Hiya Steve,George and I are fine thanks :thumbsup: and yes George is working hard :lol: Hope you and yours are also doing well :thumbsup:hi rodders hows things ok i hope . yer your right (reg sense of humor you need it ) especially when clowns muck up topics up on here talk to you laters mate and regs to george hope hes got lots of work :thumbsup::lol: You can't blame us for being a bit suspicious Steve.The contents of Nubians latest posts has certainly been a hot topic of late :- The one thing I have learnt in the two minutes i've been in the sport is keep your sense of humour you'll need iti can asure you nubian is no wind up if any of you think he is taking the **** hes not he is a knew member at thurock and oviously hes knew to the sport of non ped whippit racing now give the guy a break people on here have only been in the sport two minutes and they think they know it all all ready :clown: :clown: :clown: