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Two Champs ????

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The NPWRA has been formed because the WCRA have lost all credibility. They have a committee who have no authority. Any decision they make is likely to be overturned by the Whippet Club. The majority of the WCRA committee members have worked very hard and have the best intentions for the sport. Unfortunately some have been forced to stand down from their positions for daring to express a different point of view to the Whippet club. The WCRA have made statements and informed the affiliated clubs of decisions and timescales for procedures to take place, only to make complete U-turns within a day or two. This has left us racers feeling very frustrated and not knowing what is going to happen.

After the Oxford open last week the WCRA committee held a meeting and decided to cancel the championship meeting on 2nd August 2009. This was the final straw and prompted the formation of the National Pedigree Whippet Racing Association(NPWRA). Two days later the WCRA changed their minds once again and said the championships were back on. I believe this only happened because the NPWRA had been formed and offered an alternative. The NPWRA are and will continue to be an independent organization who will only answer to racing people, not show people or coursing people or obedience people. There is no point in being affiliated to an organization who actually have very little or no interest in racing and are likely to overturn and undermine every decision that is made by the people who do care. The NPWRA has an interim committee in place to run our first three championship meetings this year. There will then be elections and the opportunity for anyone to put themselves forward to be involved in running this exciting new organization which I have no doubt will be the future of pedigree racing. We welcome and positively encourage the racing public to put forward suggestions as to how they would like the NPWRA to be run. It is an opportunity to scrap some of the outdated ideas which the WCRA have stuck with and to put in place new fresh ideas to bring the sport up to date. The NPWRA is definitely not going to be just another WCRA with a different name. This will provide the true racers with what they want.

I think its important to remember what the WCRA championships once were and what they stood for. They were effectively the British championships of pedigree whippet racing. The pinnacle of the sport. For nearly forty years people have been traveling the length and breadth of the country to pit their dogs against the best in the country. To have a dog become a whippet club racing champion or veteran crown meant everything. The whippet club have now taken that away from us. By failing to protect the integrity of the sport and ensuring it remains exclusive to pure pedigree whippets they have now opened the flood gates to any unscrupulous person wishing to infiltrate the sport with dogs of less than certain breeding. This is why the NPWRA has been formed. We are going to offer people the opportunity to continue racing at the highest level with the satisfaction that they are racing against other pure pedigree whippets. The NPWRA will set the new standard and will fast become the most coveted titles for the pedigree racing whippet. The WCRA may continue for a while on a much smaller scale than it has previously but, any titles won at their meetings from now on will be devalued and 'cheap' titles and if the owners of these dogs are honest, they will know this. If you want to pit your dogs against the best in the country, then you must surely recognize that the NPWRA is where you need to go. This is the future and is the organisation with the credibility and integrity. Hope to see you at our inaugural championships on 2nd August at Worcester.
;) great post Mr Chairman (w00t)

we are so looking forward to the Nationals, for us to attend and support this has been an easy choice to make, but i do feel for the people who are struggling with where they should attend on 2nd Aug..

what also saddens me is the "them and us" talk?? i dont think there is any "them and us"....a few people have worked very hard over the last week to bring racers a championship meeting after the WCRA was left with no option but to cancel, after every attempt made by them to sort out this sorry mess that has almost seen the collapse of pedigree whippet racing they yet again have hit a large brick wall (the whippet club)

the NPWRA is for all us racers ;) and i would like to thank the handful of racers who are setting this up for the rest of us, long may it continue ;)

i think we ALL understand that the wcra have had their hands tied!!

this break away is more about getting rid of the whippet club (who care little for racing or the racers, as recent events have shown) not the WCRA

good luck to everyone where ever you maybe on Aug 2nd :thumbsup:
;) great post Mr Chairman (w00t)
the NPWRA is for all us racers ;) and i would like to thank the handful of racers who are setting this up for the rest of us, long may it continue ;)
Two points I need answering.

1 who elected the chairman?

2 all racers? - with some exceptions

I think that the two organisations will run ok in parallel but that type of comment will result in a them and us split

As the NPWRA has a choice of tracks and dates why have they gone for the 3 dates of thw WCRA Champs making people choose?
I think that's 3 points... but here goes...

A number of people were asked from those who said they wanted to help. Rob was kind enough to say he would be Chairman. A Chairman (+ Secretary & Treasurer) is required to open a bank account.

All committee posts will be by election of all members at the end of the year.

All dogs running must be acceptable to the majority of members.

The dates chosen were chosen because the WCRA had cancelled their Championships & therefore those dates were free.
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The WCRA have been around for nearly 40 years and I hope that they wont just disappear overnight. You say they have lost credibility and the committee have no authority. I think they have been put in a very difficult position and have done their best in the circumstances within their rules. If you have read the rules you will notice that it was against those rules to suspend the passports of said dogs so the Whippet club would have no option but to overturn the decision, if they hadn't the Kennel club would have.

I think for the most part the WCRA are allowed to get on with running racing and is run by racing people for racing people. The Whippet Club is there for advice and when things go wrong.

I hope these dogs can eventually be accepted by the racing fraternity for what they are 'PEDIGREE WHIPPETS' and that the WCRA will be able to continue running Champs. There is nothing like winning your wcrch title it means so much. A title that is recognized by the whippet club and allowed by the kennel club.
The Whippet Club is there for advice and when things go wrong.
And what a marvelous job they have done in this instance :lol:

Sorry Sharon, but the whole reason this sorry mess has occured is as a direct result of the WC involvement. The WCRA had actually shown that they were listening to the racers at the meeting in May. There was nothing but praise for Mark Etheridge and his handling of a difficult situation, the WC trashed that progress and caused the rift. I don't think there will be any going back now. Sad really, but all people want to do is race their dogs on a level playing field.
And i hope they can. As someone who raced Whippets for many years had a champion ran a club and sat on the wcra I find the whole situation very sad. Good Luck to you all.

A number of people were asked from those who said they wanted to help. Rob was kind enough to say he would be Chairman. A Chairman (+ Secretary & Treasurer) is required to open a bank account.
All dogs running must be acceptable to the majority of members.

The dates chosen were chosen because the WCRA had cancelled their Championships & therefore those dates were free.
Thanks for the answers Nigel - but you and the NPWRA committee must start informing us racers, not a by chance reading of a bit in this thread. We do live a long way East! I assume it is not me who has been offered the job as Chairman? :clown: I think I've had the name a bit longer than the other Rob - or do you think every body should return to calling me Bob?

I understand that you thought the days were going to be free (ie no WCRA Champs) - but they are not. As the track (I assume at the Indy) is free a lot of dates inbetween - why no go for 3 of these - There is not much racing in Sept or Nov!! This is a chance for the new body to space out the meetings - 4 Champs in Oct is naf. The NPWRA could have the 27th Sept and & 1st Nov :eek: I understand it would be difficult to change your first meeting now but the 9th & 16th Aug is free!
Thanks for the answers Nigel - but you and the NPWRA committee must start informing us racers,
The NPWRA web site is at and that should provide all updates. Obviously when things get going a bit more there will be other communication methods for those without web access.

I have been working on a new site which should be available soon & I think you'll find the available information and communication will be far better to what we have been used to.

It only seemed sensible to take the date vacated by the WCRA & that presented the opportunity to secure Top Ten Points - once that decision was taken the 1st date was set. The WCRA have said because we scheduled the 1st NPWRA National Championships on the vacated date they felt able to reinstate their event. So, the conclusion must be that if we moved dates the WCRA would feel they'd have to cancel their remaining events. :unsure:
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i carnt see what the problem with the dates is .if you dont except these dogs as legit then you dont run at the wcra.if you do run at the wcra then you except them so in theory you are backing their legicity and support them so shouldnt run at the the meerkat says simples 8)
just had an idea nigel,to be different from the wcra if we run 4 different distances ,2 straight and 2 bends.if a dog wins at all 4 distances it could be made upto a suprme champion :thumbsup:
just had an idea nigel,to be different from the wcra if we run 4 different distances ,2 straight and 2 bends.if a dog wins at all 4 distances it could be made upto a suprme champion :thumbsup:
have to put it forward over the winter to be voted on the idea of supreme for dogs that win all 4 nationals in a year :thumbsup:
i carnt see what the problem with the dates is .if you dont except these dogs as legit then you dont run at the wcra.if you do run at the wcra then you except them so in theory you are backing their legicity and support them so shouldnt run at the the meerkat says simples 8)

Its this type of comment that for people who can't make it to worcester for what ever reason will proberly not go to either as they don't want to have their place in a wcra final cheapened by everyone who choses to go to the nationals. If people are saying' freedom of choice go where you like' it still seems there are people who will still bitch about the ones who have not gone to the nationals and the only ones that are missing out if people feel brow beaten into not going to either are our dogs who may not have many chances to race in a championship and attempt to get in a final. Everyone will know who has gone where but will not know everyones reason , so should not make assumption's as to why that peron went there.So would it not be a hollow victory at the wcra champs if the dog your chasing in your weight group enters the wcra champs as thats the only way you would want your dog to gain its win in a final , to beat any of the best in that group?. It would'nt matter how many dogs are in the weight group as it has'nt cheapened the wins for the 30lb and 32lb groups at the champs in years gone by when there maybe only 3,4 or 5 dogs in that group? You can only beat who are there at the time .If it really was'nt a problem for people they would'nt still be putting comments on here that there's only one place to 'go'? Life is too short and i feel theres been a lost year of happy racing . Please lets just move forward with the nationals and wcra and what ever happens was meant to be.
it has'nt cheapened the wins for the 30lb and 32lb groups
Having been in this situation, I have to say IT DOES.

Any-one who knows my 32 lb show-bred will admit that he is the slowest dog in the world (with one exception (sorry Dennis AND Pearl :* ).

When my dog reached the finals of this group a couple of years back, he managed to not beat another dog all day and still got a line in his passport.

We don't kid ourselves he deserved it, had their been competition, he wouldn't have got past the fisrt round.

I truly do wish the WCRA had not reinstated their championships on this date, if the NPWRA cancelled, so would they. I wonder if any-one will feel like we did when they only have a couple of dogs in a group and get through, we just thought it was very funny, but never once did we crow about our dog getting to the final.

This is my experience and my opinion.
i carnt see what the problem with the dates is .if you dont except these dogs as legit then you dont run at the wcra.if you do run at the wcra then you except them so in theory you are backing their legicity and support them so shouldnt run at the the meerkat says simples 8)

Its this type of comment that for people who can't make it to worcester for what ever reason will proberly not go to either as they don't want to have their place in a wcra final cheapened by everyone who choses to go to the nationals. If people are saying' freedom of choice go where you like' it still seems there are people who will still bitch about the ones who have not gone to the nationals and the only ones that are missing out if people feel brow beaten into not going to either are our dogs who may not have many chances to race in a championship and attempt to get in a final. Everyone will know who has gone where but will not know everyones reason , so should not make assumption's as to why that peron went there.So would it not be a hollow victory at the wcra champs if the dog your chasing in your weight group enters the wcra champs as thats the only way you would want your dog to gain its win in a final , to beat any of the best in that group?. It would'nt matter how many dogs are in the weight group as it has'nt cheapened the wins for the 30lb and 32lb groups at the champs in years gone by when there maybe only 3,4 or 5 dogs in that group? You can only beat who are there at the time .If it really was'nt a problem for people they would'nt still be putting comments on here that there's only one place to 'go'? Life is too short and i feel theres been a lost year of happy racing . Please lets just move forward with the nationals and wcra and what ever happens was meant to be.
I don't personally know anyone who has been brow beaten. You suggest here that people will bitch about anyone who doesn't go to the Nationals - certainly no one involved in the putting together of the NPWRA has said anything to anyone about where they should run. You are correct when you say there has been a lot lost this year in racing, and that is precisely the reason the NPWRA was formed, and a Championship meeting put on. After the WCRA cancelled the Champs again, and even suggested that there may be no Championships at all this year, we got together to do this for those who did not want to miss out, and we have had a lot of support and offers of help.

Controversial has a good point when he says it depends if you want to run at a meeting where "those" dogs are running or not, as that is precisely the reason for the racers voting that the WCRA should not run Champs, he says the decision is simple, he does not however bitch about anyone who wants to go. Please everyone, go wherever you like. It won't stop people having opinions, but I have never heard anyone say anything against someone who wants to go to Moreton. It's just propoganda. Freedom of choice is what the NPWRA is about - one member, one vote is fast becoming our motto, and as soon as we can get memberships sorted out, all matters on racing will be decided by the members. So freedom of choice it is - we will have a great day at the Nationals, and hope the WCRA have a good day at Moreton - now that is simples!

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i carnt see what the problem with the dates is .if you dont except these dogs as legit then you dont run at the wcra.if you do run at the wcra then you except them so in theory you are backing their legicity and support them so shouldnt run at the the meerkat says simples 8)

Its this type of comment that for people who can't make it to worcester for what ever reason will proberly not go to either as they don't want to have their place in a wcra final cheapened by everyone who choses to go to the nationals. If people are saying' freedom of choice go where you like' it still seems there are people who will still bitch about the ones who have not gone to the nationals and the only ones that are missing out if people feel brow beaten into not going to either are our dogs who may not have many chances to race in a championship and attempt to get in a final. Everyone will know who has gone where but will not know everyones reason , so should not make assumption's as to why that peron went there.So would it not be a hollow victory at the wcra champs if the dog your chasing in your weight group enters the wcra champs as thats the only way you would want your dog to gain its win in a final , to beat any of the best in that group?. It would'nt matter how many dogs are in the weight group as it has'nt cheapened the wins for the 30lb and 32lb groups at the champs in years gone by when there maybe only 3,4 or 5 dogs in that group? You can only beat who are there at the time .If it really was'nt a problem for people they would'nt still be putting comments on here that there's only one place to 'go'? Life is too short and i feel theres been a lost year of happy racing . Please lets just move forward with the nationals and wcra and what ever happens was meant to be.

I'm wondering now??? As you have only made 3 posts in the last 4 years - are you actually here wanting to cause bad feeling????
this is my 2nd post in two years as well so am i not entitled to an opinion?

I'm with June great to have 4 champs if thats what does happen.

If you are so sure you are right won't racers vote with their feet and come to the Nationals.Didn't you just say everyone should make their own mind up.?

one racer one vote yes. then let people speak as they wish and do as they wish without receiving

un-neccessary comments.

democracy needs freedom of speech !
it has'nt cheapened the wins for the 30lb and 32lb groups
Having been in this situation, I have to say IT DOES.

Any-one who knows my 32 lb show-bred will admit that he is the slowest dog in the world (with one exception (sorry Dennis AND Pearl :* ).

When my dog reached the finals of this group a couple of years back, he managed to not beat another dog all day and still got a line in his passport.

We don't kid ourselves he deserved it, had their been competition, he wouldn't have got past the fisrt round.

I truly do wish the WCRA had not reinstated their championships on this date, if the NPWRA cancelled, so would they. I wonder if any-one will feel like we did when they only have a couple of dogs in a group and get through, we just thought it was very funny, but never once did we crow about our dog getting to the final.

This is my experience and my opinion.

sorry have i missed the point of going to the champs ? getting into a final is what your hoping for is'nt it ?
it has'nt cheapened the wins for the 30lb and 32lb groups
Having been in this situation, I have to say IT DOES.

Any-one who knows my 32 lb show-bred will admit that he is the slowest dog in the world (with one exception (sorry Dennis AND Pearl :* ).

When my dog reached the finals of this group a couple of years back, he managed to not beat another dog all day and still got a line in his passport.

We don't kid ourselves he deserved it, had their been competition, he wouldn't have got past the fisrt round.

I truly do wish the WCRA had not reinstated their championships on this date, if the NPWRA cancelled, so would they. I wonder if any-one will feel like we did when they only have a couple of dogs in a group and get through, we just thought it was very funny, but never once did we crow about our dog getting to the final.

This is my experience and my opinion.

sorry have i missed the point of going to the champs ? getting into a final is what your hoping for is'nt it ?
Not always,

We go to socialise with friends and have a great week-end away with like-minded folk. I'd never enter my fat show-bred if that was the case :thumbsup:
i carnt see what the problem with the dates is .if you dont except these dogs as legit then you dont run at the wcra.if you do run at the wcra then you except them so in theory you are backing their legicity and support them so shouldnt run at the the meerkat says simples 8)

Its this type of comment that for people who can't make it to worcester for what ever reason will proberly not go to either as they don't want to have their place in a wcra final cheapened by everyone who choses to go to the nationals. If people are saying' freedom of choice go where you like' it still seems there are people who will still bitch about the ones who have not gone to the nationals and the only ones that are missing out if people feel brow beaten into not going to either are our dogs who may not have many chances to race in a championship and attempt to get in a final. Everyone will know who has gone where but will not know everyones reason , so should not make assumption's as to why that peron went there.So would it not be a hollow victory at the wcra champs if the dog your chasing in your weight group enters the wcra champs as thats the only way you would want your dog to gain its win in a final , to beat any of the best in that group?. It would'nt matter how many dogs are in the weight group as it has'nt cheapened the wins for the 30lb and 32lb groups at the champs in years gone by when there maybe only 3,4 or 5 dogs in that group? You can only beat who are there at the time .If it really was'nt a problem for people they would'nt still be putting comments on here that there's only one place to 'go'? Life is too short and i feel theres been a lost year of happy racing . Please lets just move forward with the nationals and wcra and what ever happens was meant to be.

I'm wondering now??? As you have only made 3 posts in the last 4 years - are you actually here wanting to cause bad feeling????

I would hope it would'nt matter how many posts you put on here (is there a secrect number before anyone thinks your on here to cause bad feeling ?) to be able to have ones own opioion , just because some come on and read more than they put posts on here should'nt make a differance or does it ?

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