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Puppy Prices - Dog V's Bitch

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This is a really interesting read! We could have had either a boy or girl when we got Izzy and both at the same price, I also wish I had bought the little lad aswell as he was a gorgeous bubbly fawn brindle :thumbsup:
So, the question is this - why do some breeders sell bitches for more than dogs? :blink:
Well, there were some views I hadn't thought of - the greyhound one, obviously, but it makes sense, as it is (generally) based on money. But an iggie isn't a working or racing breed, so it doesn't apply in this case. :thumbsup:

The other one I hadn't thought of was to try and encourage people to buy the boys - it might be a consideration in a numerically large breed, and its not something I'm comfortable with, but it certainly doesn't apply to such a numerically small breed like IGs. :unsure:

There is the 'supply and demand' option, bitches are worth more as they have the potential to generate money through litters - I know someone mentioned £100, but not when you are talking about italian greyhounds, try adding £500 to what you'd pay for a boy! :eek: That ain't exactly small change, is it :wacko:

Or because people will pay more for a bitch as they are more popular, some breeders add more on to their price tag - again, adding weight to the theory that bitches generate more income, either through the litters they produce as a whole, or individually as a more expensive pup. I can understand people having a personal preference, I prefer boy whippets - but that doesn't mean I'd expect to pay more for one :lol:

Either of those 2 options are the only ones that I can see applies to iggies - I do know a couple of breeders but they don't do this so I can't see the other side of the coin, if you know what I mean? :blink:

So, if there are any iggies breeders out there who can educate or enlighten a non-breeder like me, I'd be interested to hear your opinions :)) and I'd be very relieved to find out that it isn't driven my making money! :sweating:

And Bertha, next time you are getting off the train at hemel, give me a shout, I'll make you a cuppa :thumbsup:
So, if there are any iggies breeders out there who can educate or enlighten a non-breeder like me, I'd be interested to hear your opinions :)) and I'd be very relieved to find out that it isn't driven my making money! :sweating:

Actually, if there are ANY breeders who do this, I'd love to hear their reasons for charging more for bitch pups - it doesn't just have to be iggie breeders, I just put it on here as I know that some iggie breeders have been heavily criticised for marking up their bitches by a whopping 50% more than dogs - I've never seen that sort of increase on the other breeds discussed on k9 :thumbsup:
So, if there are any iggies breeders out there who can educate or enlighten a non-breeder like me, I'd be interested to hear your opinions :)) and I'd be very relieved to find out that it isn't driven my making money! :sweating:

Actually, if there are ANY breeders who do this, I'd love to hear their reasons for charging more for bitch pups - it doesn't just have to be iggie breeders, I just put it on here as I know that some iggie breeders have been heavily criticised for marking up their bitches by a whopping 50% more than dogs - I've never seen that sort of increase on the other breeds discussed on k9 :thumbsup:
I would have to say its most likely demand. I've had many more enquiries for my bitch puppies. I'm sure if i put the price of the dogs UP to the bitch price they wouldn't sell. :thumbsup: I've seen a Maltese Terrier litter recently where the dogs were £1000 and bitches £1800. (w00t) I've also seen a litter of 13 Great Danes as well. Prices started at £300 for a black dog with various prices in between up to £1100 for a Harlequin bitch, and all from the same litter. :- Obviously sex and colour are a factor in the demand for this breed. :thumbsup:
So, if there are any iggies breeders out there who can educate or enlighten a non-breeder like me, I'd be interested to hear your opinions :)) and I'd be very relieved to find out that it isn't driven my making money! :sweating:

Actually, if there are ANY breeders who do this, I'd love to hear their reasons for charging more for bitch pups - it doesn't just have to be iggie breeders, I just put it on here as I know that some iggie breeders have been heavily criticised for marking up their bitches by a whopping 50% more than dogs - I've never seen that sort of increase on the other breeds discussed on k9 :thumbsup:
I would have to say its most likely demand. I've had many more enquiries for my bitch puppies. I'm sure if i put the price of the dogs UP to the bitch price they wouldn't sell. :thumbsup: I've seen a Maltese Terrier litter recently where the dogs were £1000 and bitches £1800. (w00t) I've also seen a litter of 13 Great Danes as well. Prices started at £300 for a black dog with various prices in between up to £1100 for a Harlequin bitch, and all from the same litter. :- Obviously sex and colour are a factor in the demand for this breed. :thumbsup:

im sorry to say but with pirces like this £1000 and £1800 surly it is all about the money??

there is no way a litter of pups cost anywhere near this to breed, and the price difference is unreal how on earth did they decided that the bitch was worth £800 more than the dog???

i can kinda understand that if you only have a 1-3 pup litter compared to a 7/9 what whippets usualy have then your £500 a pup or what ever it is that is charger is greatly reduced on the smaller litter. but still!!!

maybe just my opinoin but on toy breed litters who do seem to demand higher prices for some weird reason, if the pricing is to make the pups sell (whether they be boys or girls) then lower the price to somthing reasonable under £1000 and you will have them all snapped up,

probabily with better homes than if you charge more than that.

again maybe just my ignorance but i cant see how the general pet people could afford to pay those prices, the only people who would, would be people who have the intention of breeding themsels to make money. (obviasly the odd exception) :b

i would love a few different toy breeds, iggys included but there is no way we could afford to pay the boy prices let alone the girl ones :(

I can't tell you the reasons for the price difference but it applies to whippets as well. I spent months researching breeds and then litters available before I settled on our two boys. Growing up ( I realised I waited 30 years for a dog the other day!) I always wanted a male dog (didn't want to have to deal with seasons), but when researching dog ownership generally the recommendation was to get a bitch (they make better pets was the consensus). Ironically it was only with whippets (from the breeds I looked at) whereby dogs were thought to be better pets.

Yet 90% of the litters I looked at (epupz, pet4homes, Champdogs and any others that came up in Google searches) the bitches were more expensive - didn't matter to me as I had already set my heart on a boy!

I would say from a biologial standpoint - a bitch can only have one litter at a time (and I think the KC will only register 6 litters from one dam) - yet boys can spawn hundreds of many of our boys and girls have Sooty Sam lines? So you're limited in the number of progeny a bitch can produce - maybe that's the reason.

On a slightly different note (and I may crosspost this to the showing forum) are most show champions male or female...I don't know anything about showing.

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As most of you know i got a litter,i had five boys and two girls,yes the girls are £400 and the boys are £350.I,ve had not qualms about the price,which i believe i,m "reasonable".The boys sold quite quickly apart from,sadly the breeder of the Mum could not have the two boys she wanted(due to personal reasons)which is not a problem to me as we decided to keep hold of one of them and find the right loving home for the other.I have notice pups going as much as £600 (w00t) .I have not done this for the money side of things,but to have one or two for ourselves.If you charge too cheaply,then people get the impression you are in the hurry to let them go,so either way you can't win.The most important thing for me is a good loving home :thumbsup:
But Dawn, I don't understand why you would ask more for the bitches?

We had 3 dogs and 3 bitches in our litter (all were booked before they were born) so we had no problems what so ever in finding homes for the boys.
But Dawn, I don't understand why you would ask more for the bitches? We had 3 dogs and 3 bitches in our litter (all were booked before they were born) so we had no problems what so ever in finding homes for the boys.

Normally i would let the dogs go for £400,so really was,nt the case of charging more for the bitches,if you see what i mean :wacko: :wacko: although its looks like i,m charging more for the girls,hope i,m making sense here :lol:
On a pet site I go on someone has a litter of whippet pups for sale. She is asking £450 for a bitch £425 for a blue and white do and £400 for brindle and white dogs. I asked her about the breeding of these pups.She said they were not registered. She didn't know the breeding of the sire as he was a friends pet/working dog and she had the pedigree of the bitch but she wasn't registered. When others and myself said they were a bit pricey for unregistered pups she said it was so they went to permanant homes and all her owners keep in touch with her. She said the blue and white was more as it was an unusual colour. She now says she has sold them all for the prices she was asking.
I just noticed this on a website:- Jayanamee and Fawncrest lines, they are 1 white and apricot pp boy £400, 1 white and apricot pp girl £450, 1 true hairless pink with white and apricot furnishings boy £900, 1 black with 4 white socks white collar white snip on tail and black eye patches true hairless boy £900, 1 black with a strip of white on neck 4 white socks white snip tail and black eye patches and black spots on neck and chest true hairless girl £POA . Wow thats a mix of prices. I still think its down to demand. If Ferrari stated selling cars for £15k they wouldn't keep up with the demand. They make them with the same materials as Skoda. :-
I just noticed this on a website:- Jayanamee and Fawncrest lines, they are 1 white and apricot pp boy £400, 1 white and apricot pp girl £450, 1 true hairless pink with white and apricot furnishings boy £900, 1 black with 4 white socks white collar white snip on tail and black eye patches true hairless boy £900, 1 black with a strip of white on neck 4 white socks white snip tail and black eye patches and black spots on neck and chest true hairless girl £POA . Wow thats a mix of prices. I still think its down to demand. If Ferrari stated selling cars for £15k they wouldn't keep up with the demand. They make them with the same materials as Skoda. :-
I have a friend who breeds chinese cresteds and the true hiarless cresteds are a lot more expensive as most of the hairless ones do have a small amount of fine hair on their bodies that has to be shaved of to show them. True hairless are not that common. The powder puffs are a lot more common and so are not as expensive.
Well i thought i'd have a look at prices people are charging...... £1500 for IG bitch and £1000 for dog from same litter. Plus advertising the fact that they are unendorsed.......need i say more :-

This time i've probably had more bitch enquiries than dogs, but last time it was about even. I wouldn't charge a different price dependant on sex no matter what the balance of enquiries were - i just don't agree with it. We decided that £400 was a fair price for a Whippet PUPPY, be that dog or bitch. No way would i hike the price up of a bitch just because we were asked for more of them.
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i let my puppies go for the same price dog or bitch i always endorse my pups
Well i thought i'd have a look at prices people are charging...... £1500 for IG bitch and £1000 for dog from same litter. Plus advertising the fact that they are unendorsed.......need i say more :-
In that case it is obviously to see how much the vendor can screw out of like minded money grabbers, as the only reason to reply to this add would be to sell pups on at the same price.
when i made enquiries of some top winning kennels in IGs about puppies about £500 was the going rate for a puppy. I am surprised to see anyone charging these crazy prices especially when there is a differnece of £500 between dog and bitch. I cant see any other reason than being after £££ - and stating no endorsements is surely advertising to the lowest common denominator who will have the same purpose in life..

I for sure wouldnt be prepared to pay those prices - have the parents of these puppies won an awful lot or something, or have they produced top winning dogs??
when i made enquiries of some top winning kennels in IGs about puppies about £500 was the going rate for a puppy. I am surprised to see anyone charging these crazy prices especially when there is a differnece of £500 between dog and bitch. I cant see any other reason than being after £££ - and stating no endorsements is surely advertising to the lowest common denominator who will have the same purpose in life..
I for sure wouldnt be prepared to pay those prices - have the parents of these puppies won an awful lot or something, or have they produced top winning dogs??
I am not surprised because the sad fact of the matter is that people are bloody greedy. Unfortunately, there seems to be people who will pay these crazy prices, which just fuels these kind of breeders and keeps the cycle going.

Obviously this sort of breeder is just seeing MONEY MONEY MONEY ;)
Anyone selling unendorsed puppies for ridiculous prices is purely out to make as much money as possible & obviously doesn't care where the puppies end up as long as they get their easily earned profits!!!
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Well i thought i'd have a look at prices people are charging...... £1500 for IG bitch and £1000 for dog from same litter. Plus advertising the fact that they are unendorsed.......need i say more :-
This time i've probably had more bitch enquiries than dogs, but last time it was about even. I wouldn't charge a different price dependant on sex no matter what the balance of enquiries were - i just don't agree with it. We decided that £400 was a fair price for a Whippet PUPPY, be that dog or bitch. No way would i hike the price up of a bitch just because we were asked for more of them.
Good point. But why would anyone ask more than the cost of rearing the puppy other than to make a few bob. Maybe a holiday or new car perhaps or to help subsidise your showing hobby. New kennels, etc etc. (w00t) :thumbsup: Lets face it at £400 your making money no matter how you dress it up !!!!
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when i made enquiries of some top winning kennels in IGs about puppies about £500 was the going rate for a puppy. I am surprised to see anyone charging these crazy prices especially when there is a differnece of £500 between dog and bitch. I cant see any other reason than being after £££ - and stating no endorsements is surely advertising to the lowest common denominator who will have the same purpose in life..
I for sure wouldnt be prepared to pay those prices - have the parents of these puppies won an awful lot or something, or have they produced top winning dogs??
Wow a new member. How about introducing yourself. Have you got IGs. Can you please let me know who is selling IGs for £500. thanks. :thumbsup:
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