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Vixen At The Pride Of The Peaks

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She does look fit and I like to see some ribs showing on a whippet myself. She looks in great condition.... :wub:

I'd like to get into showing, as I enjoyed it in the past with my mini (it's a real buzz and rewarding feeling if you win something...I can understand why the showing folk love it), but I also love being out and about most of the day walking in the hills with my dogs (when I can), and somehow the two just don't seem to go together. I am a bit torn at the moment..... :oops:
Nicola said:
She does look fit and I like to see some ribs showing on a whippet myself. She looks in great condition.... :wub:
I'd like to get into showing, as I enjoyed it in the past with my mini (it's a real buzz and rewarding feeling if you win something...I can understand why the showing folk love it), but I also love being out and about most of the day walking in the hills with my dogs (when I can), and somehow the two just don't seem to go together. I am a bit torn at the moment..... :oops:

The most important thing is you enjoy your dogs Nicola, why not show your dogs in the whippet classes at some of the lurcher shows, there's a good show coming up with several whippet class's where the judges appreciate a whippet in a good fit condition. (SDLC pleasley finals at pleasley miners welfare, nr Mansfield on the 19th of October).

I certainly wouldn't stop walking, working and running my whippet just to show her in KC shows.

I took Vixen for her annual booster on Monday and the vet said he's yet to see a fitter whippet and she was a credit to me. he also mentioned that if all his clients kept there dogs as fit as i keep vixen he'd be out of a job!!!

I know what i'd sooner see... a fit dog that looks like it can do what it was bred for......
Vixen is stunning, you must be very proud.
Vixen is stunning ... I love to see whippets looking like the athletes they are :thumbsup:

mally said:
Happy Humber said:
I showed my dog at Richmond dog show in working condition.

The judge asked me if he did a lot of running and I said he did, to which she replied "you need to cut back his running", so I without thinking said "well he sleeps all day", and the judge remarked  "and he runs on the lamp all night!"

So I said as a matter of fact he does. :lol:  

Needless to say we did not win anything :)

That's why i don't waste my money at the KC shows the judges wouldn't know a fit whippet if it bit them on there ar*e. A top judge told me to stop walking my dog if i wanted to win anything.. I told her that whippets were born to run not spend most of there life on a settee or in a cage. From what i've seen in the photo's of the winning whippets recently they are overweight and on the verge of being fat but thats my opinion. I was going to go to the sywc show on sunday as i've been for the last couple of years. but it's on the same day as the belvior gamefair. so i'm going lamping for an hour tomorrow night then off to show vixen on sunday at belvoir gamefair :thumbsup:

Please dont lump all of us judges together Mally :teehee: .There are exceptions to everything ;)

Im disappointed that I wont be going to Belvoir this year , we had a good chin wag last year didnt we :huggles: plus the Pleasley show that Mikkee won Champion is on the same day as the Midland whippet Champ show where i am show manager. :- " Not that Mikke would be able to contest her trophy of course :wacko:

Well done with Vixen , :wub: she looks a stunning bitch in tip top condition , but you dont need me to tell you that

Jackie :huggles:
mally said:
Happy Humber said:
I showed my dog at Richmond dog show in working condition.

The judge asked me if he did a lot of running and I said he did, to which she replied "you need to cut back his running", so I without thinking said "well he sleeps all day", and the judge remarked  "and he runs on the lamp all night!"

So I said as a matter of fact he does. :lol:  

Needless to say we did not win anything :)

That's why i don't waste my money at the KC shows the judges wouldn't know a fit whippet if it bit them on there ar*e. A top judge told me to stop walking my dog if i wanted to win anything.. I told her that whippets were born to run not spend most of there life on a settee or in a cage. From what i've seen in the photo's of the winning whippets recently they are overweight and on the verge of being fat but thats my opinion. I was going to go to the sywc show on sunday as i've been for the last couple of years. but it's on the same day as the belvior gamefair. so i'm going lamping for an hour tomorrow night then off to show vixen on sunday at belvoir gamefair :thumbsup:

Your bitch is a credit to you Mally,Just out of interest who was the Judge?(you could always pm me with his/her name).Its nice to hear some true down to earth working class morals being said mate,your a credit to the working dog folk!.
Vixen is a stunning bitch. I like to see the ribs showing on a fit, muscled whippet, but the ribs showing on a poor dog doesn't look good. It's a shame some people can't seem to tell the difference. I found the same thing in the horse world, if you tried to show fit horses, they would be down the line. All it says to me is such a judge doesn't know a good animal. However, fit as she may be, Vixen has such good conformation and breeding too, and that shows.


Wow Mally ... haven't seen Vixen in a while ... she's looking great.

Well done on her wins from me and her brother Finn :)

Thanks for everyones kind comments on Vixen. As most of you may know i bred her to work, a job she is really taking to as you can see in the working lure coursing forum. However i do really enjoy taking her to the lurcher shows and gamefairs and showing her in the whippet/sighthound classes. More and more lurcher shows are putting whippet classes in there schedule and i think we should support these shows. After all the whippet is becoming more popular in the working field. 90% of the judges are people who work dogs themsleves and they appreciate a more althletic built/muscle toned whippet :thumbsup: that looks capable of doing what it was bred to do.. :- "

Jax i wish i'd have come over to the sywc show yesterday, we got to belvior at 9.40 to be told the show was cancelled!!!. Hopefully we'll bump into each other soon so you can see Vixen in the flesh :thumbsup:
What a bummer , mind you we did have a little rain didnt we :- "

Look forward to seeing her Paul :huggles:
posh totty said:
the pics dont do her justice mally, she is far better in the flesh!!! a stunning bitch who does what she was bred for , she is a credit to you  :thumbsup:

well done.....lovely fit girl you have there
I'm sorry you had such bad experience with kc judges. I do go to kc shows and I like to whippets in good fit condition; I'm sure there are judges who agree with that.
Macha said:
I'm sorry you had such bad experience with kc judges. I do go to kc shows and I like to whippets in good fit condition; I'm sure there are judges who agree with that.
There may well be but from what i've seen at the KC shows they tend to pick the dogs and OWNERS they know...... shame really when exhibitors pay upto £22.00 to enter there dogs.

I only pay a pound at the gamefair and lurcher shows and my dog gets judged not me :- "
mally said:
haycroft said:
well done Vixon..shes lovely..didnt think you were into this showing lark, :p   i bet your really proud of her :D Do you think that evenyually you may have a litter from her or has she been spayed :)

I only show her in the whippet/sighthound classes at the lurcher shows and gamefairs. As the judges appreciate a dog with a little muscle..

Vixen hasn't been spayed but she's got to prove herself in the field before i think about breeding from her. I only breed when i want a pup myself and it will be a couple of years before i want another pup to bring on. I've had quite a few people ask when i'm going to breed from vixen. If i do breed from her the pups will all go to working homes

good for youmate for saying working homes only im the same ive been ask for a lot of studding for my dog but he is only 20 months alow catch average of 8 every time im out and the odd day time hare and 1 fox cub he has far from prove he is good enough to sire a litter if only aload of others thought the same way there would not be so much rubbish about

Nicola said:
She does look fit and I like to see some ribs showing on a whippet myself. She looks in great condition.... :wub:
I'd like to get into showing, as I enjoyed it in the past with my mini (it's a real buzz and rewarding feeling if you win something...I can understand why the showing folk love it), but I also love being out and about most of the day walking in the hills with my dogs (when I can), and somehow the two just don't seem to go together. I am a bit torn at the moment..... :oops:

The two can DEFINITELY go together - mine happily will go for hours of walks and still do well in the show ring :thumbsup:
I've yet to see a whippet that works and has muscle tone to come anywhere at a KC show..


Vixen out in the field..

There is a big difference between walking and working.
She a lovely girl,love her pretty head :wub: All the best with her Mally :thumbsup: A credit to you :D
I think Vixen is lovely Mally and she is in fantastic muscular condition :cheers: .

But, as I have no interest in working my dogs, I have them in as fit a condition as I can through walking and running them alone. I take great pride in the condition that they are in and I know my Dad who had to take one of his to the vets this week was told that they had never seen such a fit and healthy dog before :thumbsup:

It would be a shame for this to be yet another opportunity for people to start slating show whippets again :(
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mally said:
I've yet to see a whippet that works and has muscle tone to come anywhere at a KC show..
View attachment 60444

Vixen out in the field..

There is a big difference between walking and working.

I was responding to Nicolas post as she felt she couldn't show a dog that is walked for hours at a time.

Whippets judged at KC shows are judged on conformation and closeness to the breed standard, not how fit they are :thumbsup:

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