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  1. C


    Oh thats very kind of you! I've already ordered some though, but thanks! :flowers:
  2. C


    Yes he does! and white nails. maybe it's like horse's feet, hadn't made the connection till you pointed it out!
  3. C


    Thanks, but I was looking for some recommendations, not criticism. My other whippet has no problems and does exactly the same exercise in the same places at the same times with no problems. None of my other previous dogs has ever had this problem either. They do road work as well as free running...
  4. C


    Not as bedsocks! He gets friction burns a lot on the skin between the pads and when it's icy he slices his skin open. Yesterday it was across the pad. Very frustrating for the poor lad as it's back to leash walks till it heals up.
  5. C


    Anyone got any experience of/recommendations for wippitt boots?
  6. C

    Taran (aka Eric)

    brill pics ... keep posting! nothing like a puppy fix to brightren up a wet morning!
  7. C

    Hurricane Eric!

    scrummy, can see why you fell for him!
  8. C

    How Much Exercise?

    There are single fleece (for cold days) double fleece (for very cold days) and waterproof ones with cosy fleece lining for wet days ... check out the site ... the waterproof version is called 'Splash' ... has a waterproof and fleece lined chest section like the Luxe .... perfect for those with...
  9. C

    Neutering A Boy

    costs depend on area of country you live in as well as varying from one practice to the next. Personally I'd stay with the practice I was already registered with if you're happy with the service they offer. PS Wales cheapest, SE England most expensive if you're planning on relocating!
  10. C

    Fridge Raiding Hooligan!!!

    what about one of those alarms you can buy for windows? work off a little battery inside, not massively big and self-adhesive; comes in two parts, one you could stick to side of fridge, the other to the door - when you break the contact between the two without disabling it the alarm goes off...
  11. C

    How Much Exercise?

    That's where they come from! But it was a very quick turnaround and great service - Melle took great care about ensuring the measurements were right when I wasn't certain ... placed the order on 21 Jan (paid by PayPal) ... then spent about 3 days of swopping emails to check on fit and...
  12. C

    How Much Exercise?

    If she feels the cold, I can strongly recommend a Luxe coat from Whippetwear - beautifully made, keeps the tum warm as well, long poloneck and generously cut over both front and back ends ... not cheap, but worth every penny, my wippitty loves his - so impressed by it I also coughed up for the...
  13. C

    Archie Off And I Can't Bear It!

    How very tough for you, sending hugs ... but it sounds as if not fair on either him or your husband, you are probably doing the right thing for all of you, even though it hurts ... you have enough on your plate already without having to worry about a young dog too ...
  14. C

    Whippets' Hearts

    Lovely pic of two lovely doglets ... more hugs 'cos you probably need them ... enjoy the time together, it may be ages ... you just never know ... and if you start brooding too much on it it spoils the time you do have ... and the diuretics made a massive difference to the coughing ... glad to...
  15. C

    Whippets' Hearts

    Sending hugs to you both ... we got our rescue wippy at the age of 8 from a local shelter .. on being checked out at our vets she was diagnosed with a heart murmur. She was fine for around a year and a half, when she suddenly developed a cough that wouldn't go away ... tried ab's and Benylin...
  16. C


    So sorry to hear of your loss ... You could try contacting Tailends, a marvellous charity dedicated to elderly and terminally ill dogs ... you can find details at
  17. C

    Harry Potter Book

    Finished it yessterday afternoon ... now I don't know what to do with myself ... guess I'll have to get on with some work! :D
  18. C

    Pigs Ears

    Or try tripe sticks - smell horrible but they love them ...
  19. C

    Is Lily All/part Iggy??

    What a sweetheart! This is interesting though, as I've ben wondering recently if my old girly might have been a wippy/iggy cross - she came labelled as a wippie from a local rescue. She was very petite, and when our local wippie expert looked at her she tried very hard to be polite - she had...
  20. C

    Dog eats Cooked Chicken Bones

    Hope she's okay ... when my last wippie swallowed a cocktail stick (don't ask) the vet advised gving her bread, then when that didn't seem to help, cotton wool - smeared with marmite and cream cheese managed to get a little down her. But do keep a close on her - mine semed fine for a few days...