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2006 Oz & Nz Show Results

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Remember guys we don't have a national scheme and that each state in Oz has different regulations pertaining to judges training schemes which is probably why judges from some states get better entries than judges from other states. :eek:

In NSW, when John and I went through, you had to have been in the breed a min of so many years (8 or 10), with so many litters and minimum 2 champions, plus involvement at club level, and then we could only sit single breed licence. After 3 appointments at champ level, we could then apply for group.

Over the years, the scheme changed and we went to a system whereby you had to attend a General Education course, exam on anatomy and then rules and regs, then you sit the theory for the whole group. If successful (75% pass mark) you can enrol in the scheme for lectures and field nights. 4 exams along the way with 75% pass mark again. Then if you pass all the theory, you sit a practical exam. If you pass the practical, we had to judge 500 dogs for elevation to be able to accept interstate and overseas appointments. This has been reduced to 350 I think now. To sit a group, attend lectures and do the exams takes 2 years and then to attain numbers takes about another 1-2 years so about 4 years per group. We can only do 1 group at a time (not like some other states where aspirants do multiple groups). :angry:

Some states have a system of judging 200 or 250 at open show level to qualify, however NSW has very few open shows so this system wouldn't work up here.

We have now introduced a scheme with involves compulsory kennel visits, attendance at breed specialty shows, essays on the top breeds, and a list of mentors is provided which I don't think is a bad idea. It's a lot of work and some say you could become a brain surgeon quicker than becoming an all breeds judge. :lol:

Heard there was to be a national scheme but SA were holding back. :- "
Hi Lana,

All you will have to do is whippets, at your local show, at Champ level. Simple.

Thank you for your kind words. I am still pretty much chuffed over two in the one weekend.

Cheers Jill
Ridgesetter said:
  It's a lot of work and some say you could become a brain surgeon quicker than becoming an all breeds judge.  :lol:
Heard there was to be a national scheme but SA were holding back.    :- "

I was not going to say anything on the brain surgeon comment. But there must be some conection with the fact that brain surgeons are easier the train then "some" All Breeds Judges. :- " :- " (Gee I'am pleased I put "some" in there). :- "

I dont know why SA would be holding back on a National level. Last time I went to a show was only to look, & heard some things re judges training.

I will PM you with what I think. :cheers:
Congrats on the 2 new Oakway champs Jill- that must be a lot of Oakway champions now :thumbsup: Do you know how many?
Thanks for the kind words Garry.

The answer to your question is *yes* I do know how may. LOL

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Thought you may :p Don't be shy Jill- how many? :D
What me shy LOL. OK......

Oakway Champions 32

That includes two International champions two New Zealand champions and one duel Aust & N.Z. Ch.

Whippets with other peoples prefix 6

I have bred and/or put through to their championship 7 other various breeds.

Thats a pretty fair effort Jill. It would be interesting to know how many home bred champs many of the well established Aust kennels have bred over the years. Anyone know who has the most- Martanique would be my guess- but somebody may know for sure.

I would not have the slightest idea. I would assume the same as you. I would think that some of the bigger kennels would leave me for dead for numbers.

Well done Jill :cheers: Awesome result, you must be proud :thumbsup:

The bigger kennels may leave your numbers for dead, but if you do the ratio of how many litters hit the ground from the big kids vs us smaller guns & you'd probably be suitably impressed with your results :thumbsup:
I think martinique too. Mainly due to the fact they have been always on a roll.

Others to think about are, Dot Stewart, Miss Wadell & Amshersham
Is Amshersham Karras and Payne's kennel? And I know Miss Waddell imported many of the early aust whippets from the UK- but not sure about Dot Stewart- what was her kennel?- Only had whippets for 9 years not a lifetime like some of you oldies :D

Would be interesting history to know how many champions have come from some of these kennels.

If we're talking strike rates- My old mate Angus has a pretty good record :luck:
gajo said:
Is Amshersham Karras and Payne's kennel? And I know Miss Waddell imported many of the early aust whippets from the UK- but not sure about Dot Stewart- what was her kennel?- Only had whippets for 9 years not a lifetime like some of you oldies :D
Would be interesting history to know how many champions have come from some of these kennels.

If we're talking strike rates- My old mate Angus has a pretty good record :luck:

OLDIES!!!!!!!! I'am only 6 years old. & 100kgs.

Dot was Roisel whippets in Melb.

Sorry should of been Amersham
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6 years old (w00t) Is that doggy 6 yrs old??

Still doesn't make you that ancient :wacko: but does explain the other thread... what do they say about men in their 40's, team it up with a dash of mid life crisis & wah-lah- you have a fencing contractor who can't leave his tool belt alone (w00t)

Didn't the Roisel kennels get taken over by a younger chappy than Dot who reversed the kennel name to Lesior kennels???? What happened to them???
shenace said:
6 years old  (w00t)   Is that doggy 6 yrs old??
Still doesn't make you that ancient  :wacko:   but does explain the other thread... what do they say about men in their 40's, team it up with a dash of mid life crisis & wah-lah- you have a fencing contractor who can't leave his tool belt alone (w00t)

Didn't the Roisel kennels get taken over by a younger chappy than Dot who reversed the kennel name to Lesior kennels????  What happened to them???

Tony Wills is the fellow who was Dot Stewart's friend and handler. When 'Dotty' passed away he established his own kennel 'Leisor'. He has bred some litters over the years. We don't see too much of Tony these days he calls into the shows from time to time, but has drifted away from the show world and most of the Rosiel lines are unfortunately lost forever.

It is a shame when famous kennels are lost forever :(

I started with fairly ordinary whippets and then we had the Noholme influence hit NZ, everyone was aghast at first, we were mainly fawn or fawn & whites & reasonably small animals who needed improvement in the front (IMO).

Noholme brought wonderful animals with soundness to die for - brindles that we were not to & the boys were more stronger than we were used to. They hit NZ like a storm & had great success & those who had the foresight to use them improved their stock tremendously. I used one of their boys from the famous Aust/NZ Ch Noholme Electric Blue to get my beautiful NZ GR CH Shenace Back At Ya.

Unfortunately, these kennels are no longer in existance due to a marriage break up and I have to say, they have left their mark on the whippet world. The knowledge that Brian & Sandy had together as a team was a phenomonen, their eye for a good animal & the ability to produce them was a legacy.

I look for a Noholme influence when I breed my animals and wish I was able to turn back the clock and be in the position to be able to collect semen from some of our past greats - but as they say - that is history - finances & knowledge were 2 ingredients I lacked at that time - having said that.... you never know what is just around the corner.
Combined CCC Clubs Sub Committee



Mr. J. Brown NZ.

Baby Dog

1st Trusardis Matt Black

Junior Dog

1st Oakway Dress For Envey

Open Dog

1st Ch Sheberghan Silk Road

2nd Ch Shalique Turnup Theheat

3rdCh Taejaarn Long Kiss G'nite

CC Silk Road

Res CC Turnup Theheat

Puppy Bitch

1st Piaffe Pirouette

Junior Bitch

1st Oakway Dress Fth Boys

Intermediate Bitch

1st Ch Sheberghan The Romance

Aust Bred Bitch

1St Shalique Dareto Whisper

Open Bitch

1st Durhamshire Soldiers Girl


Ch Piaffe Rapt In Ribbons

Bitch CC The Romance

Res CC Soldiers Girl

BOB The Romance

R/up Soldiers Girl

Junior in Group Dress Fthe Boys

Intermediate in Group The Romance

No whippets went through in show specials

Results from melbourne

Judge mr b doherty (martinique)

Dog cc cassentra flying rob roy

Res dog nz grand ch devine by public opinion

Bitch cc bob ru in group alltalk moon dance

Res bitch alltalk sky dancer

Also herd a alltalk bitch got junior in group but dont know which one could of been alltalk french kiss

Congratulations doug and zoee :cheers: :cheers: :thumbsup:
shenace said:
It is a shame when famous kennels are lost forever :(  
I started with fairly ordinary whippets and then we had the Noholme influence hit NZ, everyone was aghast at first, we were mainly fawn or fawn  & whites & reasonably small animals who needed improvement in the front (IMO). 

Noholme brought wonderful animals with soundness to die for - brindles that we were not  to & the boys were more stronger than we were used to.  They hit NZ like a storm & had great success & those who had the foresight to use them improved their stock tremendously.  I used one of their boys from the famous Aust/NZ Ch Noholme Electric Blue to get my beautiful NZ GR CH Shenace Back At Ya. 

Unfortunately, these kennels are no longer in existance due to a marriage break up and I have to say, they have left their mark on the whippet world.  The knowledge that Brian & Sandy had together as a team was a phenomonen, their eye for a good animal & the ability to produce them was a legacy.

I look for a Noholme influence when I breed my animals and wish I was able to turn back the clock and be in the position to be able to collect semen from some of our past greats - but as they say - that is history - finances & knowledge were 2 ingredients I lacked at that time - having said that.... you never know what is just around the corner.

Dito dito Lynda... As much as Noholme is definitely a significant influence in NZ., but before Noholme there is Martinique(NSW) and to add to that Wingstar(SA) and others that Noholme was built around.

NOTE: There would not be many whippets that do not have the Martinique influence in their lines. So what does that tell us. Hail 'Martinique' amongst some others.

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