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she's quite tired now after a good days work !!!!!!

p.s i don't spoil my dogs :- "

Gorgeous pics Mally. Nah mate..dont look like you spoil your dogs lol! (w00t)
Tilly is a lovely whippet and looks even better in the flesh :thumbsup:
Strike Whippets said:
If you knew their mum then you'd see that this is important as Inca only race's if there's "nothing better to do"  :- "
I know that feeling, Gelert never really seemed to get the point of racing. I think he kept waiting for the lure to do something interesting before going for it (by which time the race was over) :- "

Do you think it makes a big difference starting them on artificial lures first?

Gypsy :wub:
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~whitecross whippets~ said:
~whitecross whippets~ said:
Strike Whippets said:
and Connie ........

lovely do know i only said blacks took a bad photo so you could all help my obsession with black whippets and post lots of gorgeous pics! :p :thumbsup:

just took this one ...its not too bad?

Nice to see her working hard :lol: :teehee: -_-
just took this one ...its not too bad?

Nice to see her working hard :lol: :teehee: -_-

lol...yes her favourite position o:) ...horizontal!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

embarrassing :b usually in your dog pics lesley they are always racing...mallys are usually hunting...and mine are usually asleep :oops: (w00t) although life is hard for them sometimes :- " ... sofa or bed?.....sunny position or in front of the fire?....decisions decisions!!!! :wacko: :teehee: ;)
here is pepper, 18 weeks, nearly grown into her tree trunk legs, not yet grown into her sail like ears...

just took this one ...its not too bad?

Nice to see her working hard :lol: :teehee: -_-

lol...yes her favourite position o:) ...horizontal!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

embarrassing :b usually in your dog pics lesley they are always racing...mallys are usually hunting...and mine are usually asleep :oops: (w00t) although life is hard for them sometimes :- " ... sofa or bed?.....sunny position or in front of the fire?....decisions decisions!!!! :wacko: :teehee: ;)

Believe me Kaz they do a lot more snoozing than racing they are sooooo lazy -_-
chillitt said:
here is pepper, 18 weeks, nearly grown into her tree trunk legs, not yet grown into her sail like ears...

awww pepper is lovely :wub: :wub: I love puppy ears a life of their own (w00t)
Believe me Kaz they do a lot more snoozing than racing they are sooooo lazy -_-

well that makes me feel better then :b future can we have pics of your dogs asleep too (w00t) :thumbsup:
Funny how they go from this . . .


to this, in less than year.


I can't take credit for either photo - the top is from TLewis, the bottom is by Celeste.
moriarte said:
Strike Whippets said:
If you knew their mum then you'd see that this is important as Inca only race's if there's "nothing better to do"  :- "
Do you think it makes a big difference starting them on artificial lures first?

I honestly think it depends on how clever the dog is .........Incas 1/2 completly coursing bred .......Her coursing lines IMHO are the strong/bright working types .........Even at 10 weeks old she saw no point in playing with a lure ..........She's mint on anything live though and will go forever ...........Yet The Twit who is also a good honest working type dog (do you think thats PC enough lol :- " ;) ) a tad ummmm dim :eek: so he'll chase anything that moves (w00t) .......bless him :wub: ........So yes I must admit when I started training Eric and Connie due to BOTH of their parents being bright, I did/have kept them away from real live, as both of them have a very high kill drive .......the Black birds round our way quake when they see them :oops: .........So I can imagine what they'd do to a furry :nuke: :- " :oops:

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