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  1. Rosie

    On Stirke

    :lol: Loving everyone else's stories of their 'helpless' little ones trying to get into bed :p . Glad it's not just mine :- . I'm still on strike coz it's not like they can't get in themselves, they just prefer me to do it for them :blink: . They are getting the message and are...
  2. Rosie

    On Stirke

    They are cheeky aren't they. Skye is lying flat on her back with all her legs in the air as we speak, managed to get inside the sack but then does that when she gets too hot :wacko: . She's grown into a right character, so much fun, can't believe she's almost 2 :wub: . Thanks for your...
  3. Rosie

    On Stirke

    So who else has snuggle sacks for their whippies, loads of people I bet :thumbsup: , Who wishes they never started opening the sacks for their darlings to get into thinking they were just being a loving owner only to find themselves manipulated into being a sack opening slave :wacko...
  4. Rosie

    For Janimal

    Don't come on here much anymore but this thread caught my eye George is gorgeous and so like his sister Skye I had to look twice :D Here's a couple of her to compare :wub: :wub: She is a dog of two halves - really gentle and sweet around the house but a proper hunter when out and...
  5. Rosie

    Harerunner Missing Whippet

    Now that would be a disaster lol :lol:
  6. Rosie

    Harerunner Missing Whippet

    Sorry everyone, read this post before I saw the one that Daisy has been found safe and well so please ignore my previous post :b
  7. Rosie

    Daisy Found

    Hurray :D :D :D Had a complete panic when I read the other post that she was missing before seeing this one, so glad you have her back, what a relief. Look forward to seeing you (and her :wub: ) at BSFA if you're there :)
  8. Rosie

    Harerunner Missing Whippet

    Only just seen this, what terrible news, am so sorry. Really keeping everything crossed for good news and will get some posters put up at our local vets :luck: :luck:
  9. Rosie

    Lure Coursing

    Yes you're right they do, I had my whippet blinkers on at the time, plenty of other sighthounds go regularly I think the qualifier is to be KC registered :thumbsup:
  10. Rosie

    Skye Puppies

    Skye looks a very contented mum, the puppies are looking gorgeous :wub: :wub:
  11. Rosie

    Lure Coursing

    How about the BSFA . They meet monthly at Wash Common south of Newbury just off A34. Next meeting on 12th July :) Oops sorry, just saw you have lurcher, BSFA is for ped whippets, lurchers can only do fun runs
  12. Rosie

    Puzzling Lameness

    I'm no expert but now I lure course mine regularly I've picked up some tips. I'd massage the shoulder, thigh and loin muscles twice a day using something like Trainers Choice available on Greyhound Megastore and lead walking only for a week/2 weeks depending on how it goes. If she was still...
  13. Rosie

    We Update!

    Good to see some pics of your girls looking gorgeous as ever :wub: :wub: Glad to hear all has worked out with your move too, now you can get some peace and just enjoy the summer (if it stops raining :- ) Can't help with walks but what I find round here is that once you get out and about...
  14. Rosie

    Small Crate

    Skye is about that size and I had a 21 inch high crate that fitted Phoebe fine but Skye looked cramped and unhappy in it (although she was sharing with Phoeb). I agonized for ages then saved up my money and bought a custom built cage from Hamster Baskets which is 28 inch high and sloped so it...
  15. Rosie

    Take That Concert

    I went to see them in Coventry on Wednesday night and they were quite simply A M A Z I N G !!!!!!!! (w00t) (w00t) :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: Haven't quite got over it yet, life will never be the same :- :teehee: Have fun those of you about to go :D
  16. Rosie


    Poor old Peggy, hope she is coping ok :wub: Looks like they've done a really neat job there. :luck: :luck: with her healing :)
  17. Rosie

    Very Sad News

    What a terrible tragedy to happen to such a wonderful boy. He sounds like he lived life to the full and was happy til the very end of it at least but awful to go too soon. RIP Winx xxx
  18. Rosie

    West Somerset Wrc Dog Show, May 10th

    Looks like a fun day :) Good idea to raise funds too :thumbsup:
  19. Rosie

    Happy Birthday Janimal

    Hi Janis, HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D :D . Hope you're having a great day 8)
  20. Rosie

    Shandril & Harerunner Mating

    :luck: hope Skye has a successful pregnancy. It would be great to get some little baby Bryns especially if they were even half as good as he is :D Kate