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  1. J

    Lets Play A Game

    worst.....afternoon to you too
  2. J

    Lets Play A Game

  3. J

    Lets Play A Game

    cancer (w00t)
  4. J

    Lets Play A Game

  5. J

    Here's My New Puppy

    Tracy, I think BADGER is BRILLIANT for your little cutie pie - strong and brave :wub: I LOVE thinking of names and when I was a girl thought my own name Jane was just so plain (I like it now) then I wanted to be Melanie Darcy!! or Josephine or Arabella (I read too many Georgette Heyer novels)...
  6. J

    Lets Play A Game

    rainstorm - here at the moment :(
  7. J

    Whippet "ring- In"

    Hi Michelle, no wonder you've had all these messages wanting to adopt her she's GORGEOUS :wub: such a lovely grey/blue and so pretty amongst the daisies
  8. J

    Soft House For Whippets...

    He LOVES showing off his bits, but I thought Nanny Dawn wouldn't mind - she's seen it all after all ;) - but then he's a big boy who can cock his leg already :lol: Went on his first big walk this morning and was brilliant - got caught in the downpour and he legged it home (on a long leash)...
  9. J

    Here's My New Puppy

    he is GORGEOUS :wub: choosing names is such fun - we've got a 13 week old boy called Tito and we spent days thinking about names do you go for blokes names like Ernie and Stan :thumbsup: or romantic names like Darcy and Leonardo :wub: or names of the gods like Apollo and Zeus o:) or...
  10. J

    Lets Play A Game

  11. J


    What a clever sporty girl :D mine doesn't knock heads off the flowers he BITES them off :rant: and he punctures the footballs with his teeny needle sharp puppy teeth (w00t)
  12. J

    Look What I Got...

    BLIMEY! That is enormous, even TRIFFIDS would be frightened (w00t) Do you really have such a giant in your garden?
  13. J


    did she kick it up there? :D
  14. J

    Look What I Got...

    I had to google petasites as I've never heard of it before - found it's a great cure for migraines! but no piccies. I have the maclea thug in my garden (w00t) and am always having to hack it back or yank it out (what huge hollow stems it has) but the leaves are very handsome and the height...
  15. J

    Biting Help Needed Please

    I'm so sorry you're struggling with such a huge amount of change and upset :huggles: no wonder it's all too much for you. you're right, when you're vulnerable a biting pup just seems like its personal and it's the last straw. I do hope you find things start to improve in your own life soon -...
  16. J

    Biting Help Needed Please

    Honestly, I don't think you need to feel you've done something wrong or that this is anything to worry about. Your confidence seems to be flagging and perhaps your little dog senses that you're confused about what to do and are upset and this doesn't help. It's surely quite common with teething...
  17. J

    Look What I Got...

    he looks so noble sitting there :wub: a born winner, WELL DONE :cheers: by the way is that huge leaved plant in your garden a maclea, and does it spread like mad?
  18. J

    Well Done Holly!

    who could resist those eyes :wub: WELL DONE HOLLY :cheers:
  19. J

    Look What I Found In My Washing!

    lovely pics Sarah - Murphy's looking gorgeous and BIG :wub: it's such cat-like behaviour, my cats are into any laundry baskets as quick as Meeko :huggles: the fresher and warmer the laundry the better :- "
  20. J

    Tia Went On Her First Walk

    Nicky what great pics - lovely to see the princess out and off lead :thumbsup: you're lucky having the older boys to show her the ropes. she is a beauty :wub: great to see Blue swimming too