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  1. W

    Settling In

    Their is no `cure` for howling at night you have to teach him that by howling he gets no attention. Its best to ignor it and it should settle down if not try giving them something to do like a pigs ear to eat etc. Its best to give them no attention as that only rewards the howling therefore...
  2. W

    Lets Play A Game

  3. W

    Air Kongs

    Well we walked ALL the way down to the pet shop to get a kong for molly and guess what?.... it was shut for easter!!!!!! :angry: so we had to walk ALL the way back with no kong!!(in the pouring rain so as you can imagen it was extreamly difficult to get molly down there full stop, she almost...
  4. W


    did you try walking away from her to get her come back this usually works because they are curious about where you are going in my opinion the more you chase a dog the more they run because its like a game, if someone was chasing after you you wouldnt go back to them would you? just my opinion...
  5. W

    Posting Pictures - Help Required

    omg i think i av just posted my first pic! i no it aint anything to do with greyhounds but i couldnt do it before! hope u can see the pic if so thanks!
  6. W

    Puppy Farmer

    i saw it but missed the end have they been shut down? hope so the sick b*****ds those poor puppes! :angry: more needs to be done to stop these people, it should be against the law and more people should be educated so they no NOT to buy a puppy from these kind of people! RIP little puppies! :(
  7. W

    Air Kongs

    Thanks for the advise i thought they were the ones you put food in, i wondered why they were cheap! :lol: going to try and get a rubber one which you put food in tomorro what size do i need for a 16 month old whippet? :blink: appart from peanut butter and the proper stuff what else makes a...
  8. W

    Air Kongs

    there are air kongs new on ebay at the moment does anyone no if they are any good or do they get mess up with them being made out of tennis ball material all advise welcome as i have never ad knogs of any kind before thanks :lol:
  9. W

    Lets Play A Game

  10. W

    Pea Soup - Anyone...

    i have no problems there molly can see water a mile off and will NOT under any circumstances go in it she either goes very far around it or jumps right over it!lol how lucky am i, walks are so easy when it has been raining and there are puddles...
  11. W

    Lets Play A Game

  12. W

    Wolfys Liver Test

    so sorry to hear about wolfy you must be finding it realy hard but atleast he will no longer be suffering and he has had a happy life. When the time comes remember that it is whats best for him no one wants to see their best friend suffer! Ive seen relatives of mine putting off having their 2...
  13. W

    Lets Play A Game

  14. W

    Vale - Bess

    rest in peace bess it always hard to loose a part of the family hope you are coping ok the pics are great looks like she has had a truely happy life! whippets
  15. W

    Can You Believe This?!!!!!!!

    did they have ID tags on? hope they are ok and find there owner. the poor things must of been scared to death! some one should try letin the police run up and down A456 and see how they would like it! police can be soooo unhelpful the sick b*****ds :rant: :rant: well done for catchin them...
  16. W

    For Dessie

    how can you not want to keep him he is soooo cute i wish i could have him! lol if you dont keep him make sure he goes to a k9er so we still get lots of pics of him! :p `he would have had to be absolutely stunning before I kept him ` :o he is stunning imo i dont no anythin about showin/racing...
  17. W

    Whippets With Bandages

    get well soon to all you injured whippets out there!
  18. W

    Esme's Ears

    how old is she and when do they start teething? :blink:
  19. W

    Milo's First Kill !!!!

    he is lovely, such georgous markings and colour! im sure he is very sorry for killing the squirrel!
  20. W

    Pre-easter Break

    lovely pics it looks so relaxing there and he/she appears to be enjoying him/herself! sorry i cant tell if its a he or a she lol!