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  1. M


    hello June, Have you tried Turkey Necks , if you can manage to get hold of some they are great for cleaning teeth. Make sure they are raw not cooked. They hold together real good. I give mine Chichen wings raw and they do the cleaning with no need to resort to toothpaste at all. Hope this...
  2. M

    Racing Clubs

    He seems to have done a bit of good then that old dog. lol. I can't understand why he hasn't been used more if he is producing some great pups like that. I understand the dog belongs to Craig Sid's son if I am right. Well i was around the non ped scene in the 70's. Another Maid was the top...
  3. M

    Racing Clubs

    Many thanks for the link, Can anyone remember me when I was on the circuit. I introduced Sid Hunt to racing. I think he has just got fed up with it and stopped racing. Gillette is still alive I believe but sadly Sid no longer speaks to me. I taught him loads about getting the best out of his...
  4. M

    Racing Clubs

    hi folks, Can anyone tell me if there are any racing clubs in the Yorkshire area close to Doncaster. I know there were plenty of Non peds many years ago. I have a couple of pups I would like to get out. Mike
  5. M

    Irewa Tuxedo Lad

    Very Tasty indeed Very nice clean lines that would go far I believe. Regards Mike
  6. M

    Eastwood Show

    Hi , I must thanks all the very nice people that have sent me nice letters and good wishes. There was only 2 puppies in the class but in Junior there was a few more. I didn't expect to get anything at all, and it wasn't as bad as some have said about dragging a puppy round the ring , She was...
  7. M

    Eastwood Show

    hello Debs, It was the way the event took place. I was ever so pleased to have got what I did. I was slighlty embarressed and in my heart I know I maybe stole the placings I got but the judge commented that they were very nice puppies and would keep and eye out for them. I actually went to the...
  8. M

    Eastwood Show

    `Well seeing as it was the first time out and my handler had never seen either puppy they just dug their heels in. In the Group the puppy winner went round quite nicely. What does one do when at home they move very well you enter a show and they just don't like the atmosphere. Does one...
  9. M

    Eastwood Show

    Hi Folks, I am still at it even though I had to use my chair yesterday at Eastwood. My handler did a fantastic job even though my two babies just didn't want to show being the first time out. Everything was was new and those big dogs were so scary lol. Anyway Mikadene Fly me to the Moon got...
  10. M

    New Babies In The Ring 2007

    Hi All, And a happy New Year to all weather showing racing or pet homes. Well I have 3 youngsters fom my last litter that looks like I will be keeping. My little bitch Mikadene Blue Moon is still tops for me to make it into the ring, but the two boy's Mikadene Fly me to the Moon and Mikadene...
  11. M

    Colours Of Whippets

    What ever the Breed standard say's you will allways get some people that will only put a certain colour up and won't even look at others. After all I allways sy colour is only a coat of paint anyway. One only has to look at certain judges line ups and you'll soon see for yourself with the...
  12. M

    Doggy Blood Donors

    Hello, When my kennel was full of Alsatians my daughter who is a Veternary Nurse at Springfield Hospital Rotherham used to come and take a dog from my place at all sorts of hours. I remember my good old bear who gave enough blood to help out an elderly Jack Russel cross of 15 yrs old. He had...
  13. M

    Advice Please

    Oh and can I say I have a lovely pair of males from my last litter fo sale. It's strange , all people want these days are bitches. These boys are intact in fact all 3 of them are intact and I am keeping a nice bitch myself to carry on with the lines I have borrowed from excellent breeders. I...
  14. M

    Advice Please

    So you have made a statement that 25 is a high score. Tell me what is the breed average for Shepherds. Well I will tell you it is exactly 25. so after due consideration and advice from experts in this field to which I have attended many lectures and to use a dog of 25 is not uncommen and if the...
  15. M

    Advice Please

    Hi, I will try and answer your questions truthfully and with experience to boot I will tell you what I did. On the question did I come out of the cupboard and tell folks I bred Monorchids. a great big YES. I also told folks who the sire and dam was and that was the time I leaned that the sire...
  16. M

    Advice Please

    May I reasure you 100% I was not a Monorchid at 13 weeks. I want to thanks all the honest folks that have responded to my question. Oh by the way the ones I had were actually GSD's and not Whippets. I just wish Breeders were open and came out of the cupboard and said Yes I have one in my last...
  17. M

    Advice Please

    Many thanks for the advice. If there's a problem I will find it. One tries to obtain the very best but no one seems to want to admit they have a problem. My vet told me it mainly came down the male line and from my own experience I had a couple of dogs that were monochids. I had them fixed...
  18. M

    Latest Update Qld Desexing Petition

    Hi Folks, Early desexing was discussed at a meeting I attended , The KC liaison comittee, show Committee last week. The delegate to the KC council was asked by the committee to take our views on this matter as a matter of discussion. It was unamonous that Early desexing was indeed harmfull to...
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    Advice Please

    hello Folks, I want to approach a rather delicate topic that may not get many replies. Has anyone got any knowledge which lines are prone to throw Monorchids or Chripochids. I know it comes down the sire's line, but it is handy to know . When I bought my Puppy the breeder checked and told me...
  20. M

    Introducing Viri+dali Pups

    Very nice babies, I looked at mine against yours and love them all. What Super babies they are. Hope they all do well for you. Regards Mike