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Warning !!

stef thomas

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My mums asked me to post this message up just to warn people of the dangers of munkjak deer.

2 days ago her young whippet boy ozzie (her ellies and garys Quinns grandson) was attacked by a munkjac deer whilst out on a walk.

mum was on her way home when oz disapeared off and came back screaming with his chest all ripped open so was rushed straight to the vets whilst there they noticed a punture wound near his abdomen as well.

Hes got a hemothorax and had had to have alot of stiches to stitch his chest up , hes home but the vet has said hes not out of danger yet in case the infection he has gets worse

He also found fluids from his gut in the puncture wound on his abdomen so the vets and my mum are hoping theres not been to much damage.

She has to keep an eye on the lump he has on his side in case this gets bigger.

We are just hoping hes going to pull through as hes only 9 months old, as hes not eaten properly for a few days hes lost weight quickly and is in a really bad way and his breathing is still very laboured.

The vet has said as its rutting season for deers to very carefull whilst out with any dogs as the male are very territorial and this could happen to anyones dogs.
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Good Grief how awful, they seem such calm and tiny little creatures

Good Luck to Ozzie :luck:
Poor little soul, I do hope he will get through this :luck:

We have wild boar in the woods around here (breeding from farmed ones that have been released by animal activists), and they are also well worth giving a wide berth!
Poor Ozzie - what a nightmare! Do hope he is OK, lots of love to him. We walk up the woods most days and I know there are quite a few dear there, will have to watch out. xx
Thanks for the advice! Hope your little boy pulls through and gets better soon xx
Oh no poor Ozzie :( that sounds very traumatic for him and your family :(

I do hope he makes a full recovery from this :thumbsup:

Lots of :luck: and :huggles: Ozzie :wub:
Very sorry to hear about this. I hope that the young chap pulls through. Thanks for the warning. We get Red and Roe Deer around here.
Poor ozzie hope he soon feels better loads of healing thoughts for him and plenty of :wub: :wub: :wub: xx
Muntjak often stand and fight as do chinese water deer I think its more likely that he caught the munti as they are a very timid deer until caught then will often fight back, this very unfortunate incident probably wont stop him either due to the very high prey drive in whippets so be carefull where you let him loose in future.Roe are not a problem Red and Sika are and even more dangerous are the red/sika hybrids especially during the rut.People who ran deer pre ban with running dogs kept them exremely fit and slowly moved upto deer.

Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery. :thumbsup:


Be carefull folks no matter what you think the whippet as a breed hasnt forgotten it is a hunting dog
So sorry this has happened I hope he does make a recovery... :luck:

The breeder of my dog Kobi, Liz Third, also once lost a dog to a deer...Im sure a Red or we must always be aware of the damage

they can do to dogs even with one kick.
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That's awful and he's still only a baby. I hope he pulls through and isn't too traumatised by his ordeal.
thank you for all your kind well wishes for ozzie hes eating little and often, his hemothorax is slowly going down but hes still very unsettled with raspy breathing and very down in himself

So far his progress has been ok so fingers crossed he pulls through this hes on strong antibitotics to stop any infection really taking hold x hes lost a quite a bit of weight as well which in a pup is not so good as he hasnt really eaten properly since the morning when he was caught by the deer.

He has a very high prey drive and will often try and chase whilst out on a walk and my mum does think he ran off into the undergrowth after catching the deers scent and came across the munkjak deer then as all her other whippets were back on thier leads and he was the last one to go back on the lead.

Our boy Frodo chased a Roe deer male last year and got into a terrible state ..! Chest tore open n front leg ..Face all burst open ...He recovered thankfully ..But yes they are big animals with powerful tension sprung legs ..esp behind ...Can do alot of damage to a thin skinned dog .I hope youre wee darling recovers ...So upsettin .Paula xxx






How awful. It's not the first time I've heard of Muntjac damage like this. They have some very sharp tusks. I do hope he recovers fully from his ordeal and injuries.
I am so sorry to hear whats happened to Ozzie, lots of gentle hugs to him and I hope he feels lots better soon :huggles: :huggles:
Oh my goodness! Hope your boy pulls through ok xxx sending lots of cuggles
hope he gets well real soon i lost a lurcher bitch to one many years ago she saw one while we were out walking and chased and got kicked in the head as they have a cloven hoof it cracked her scull and she was killed instantly :'(
Hawky im so sorry for the loss of your dog all those years ago it must have been heartbreaking xxx

So far ozzie has made great progress hes eating very well and is wanting to play with my dogs and go out with them when I take mine out for a walk

(as hes now at mine during the time my mums away)

hes gained weight well and so far no sign of infection taking hold.

His hemothorax in his chest has reduced but is still there at times when you stroke him it feels like bubble wrapping on his chest and does get more raised especially in the evenings.

His breathing at times can be laboured and weezy and when its like this its then that his lump on his side becomes noticable but its nothing comapred to how big it was.

Our concern now is if this hemothorax suddenly gets bigger and the worry of to much over doing it could collapse his lung so my mums going to chat to the vets about what happens if this doesnt go down for a while but fingers crossed so far hes come on in leaps and bounds and is a real fighter xxx

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