I can only agree with you ... but the 'one article', unlike many, at least gives pros and cons and, again unlike many, is easy for the layman to understand, even if you consider it biased. I can't link via academic databases either, as I've said before, but fine, let's have a thread for as many pinned articles as we can link to, whichever 'side' they're from. You are very clearly pro early spay/neuter, I am clearly anti, but I'm not trying to do any more than put the debate 'out there' as it were, just as you claim to be. Are you a veterinary scientist? I'm not. Can either of us be sure we are getting it 'right'? We have certainly strayed far from the OP's question.Make an informed choice on ONE article?
Your the academic. Ever written a paper on just one article? Made informed choices before on just one point of view? I carry 2 bachelor degrees (one with honors) plus 1 postgraduate so I guess I can call myself an academic as well and I certainly wouldn't make any informed choices based on one article. If the mods pin the article then make sure they pin articles highlighting the other arguement for people to peruse.
I wish I could link the 30 papers I have that favour the otherside of this argument but ebsco host won't let me link journal articles directly from the Deakin University library site. People can do their own research.
Here is one article from a journal that I could get off the internet HERE
I found plenty of abstracts and references to the links I like but I prefer to use academic databases.
I reiterate. I'm not here to change peoples minds on anything. Read as much as you can on both sides of this arguement and make your choices. It's not an informed decision when you read just one article from one side. Some people will explore and some will still have their head firmly impanted into the sand.