hi there ,wonder if you lovely lot can help me ,ok everyday i go to collage i see an elderly man walking two dogs one of which is a gorguse lurcher looks whippet cross somthing ,now iv only ever seen from a distance up until today and was very shocked by what i saw ,i know lurchers are very slim anyway but this lurcher is extreamly thin you can see ever bone in its body has no meat on it at all very pitifull state it was head hung down and tail right up between its legs
today after i seen it i had to turn around and try make some sort of contact with the owner who was walking these two dogs he was trying to juggle both dog and a walking stick so i stopped my car not far from him and pretended i was looking for somthing in my boot wen they came upside by me i said hello and said his lurcher was loverly then the other dog (was fat and very vocal i may add) but looked well fed and healthy ,anyway he said not to call the other dog cause he was having trouble holding it so i backed off ,but this has left me feeling worried about the lurcher who is really worryingly thin ,id like to help if i can ,so how would you go about asking if hes managing ok or if he needs help or indeed if hes having probs looking after them or if he would be willing for somone to give him some help or advice about feeding the lurcher :wacko: id like to just take the lurcher off him and bring her home but of course i just cant take somones dog off them so any advice on what to do would be gratfully recieved as i think this lurcher needs help and fast :unsure: