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  1. J


    i agree with gary, let the vote decide . it doesnt bother me whichever way it goes. but i would like to finnish by saying would the dog who broke its neck at stocton have sustained the same injury if it hadnt had a board to shove off.[i dont think so]
  2. J


    i just hope that when the postal vote is decided, that people are going to act like adults&abide by the decision& not say theyr not running here ¬ running there. [ this will only add to the decline in whippet racing.] everybody should abide by the democratic vote whichever way it goes.
  3. J


    if we had choices in everything we do [basic human rights] there would be more deaths on the roads SPEEDING, SEATBELTS etc. its just the same in whippet racing , we have got to minimise the risk of injury to our dogs by banning springboards.
  4. J


    i just hope that if the kickboard ban is upheld that chrissy [TOP TEN] & the fed have the decency to go with the will of the people & also ban kickboards .
  5. J


    the dog in question deffinately did break its neck {vets diognosis}this would not have happened without a springboard. afew year back at scotland dog had serious back inj ury due to using springboard.[dog came out of trap went about 10 yds & collapsed] its time people opened their eyes to...
  6. J


    i just hope that those who signed the petition &went to the EGM have wasted their time &money like those people who went to the AGM.
  7. J


    i very much doubt they would break their neck without a kickboard. i say ban kickboards &ban blinkers on the owners who want to keep them.
  8. J


    how many more dogs have to break their necks or suffer serious back injuries through the use of spring boards. use a bit of common sence and ban them once and for all.