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Wondering why.

Biker John

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I wonder if anyone can explain my Whippets reactions. First she is normally quite happy to meet dogs, provided they approach quietly. But she is not at all happy meeting large black dogs, except she is ok with the odd black Greyhound we have come across. Most of the time when there is plenty of space she makes sure she is well away from them. a few days ago their were two black Newfoundlands, she stopped dead, then ran off to the side circling round them, then waited for me to get up to her. But as I said when she meets a black sighthound she is fine, but Labs etc no way will she let them get close. To the best of my knowledge she has never had a bad experience with one.
Who knows what goes on in their minds!

An acquaintance had a dog who fell asleep under a coffee table and when she woke up, she banged her head - but for some reason 'blamed' the ceiling fan and grumbled at it ever after.

Also I used to be sceptical when people said "my dog hates all [insert breed of choice]" because I really didn't think dogs recognised breeds as such - perhaps big, small, light, heavy; but not specifics. Then one day T saw a dalmation a couple of hundred yards away - his friend is a dal but this was a different one. But his reaction was clear, he really thought it was his chum.

So for some reason, Folly may associate big black dogs with something random but in her head it is a perfectly rational reason.
I have heard that some dogs dislike black dogs because they can't distinguish their eyes well so can't read their expressions. It does seem to be a relatively common fear.

Sighthounds love other sighthounds though - I've heard this is true of some other breeds too but it does seem to be particularly strong in sighthounds, they definitely recognise their own. So I would guess that for your whippet, 'pointy-dog shaped' trumps 'Eek, where are his eyes, scary!!'
I get “my dog doesn’t like black labs” A LOT and like @JudyN i have heard it’s because they cannot read facial features.

Dennis loves other labs, a bit too much actually.....
Both my boys do not like black dog's other's they can walk past but even if they see a black dog in the distance i change route lol but yes they love their own kind :)
My family sheltie is pretty dog neutral but does seem to enjoy the company of other shelties more than other breeds, she can't stand Teddy haha. Teddy on the other hand cannot wait to greet anyone and everyone and doesn't seem to prefer spaniels over others.
Harri loves all other dogs! I have had a number of owners of black dogs comment that how lovely it is to see their dog have a chance to play as many dogs apparently won't play with them.
Black dogs are a bit of a no no for Murphy too but I know why. There is an idiot with a black lab mix in our area who thinks its smart or funny or tough to let his dog front up to other (smaller) dogs and intimidate them. He sees you coming and deliberatly lets his dog have more room on his lead so that he can run and lunge, snapping at your dog.

Its given Murphy a bit of a complex now which we are trying to combat but its difficult.
Thanks all, I guess it will just remain a wonder, but it does not cause a real problem. As to breed / type, without a doubt in Folly's mind their are large black dogs at the bottom, other dogs above them, sight hounds above them and Whippets at the top.
Black dogs are a bit of a no no for Murphy too but I know why. There is an idiot with a black lab mix in our area who thinks its smart or funny or tough to let his dog front up to other (smaller) dogs and intimidate them. He sees you coming and deliberatly lets his dog have more room on his lead so that he can run and lunge, snapping at your dog.

Its given Murphy a bit of a complex now which we are trying to combat but its difficult.
Some People!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad:
Good grief, went to a Champ dog show today, taking Folly as a spectator, walking past some dogs, one suddenly bit her taking quite a chunk out of her side. Rushed her to a vet near the show and they have done quite a neat job stitching her up. But what struck me is it was a Black Standard Poodle. So guess she will now have a reason to distrust Large black dogs.
Oh no! I hope the owner admitted full responsibility and will be paying the vet bills. Maybe she'd had a premonition...

I hope she mends well and isn't too affected mentally.
:eek: poor Folly. I hope the other owner admits liability.
Oh no @Biker John - how awful for Folly!

I hope she’s ok and the owner of the Poodle has apologised and taken responsibility - it’s not going to help her like black dogs that’s for sure!
This is awful :eek:. Poor Folly, I hope she is okay? I really hope the owner takes full liability of the situation.
The poodles owner has been very apologetic, she did all the right things after it happened. I of course was only interested in getting Folly attended to so didn't stay around to talk to her. But she went to the shows vet to find out where I had taken Folly then rang the vet hospital insisting they pass on her name and phone number to me when I picked Folly up. She also went to the show secretary again leaving her name and phone number for me. I have been in touch with her and financially its all sorted. So yes she has done all she could do.
That's good to hear:) How's Folly bearing up?
She hates the buster collar, and as usual with sight hounds having slim heads its hard keeping it on. The vet said the chances were she wouldn't eat last night, but to offer food. As I expected she ate with no hesitation, she's also had her meds and breakfast this morning. Having a greedy dog comes in handy. Not told her though that she was booked into a race meeting tomorrow but racing is a no for some time.

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