to run. I have also agreed to personally make up the shortfall in funds to the club caused if anyone does withdraw their dogs because of a vote that allows Bruce to run. My previous financial support (and that of other members, including those who may or may not withdraw their dogs) is a matter of record as the treasure will be able to confirm as is the fact that I have provided additional funds when others did not support the club.
Think it is bad news Tony that members (who have done nothing wrong)should feel they wouldn't be able to run because of you allowing Bruce to run.Surely your support should be to the paid up members who have done nothing wrong Karen
Think things are getting a little misconstrued here. Tony never agreed to Bruce running their dogs nor was it his decision to make, it would of been the majoritys, regardless! The fact that some stated they'd not run their dogs if Bruce was allowed to run was of course relevant but shouldn't sway a members vote.

As I understood it, opinions were canvassed and it was agreed that they shouldn't be allowed to run at the present time. No definate vote has been taken and no meeting has occured regarding this as it appeared everyone was in general agreement. If there's a need for further discussion regarding this I suggest it be carried out at a club nights racing.

We are a club and as far as I'm concerned, no one individual has the defining vote on decisions made, regardless of their methodologies.
Sorry Jac should have put that I realised it was Tonys oppinion.Was just commenting on what he'd put :)
Well said Tony, i am glad to see there are some whippet racers with a bit of human compassion.

The two said people were punished by the governing body from which they stole.

[paid back most of the money] but people still arent happy.

It seems very harsh to me to drive these people out of whippet racing altogether,for life.

[While were on cant we get hanging &capital punshment brought back.]
rodders said:
Think it is bad news Tony that members (who have done nothing wrong)should feel they wouldn't be able to run because of you allowing Bruce to run.Surely your support should be to the paid up members who have done nothing wrong    Karen
1) There is no reason any member can't run if Bruce is allowed to run at the club. That would be their choice

2) If you read my previous post you will see any decision as to whether Bruce is allowed to run will be made by the majority. Nowhere have I given or implied that decision is mine

3)Personally I would rather do what I consider to be right rather than go against my principles in support of a member who I believe is acting in an inappropriate way. It's clear to me that not everyone in whippet racing is of the same frame of mind and are happy to support individuals whenever it is expedient to do so regardless of their own personal morals.

If someone felt strongly enough about not running with Bruce because of his previous misdeeds then I can accept that without prejudice. I stopped running under the NWRF when Tony and Yvonne were in charge on principle. I would assume though that anyone feeling that way about Bruce would feel similarly incapable of running with other racers whose misdeeds are comparable, or worse, if their principles are to be consistent. Otherwise I would get the impression the reason for the withdrawal or threat of withdrawal was perhaps for other reasons.
In answer to the posts

I find it very hard to swallow that a person who was on the nnwrf committee could take part in legal action against another person for stealing

and not only that they were very vocal about what should happen to the said persons

--then go on and do even a worse crime --

fraud actually signing cheques in another persons name -

-who were classed as friends --then even have the audacity to show their faces again let alone run with them---

i also have no doubt that when or if the persons who this is about actually ask for membership of the Westhoughton wrc the matter will be decided by the majority of members ---

but i do take issue with some other person canvassing and using words like blackmail and ransom about what i may or may not say surely this can not be right and then asking others not to mention it to me --- after all i am there why not say what you need to say to me personally---

Wahey which meeting have i missed. :lol:

I had the same pm from Bruce last week regarding running on Saturday and told him what was said originally, that it will be reviewed when the club next opens, which is the last i heard on the matter.

With regards to anyone not running their dogs, my main gripe about this whole situation is why should anybody have to make up the money (be it Tony or any other member) due to people refusing to race against Bruce (and there was more than one membership that felt this way by all accounts), it's dogs that people want to run against, making up the money isn't the only factor. I don't need to point out the amount of money & support those people have put into the club in comparison to Bruce's donations.

Anyway, pointless going on about this now when it was left that we will take a vote in September and whatever the majority decides will stand.
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Karen-Coral said:
In answer to the posts
I find it very hard to swallow that a person who was on the nnwrf committee could take  part in  legal action against another person for stealing 

and not only that they were very vocal about what should happen to the said persons

--then go on and do even a worse crime --

fraud actually signing cheques in another persons name -

-who were classed as friends --then even have the audacity to show their faces again let alone run with them---

i also have no doubt that when or if the persons who this is about actually ask for membership of the Westhoughton wrc  the matter will be decided by the majority of members ---

but i do  take issue with some other person canvassing and using  words like blackmail and ransom about what i may or may not say surely this can not be right and then asking others not to mention it to me --- after all i am there why not say what you need to say to me personally---


I agree it was totally hypocritical of the Bellwoods to pursue Tony and Yvonne for their alleged theft from the NWRF whilst embezzling funds from the reformed organisation.

As far as I'm concerned theft is theft. Whether their crime is worse is a matter of opinion. They have admitted guilt and made restitution by paying back the money which ought to be given due consideration

As far as Westhoughton WRC is concerned I'm of course in favour of the issue being decided by the majority of members.

Since Bruce emailed me I don't think it was unreasonable of me to let other members know and ask their view. I informed some members via email and others at the club. What became clear at the next club meet is that some members already knew of Bruces desire to come to the club. Some members had been asked by Bruce directly and some members knew through the grapevine. What was also clear was your view on the matter as it had been repeated to me before the club meet and I was approached by a member concerned over the implications of your view and Bruce’s request to run at the club. Given I already "knew" your view there was little need to ask you directly. Since the majority were in favour of Bruce not running for this year at least the majority view was that this could be decided next season and thus avoids any potential arguments at this time.

For the record;

1) I’m not going to discuss or reveal the content of my private conversations with anyone. Clearly not everyone has the same view on keeping confidences. I am well aware that certain people are not to be trusted but that doesn't mean I’ won’t discuss topics that need to be discussed for fear of gossip. These people know who they are.

2) If you had been there at the discussion you would have got the same opinion. I won't alter my view just to suit whoever is present.

3) I’m sure you will agree that the voting intentions of club members should be on their own principles and not influenced by whatever other members may or may not say or do. Blackmail and ransom are strong words but I don't believe that Westhoughton WRC or its members should be blackmailed into doing anything they don't agree with or the club held to ransom by another member. I doubt you would feel different if I threatened to pull out.

4) "and then asking others not to mention it to me" is untrue. I have never made any such statement and no such sentiment has ever been expressed or implied by myself. As above I'm well aware certain people will not keep confidence.

5) My view was that there was no need have any discussion on this matter with anyone until a vote needed to be taken and as such no need to have a potential confrontation for no obvious gain with someone who clearly has a totally different view to myself. As before I'm happy to discuss this matter in a civil way with anyone it might affect and this obviously includes you Steve. Further more I don't mind if it's face to face, via pm/email or on the public forum.

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