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Puppy Prices - Dog V's Bitch

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when i made enquiries of some top winning kennels in IGs about puppies about £500 was the going rate for a puppy. I am surprised to see anyone charging these crazy prices especially when there is a differnece of £500 between dog and bitch. I cant see any other reason than being after £££ - and stating no endorsements is surely advertising to the lowest common denominator who will have the same purpose in life..
I for sure wouldnt be prepared to pay those prices - have the parents of these puppies won an awful lot or something, or have they produced top winning dogs??
I am not surprised because the sad fact of the matter is that people are bloody greedy. Unfortunately, there seems to be people who will pay these crazy prices, which just fuels these kind of breeders and keeps the cycle going.

Obviously this sort of breeder is just seeing MONEY MONEY MONEY ;)
Lets hope they are within the boundrys of UK laws. I'm sure they would be. i.e. HMRC. Unlike most that breed. Knock knock. Whos there. PMSL. :thumbsup:
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Well i thought i'd have a look at prices people are charging...... £1500 for IG bitch and £1000 for dog from same litter. Plus advertising the fact that they are unendorsed.......need i say more :-
This time i've probably had more bitch enquiries than dogs, but last time it was about even. I wouldn't charge a different price dependant on sex no matter what the balance of enquiries were - i just don't agree with it. We decided that £400 was a fair price for a Whippet PUPPY, be that dog or bitch. No way would i hike the price up of a bitch just because we were asked for more of them.
Good point. But why would anyone ask more than the cost of rearing the puppy other than to make a few bob. Maybe a holiday or new car perhaps or to help subsidise your showing hobby. New kennels, etc etc. (w00t) :thumbsup: Lets face it at £400 your making money no matter how you dress it up !!!!
well i dont agree wiggy as anyone knows rearing a happy healthy litter costs money and i know that jo and rachel put everything into doing so including having dogs heart tested which isnt cheap as we know i personally would be happy to pay more for a puppy based on that fact but i certainly would never pay more for a bitch than a dog as to me thats daylight robbery
Anyone selling unendorsed puppies for ridiculous prices is purely out to make as much money as possible & obviously doesn't care where the puppies end up as long as they get their easily earned profits!!!

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Anyone selling unendorsed puppies for ridiculous prices is purely out to make as much money as possible & obviously doesn't care where the puppies end up as long as they get their easily earned profits!!!


:lol: :lol: :lol: What a brilliant idea
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There's a hell of a lot of a difference between paying £400 for a pup and then paying £1500 though isn't there! Or, to be fair and talk about the same breed, £500 and £1500.

We were very lucky with Holly's litter as she whelped easily, no unexpected vets bills etc. However, any spare money there was went on the puppy we kept who broke his leg at 12 weeks old. There are many factors and costs involved though raising a litter properly.

These are just a few of the things i can think of quickly:

Puppy Pen

Vet bed (i would buy new for each litter)


Good quality food

Dew claw removal

Heating for the puppy room 24/7 with a proper thermostat controlled heater - this wasn't cheap!

Fuel costs driving to and from work throughout the day to care for them if im on shift

Basic puppy pack, collar, lead, coat etc

I actually think that campaigning a dog in a particular field is relevant, be it in Field Trials etc as a Gundog or Showing, Racing. You have proved this dogs worth in the chosen discipline.

Personally now we have had the cost of Heart Testing Ruby - which was actually more than the cost of one of our pups and a stud fee. This equates to the money from two puppies.

If i'd been breeding for profit, i wouldn't have bothered heart testing Ruby and i'd have used Rocco instead of paying a stud fee. I didn't though - oh silly me, i could have had a holiday with that £800!! :wacko:

Dependant on litter size, there may be a small amount left over - Yes, this money will be used for campaigning the dogs in their chosen discipline. As i've said, i think this is relevant.

However, perhaps a few hundred pounds left over at most, cetainly not enough to be buying a new car and certainly not several £1000's

I don't think any caring and sensible puppy owner would think it awful that a small amount of money was actually gained, and lets face it, if the bitch had to have a caesar for example, there would not be any money left over at all. After all, a lot of work and time goes into raising puppies correctly.

No matter how much i wanted a particular dog though, i would never pay over inflated ridiculous prices.
I would have to say its most likely demand. I've had many more enquiries for my bitch puppies. I'm sure if i put the price of the dogs UP to the bitch price they wouldn't sell. :thumbsup:

I just don't get the whole 'supply and demand' thing at all! IMHO People use the numerically small number of iggies available as an argument to bump prices up. They often say that if someone wanted a whippet pup they could easily get one, and that is true, if they are looking for a pet, there are lots of puppies out there.

But, if they want a particular 'type' of whippet, they have to look for it and they have to wait for it - racing people don't just get any pup, they wait for a particular one, same for showing or working, so for them there is also a numberically small number of pups available - probably a comparable amount to iggies pups - but you can bet your bottom dollar that they would not consider paying £1000 or more for one!!!!!

I have never seen anyone who had a nicely bred litter of iggies, being sold at a good, honest price, getting 'stuck' with any! And I would be mortified if I had to reduce the price of dog pups just to sell them :eek:

People on this thread are quoting £1500 for a bitch, which is an outrageous amount of money for any puppy bred in this country, especially a small, easy breed like iggies - they generally don't need much help whelping and they cost a reasonable amount to raise.

I've got 2 bitches that I adore, hey are priceless to me, I would change them for the world. But would I have paid £1500 each for them? You bet your arse I wouldn't of! :p

If Ferrari stated selling cars for £15k they wouldn't keep up with the demand. They make them with the same materials as Skoda. :-
Well, maybe not the same materials exactly - but Ferrari have invested many years and many pounds into developing, understand and perfecting their lines, using cutting edge technology to test and improve the safety and quality of their 'product' - so I guess they can justify it - can you???? :-
that is a very good analogy doris.

When the absolute top winning kennels ini a breed, who have, i understand, spent many years gaining knowledge of their bloodlines, and carefully selecting breeding programmes which will hopefully produce the very best, importing where necessary from equally top winning kennels overseas, are charging one third of the prices being advertised on some of these awful websites then it doesnt seem to make much sense to me - unless money is the driving force.
There's a hell of a lot of a difference between paying £400 for a pup and then paying £1500 though isn't there! Or, to be fair and talk about the same breed, £500 and £1500.
We were very lucky with Holly's litter as she whelped easily, no unexpected vets bills etc. However, any spare money there was went on the puppy we kept who broke his leg at 12 weeks old. There are many factors and costs involved though raising a litter properly.

These are just a few of the things i can think of quickly:

Puppy Pen

Vet bed (i would buy new for each litter)


Good quality food

Dew claw removal

Heating for the puppy room 24/7 with a proper thermostat controlled heater - this wasn't cheap!

Fuel costs driving to and from work throughout the day to care for them if im on shift

Basic puppy pack, collar, lead, coat etc

I actually think that campaigning a dog in a particular field is relevant, be it in Field Trials etc as a Gundog or Showing, Racing. You have proved this dogs worth in the chosen discipline.

Personally now we have had the cost of Heart Testing Ruby - which was actually more than the cost of one of our pups and a stud fee. This equates to the money from two puppies.

If i'd been breeding for profit, i wouldn't have bothered heart testing Ruby and i'd have used Rocco instead of paying a stud fee. I didn't though - oh silly me, i could have had a holiday with that £800!! :wacko:

Dependant on litter size, there may be a small amount left over - Yes, this money will be used for campaigning the dogs in their chosen discipline. As i've said, i think this is relevant.

However, perhaps a few hundred pounds left over at most, cetainly not enough to be buying a new car and certainly not several £1000's

I don't think any caring and sensible puppy owner would think it awful that a small amount of money was actually gained, and lets face it, if the bitch had to have a caesar for example, there would not be any money left over at all. After all, a lot of work and time goes into raising puppies correctly.

No matter how much i wanted a particular dog though, i would never pay over inflated ridiculous prices.

very well put jo :thumbsup:
This thread seems to be going round in circles and over very old ground, and doesn't have anything to do with Italian Greyhounds, so probably best closed :thumbsup:
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