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  1. H

    For Sale.....

    Milly, I thought you were the walking machine.!!!!!! LOL :thumbsup:
  2. H

    Bwra Update *dates for 2005*

    Fleesh, you don't need to be worried about 2004 membership as I'm sure Doreen and other BWRA Committee members do know who was and who was not a member in 2004. If your card has been handed into the Club Secretary of your Region and you do not have it back for the Tyrone open you are still...
  3. H

    Get Well Soon

    Hi. Geoff - you had me worried for a minute when I saw your name pop up again - thought you were ill! Anyway glad your not and all the best with your p.c. I'm sure Fleesh will put you on the right road!!!!! LOL :wub: :p
  4. H


    John, hope Chloe continues to recover. At least the female owner seems to have faced up to her responsibilities and if the dog has done this once you can guarantee it could do it again and, therefore, cannot be trusted. For everybodies sake (and as much as she may love her pet dog) she should...
  5. H


    John, sorry to hear about Chloe - I do hope she makes a speedy recovery. Is Becky O.K. only you said she was with you as well. ? I do hope you have reported the matter to the police. Just think this dog could attack again and next time it could be a child.!!! :(
  6. H

    Top Ten Debate

    As much as people enjoy the sport and meeting up with friends and having a "good night" out at the weekenders and Devon etc. The fact still remains that some people have to get their priorities in order and just cannot afford to travel week in week out to opens due to the cost. There are a...
  7. H

    Top Ten Debate

    In the Midlands very few people went Open Racing - in fact, only those with exceptionally fast dogs. Everybody stayed at Club level, hence the high number of dogs attending. We used to race at Cannock on a Sunday morning and there would be anything between 80 & 100 dogs. There were so many it...
  8. H

    Top Ten Debate

    Personally, over the years I think that its the Top 10 Opens that have "killed off" the clubs and forced their closure. Now today a lot of people who own whippets have no choice but to go open racing as their are no Clubs left in their region/area. This was forecasted in the "SPOTLIGHT"...
  9. H

    Happy Bithday

    Happy Birthday Carole, 21 again eh!!!!! :cheers: Joan
  10. H

    Drug Testing Any Ideas

    Tony, I understand what you are saying regarding "Bitch Suppressants". In the Greyhound star Vets are often discussing topics on "stopping" bitches (Greyhounds). If you have a 6 month bitch (and we are fortunate that we never have) you only get approx. 3 months decent racing in 6 months. The...
  11. H

    Message From B.w.r.a. Committee

    Tanya, how dare you accuse me of spreading gossip, when all I was merely doing was making an observation. I am NOT the sort of person that goes around causing ill feeling or spreading gossip, so I suggest next time think before you speak. Oh! by the way what would you like for Christmas a...
  12. H

    Message From B.w.r.a. Committee

    Maybe I'm reading between the lines here - but it makes you wonder if the OWNER of the Ashfordby Sports Club really wants us "Whippets Racers/dogs" there. :oops: Just a thought o:) !!!!!
  13. H

    Sup Rch Jackarella Passed Away Today

    Sorry to hear of your sad loss Andrew our thoughts are with you at this sad time.
  14. H

    Big Congrats To Jade

    :cheers: Well done Jade - safe driving. You can borrow Dad's car now he doesn't need to keep taking you as you can now drive yourself :cheers: :cheers: Joan and Michael
  15. H

    North West Bwra Bend Open

    Be very interesting to see just how many No Limit dogs will "STAY" this distance. Unless they have been "schooled" on a regular basic prior to competing they may "blow" up. :p
  16. H

    Happy Birthday

    :cheers: Have a lovely 18th Birthday Fleesh - bet the celebrations have continued over from last Sunday :cheers: :cheers:
  17. H

    Plant Eating

    :D Our 5 loves eating certain garden plants, especially Dandilions. I even checked with our Vet. as I was concerned incase certain plants they were eating were poisonous. Its the sedum/margarettes and sage plants they love. Its a question of now you see them now you don't :p AND grass...
  18. H


    Having read the comments that have been made regarding the proposals it appears to me that the Reps. do not discuss the "new" proposals with the members prior to the meeting and, therefore, they decide what THEY think and not the majority view of the members. If whippet racing is to survive the...
  19. H

    BWRA Proposals 2004

    :( Has anybondy thought this: Muriel is the only original long standing member of the "old" BWRA Committee and, therefore, it may be a case of "a new broom sweeps clean" - just a thought. Also, Muriel may have suggested that the proposal is put on the form thus making the position "vacant"...
  20. H


    I understand that members have put forward proposals which they would like the MEMBERS to vote on. Who makes the decision as to whether or not these proposals go out to the members. I understood that if a proposal of workable then the MEMBERS decide. So why is it then that certain proposals...