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Italian Whippets V Whippets

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OK my twopence worth to these iggy questions,not Pam but her better 1/2.Back in the early 6ties till the mid 7ties my gran and grandpa had an iggie,tinker.Now tinker didnt suffer any broken bones from launching her self from the couch or from running up and down stairs,hell she even went out with the lurchers for some "sport" never caught anything but would "fight "with the lurchers for the right to bring back tomorrows dinner. Now in my opinion iggies are complex but maybe not as much as they are made out to be, if you are fortunate enough to own an iggie then please dont wrap it up in cotton wool,they deserve more MALK o:)
i have no knowledge of IGS and do not intend to own one BUT i felt i had to point out that have you noticed the person who posted this topic has not put any more posts on since it all kicked off again ?

nothing to do with dogs just concerned it is putting people off asking grnuine questions :blink:

and a newcomer may not be aware of the FAQ forum :thumbsup:

the people who put the links up did a good job :thumbsup:
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pamalkie said:
OK my twopence worth to these iggy questions,not Pam but her better 1/2.Back in the early 6ties till the mid 7ties my gran and grandpa had an iggie,tinker.Now tinker didnt suffer any broken bones from launching her self from the couch or from running up and down stairs,hell she even went out with the lurchers for some "sport" never caught anything but would "fight "with the lurchers for the right to bring back tomorrows dinner. Now in my opinion iggies are complex but maybe not as much as they are made out to be, if you are fortunate enough to own an iggie then please dont wrap it up in cotton wool,they deserve more MALK o:)

And you are entitled to your opinion & your say :thumbsup:

Your Gran & Grandpa were truly very fortunate having such a hardy & robust IG that could run & fight with lurchers :blink:

Again you can only speak from your personal experience as both myself & many others breeders can & after having endured a number of broken legs over many years it is not a case of wrapping them in cotton wool BUT merely trying to be sensible on our parts to insure accidents are kept to a minimum.

As for them deserving more, i think they deserve to live as normal a life as possible the same as any dog BUT common sense alone has to prevail when dealing with such fine bones & just a little extra care.

Out of interest i would love to know the breeding of your Gran & Grandpa's IG just out of genuine curiosity as i am a bit of a pedigree freak when it comes to tracing back the old lines :))
Could I just add a thought or two to this "debate". After losing our doberman several years ago, I was looking to own a different breed of dog which would fit in with our family and lifestyle. I had always admired sight hounds, but wanted a smallish breed. I did what I suppose most people "not in the know" do, and started scanning the internet for info on breeds. There are loads of web sites which give you brief run downs on the size, pros, cons price etc of the breeds available in this country. I narrowed down my search to a whippet and an IG and then started to phone around to talk to breeders. At no point did I read in any of the available information for the average pet owner (I consider my-self to fall into this category), the demands of the IG;I am talking about toilet training, fragility, high energy etc which would all be aspects of chosing a breed that would affect my choice. I had a conversation with a whippet breeder and mentioned my choices, luckily she mentioned some of the problems associated withe breed and I decided that an IG was definately completely unsuitable for me. I suppose that the point I am trying to make is, that the person who asked the original question was probably in the same position as I was 3 years ago. I would have found it useful to come here and had a really honest view of what this breed is like. I think a pinned breed description and FAQ is a brilliant idea, for those who own the breed, I admire you, but I don't think an Iggy is the right "pet" for most people, and you dedicated owners must tell us why. Meeting the breed at Crufts in the Discover Dogs hall was a hugely enlightening experience, the owners there so obviously adored their dogs, but were more than happy to chat about the demands of owning these little treasures. My advice would be to the original poster, get yourself to a show, to Crufts, to Discover Dogs and see the breed in the flesh, talk to the breeders and owners and then decide if they are right for you.
so what have we learned here then!!...if you dont own a ig or have'nt for atleast 30years dont you dare ask about them!!

no matter how much your interested(and may well be the person that would suit them the best in the world) i'm a fraid your have to creep about picking up scraps of info untill you know enough or meet some one who actually wants to help the breed(and thats not only vetting who gets them although thats important) and gives you advice or helps you with a pup.

its very sad thing a closed shop.

scotty o:)
saraquele said:
... BUT  i felt i had to point out that have you noticed the person who posted this topic has not put any more posts on since it all kicked off again ?

Well, I'm sure the person who started this thread won't mind me saying, but I PM'd them with information back at the start of this (as many of us do to these so-called 'unanswered' threads). They've found another whippet as companion to their whippet.

I'm not going to answer a thread just to let Joe Public know I've made private contact (ie a PM) with someone. All I gave them was an informed, balanced opinion and they were perfectly capable of making up their own minds. After all, it was opinions, not diatribes, they were asking for.

p.s. My iggies are absolutely NOT wrapped in cotton wool and the only thing they've 'suffered' from is a slight grass allergy on their snuggly little tums. They both run for miles off the lead in the woods every day but I wouldn't let them leap a 10foot wall. They're building muscle and bone strength to suit their age/strength, dexterity over rough ground, obedience and socialisation.. all without cages or overstretching.

Common sense :thumbsup: Not that I'm an expert..... o:)
scotty wong said:
so what have we learned here then!!...if you dont own a ig or have'nt for atleast 30years dont you dare ask about them!! no matter how much your interested(and may well be the person that would suit them the best in the world) i'm a fraid your have to creep about picking up scraps of info untill you know enough or meet some one who actually wants to help the breed(and thats not only vetting who gets them although thats important) and gives you advice or helps you with a pup.

its very sad thing a closed shop.

scotty o:)

I got my first IG back in May!

Back in 2001 I decided that at some point I would like to have an Iggy. So I read all the books I could get hold of & spoke to some Iggy people at CH shows who gave me some very good advice.

At the end of 2004 I pm'd Alfie & Jan & who both gave me plenty of info & helped me to find a very good breeder whose main interest is that her puppies go to good homes!

I have not at any point come up against this so called "closed Shop" ;)
scotty wong said:
so what have we learned here then!!...if you dont own a ig or have'nt for atleast 30years dont you dare ask about them!! no matter how much your interested(and may well be the person that would suit them the best in the world) i'm a fraid your have to creep about picking up scraps of info untill you know enough or meet some one who actually wants to help the breed(and thats not only vetting who gets them although thats important) and gives you advice or helps you with a pup.

its very sad thing a closed shop.

scotty o:)

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

I can't believe we've got this far into a thread and someone is still making accusations of a 'closed' shop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know, lets spell it out slowly for those who can't read plain English;

* There are very few puppies available because there are few Italians being bred from. (That's simple sums. 1+1 does not = 100s)

* The people who breed these puppies want the 'best' homes for them.

* The people who breed these puppies get to choose the 'best' homes.

* YOU have to do the work to let the breeder see you are the 'best' home.

* Then you join a waiting list.

* ONLY if you are not a 'best' home will you not get a puppy.

And as for 'creeping about' - what's that? I didn't do any creeping, sucking up, lying or any low activity during my research. I was open, honest, open to question and worked hard at it.. did the groundwork. Nothing handed on a plate, no rose-coloured specs, no 'creeping' :blink:

I know someone who was openly an excellent home so they jumped to the start of the waiting list. That's plain good honest placing of a puppy, not a closed shop, not a 'circle', nothing to do with money.... NEED we go on again and again with the basic facts. And after all my research I found myself with a puppy pretty quick too and have made some wonderful friends. That's life, not a closed shop.

Goodness, wake up and read this thread properly! I think a degree of literacy might help.
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:) I don't want to tread on anyone's toes, but would people like me to start a thread on IGs in the FAQ section? I haven't before, because a) no one has asked me to, and b) I felt that people looking for specific information would come to this forum rather than FAQ which is more general. But it might be a start, and perhaps I could pin a link from here to there... You can all add to the thread once I've started it.

What do you think? :)
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scotty wong said:
so what have we learned here then!!...if you dont own a ig or have'nt for atleast 30years dont you dare ask about them!!

no matter how much your interested(and may well be the person that would suit them the best in the world) i'm a fraid your have to creep about picking up scraps of info untill you know enough or meet some one who actually wants to help the breed(and thats not only vetting who gets them although thats important) and gives you advice or helps you with a pup.

its very sad thing a closed shop.

scotty o:)

No one BUT no one is saying anything of the sort that you have referred to in your above post.

Its great if people DO ask about the breed & if they are genuinely interested BUT it is no good asking for advice if you are then just going to poo poo it because its not what you want to hear. :- "

Genuine breeders will always answer ALL enquiries as honestly as possibly but it is to little advantage when someone asks questions is given honest replies then is over rode & ridiculed by others that know not the first thing about the breed, it makes the information they have given totally fruitless.

Most genuine Breeders will tell newcomers or people interested in acquiring an IG the pitfalls of the breed. They will tell them that they are NOT suitable for ALL households, YES they can break their legs, NO they are not the cleaniest or easiest to housetrain breed & YES they do suffer with several hereditary health issues.

BUT then you will always get someone who has just recently acquired an IG or knows someone who once was going to buy one or whose great Aunts brother had one 20 years ago (w00t) immediately post saying all that you have said is total rot, as far as they are concerned they are one of the most robust breeds who do not break their legs any more so than any other breed, they dont have health issues & they would recommend an IG to all & sundry no matter what the circumstances.

It's frustrating for a newcomer to be given conflicting information & even more frustrating for genuine caring breeders who do have the experience when they know totally inadequate information is being given. :(
I am in complete agreement with both Zilloot & Nina. :)

If you do not do your research thoroughly & cannot prove that you are a very good home then no genuine breeder will let you have one of their puppies!

And in my opinion as only a novice Iggy owner that is exactly the way it should be :thumbsup:
I very rarely add my thoughts onto this forum - but i do look in everyday if i can. We are owned by a wonderful whippet who i have posted pictures of on this forum and for many years i have known that i would love to add an italian to our family . I look on this forum as often as i do to share in peoples wonderful dogs (especially Zoomie :wub: ) and from all the wonderful posts i have learnt a huge amount about the breed and hope that one day we will be considered as a suitable home. I for one am so pleased that people are protective of this fantastic dog - i just wish all breeders and owners cared as much :(
tracy said:
I very rarely add my thoughts onto this forum - but i do look in everyday if i can. We are owned by a wonderful whippet who i have posted pictures of on this forum and for many years i have known that i would love to add an italian to our family . I look on this forum as often as i do to share in peoples wonderful dogs (especially Zoomie :wub: ) and from all the wonderful posts i have learnt a huge amount about the breed and hope that one day we will be considered as a suitable home. I for one am so pleased that people are protective of this fantastic dog - i just wish all breeders and owners cared as much :(

And i hope Tracy, everything turns out well for you & you one day get your little IG :thumbsup:
strange this i was told u have to know this breed before having one (do not know how u do that with out owning 1) but i just heard a very interesting story of a lady getting a phone call off ig rescue and been offered a ig from them with behavour problems(biting people)now this lady as never own a sight hound never mind a ig so can the rescue explain this to me as i was told u have to have experiece in eg.As i have experence in sight hounds for a lot of years.
unwanted said:
strange this i was told u have to know this breed before having one (do not know how u do that with out owning 1) but i just heard a very interesting story of a lady getting a phone call off ig rescue and been offered a ig from them with behavour problems(biting people)now this lady as never own a sight hound never mind a ig so can the rescue explain this to me as i was told u have to have experiece in eg.As i have experence in sight hounds for a lot of years.

Well i suggest you contact IG Rescue and ask them other than asking people who are not involved in IG Rescue.

IG Rescue has many numbers of people on their waiting lists, some who have or have had IG's & some who haven't.

It's certainly NOT about only being able to have an IG if you already have or have had one.

Each home is individually vetted & if found to be suitable, then they are on the list if an IG becomes available.

I think if you perhaps knew a little of how IG Rscue worked perhaps you would be better qualified to comment.

If you would like to pm me i will be more than happy to give you the contact number of the lovely lady Shirley who runs it & perhaps you could give her a ring & discuss any concerns you may have on how Rescue does rehome these little ones & what they deem as suitable.
think u should back track nina and look at some of the posts on here before u get on ye high horse.
and to be honest with u nina iv really gone off the idear of owning a ig from wot iv read on here.think i will stick to my non plastic whippets seems less hassel.but next time i have a litter of lurcher or whippet pups. i must remeber not to let anyone av one if they wanting to get into the racing sport/hunting if they have no knowlege of these breeds.There again if we do not let people in the sport/hunting it will die out mmmmmm catch 22 me thinks
unwanted said:
and to be honest with u nina iv really gone off the idear of owning a ig from wot iv read on here.think i will stick to my non plastic whippets seems less hassel.but next time i have a litter of lurcher or whippet pups. i must remeber not to let anyone av one  if they wanting to get into the racing sport/hunting if they have no knowlege of these breeds.There again if we do not let people in the sport/hunting it will die out mmmmmm catch 22 me thinks
Perhaps you should have read all of the previous posts & understood them properly before adding your comments! :thumbsup:
unwanted said:
strange this i was told u have to know this breed before having one (do not know how u do that with out owning 1) .....

For the umpteenth time.... you read the books, you talk to the people, you meet other people's dogs, you ask questions, you read and read... that's how you know.

Owning sighthounds is all very well but the iggies are very different to whippets. Whippets are available in their hundreds and an easier breed to keep so they're easier to handle if you've never owned one before. There really is a lot to learn about iggies and it's just very sad people want instant gratification instead taking the time to do the learning. If you don't know anything about them the new owner and the poor dog could be heading into a horrible experience.

Honestly, it's really all about the welfare of the dog (and a bit about the sanity of the new owner)
na think i will keep well clear of the ig world sounds like of people in there own little world.i was wanting one of these little dogs to use as working dog as they were bred for not a carpet dog for getting my ego up on the show seen.think its a tangle web i just feel sorry for the breed as its dieing out as aworking breed.and thats not been nasty to all ig owners cos i know some use them for hunting

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