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A Question About Condition


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I would like to have a better understanding of what is the right amount of condition for a whippet to carry. I can spot overweight, correct weight and malnourished, but am having trouble getting my head around that grey area of just right and too thin As I understand it, for the correct amount of condition, you should see the 3 vertebrae, a hint of their pin bones and the last 3 ribs should also be visable.

I have noticed many whippets who fit this discription, but I have also seen many who appear to be very ribby. At what point do they cross over the line from being a little ribby to being too thin.

Are these dogs naturally hard to keep weight on them or are they undernorished??

As I think photo's may be useful as a reference I have put up a couple of photo's taken of Beau about two months ago. He has always been a hard dog to keep weight on, but this photo concerned me so much I put him back on puppy food, and he now carry's a little more condition :)

I have a feeling Phoebe is going to be the exact opposite to Beau. Although I am happy with her condition I suspect that I will have to watch her weight.

As Phoebe is about to start showing I would also be interested to know a little more about what is the correct condition they should carry for the ring. What tends to appeal to the different judges. I would aslo be interested to know, if there is a difference in the weight they carry for showing and for home, and if so why?

thanks in advance

Tesa said:
What tends to appeal to the different judges. 
:oops: I will rephase that sentence to "what tends to appeal to the judges"

Didn't have any particular judges in mind :)
Beau is little bit too thin, you should only just see a hint of the ribs, but they should not be sticking out. However, I think that many dogs in the ring are carrying too much weight. They could not possibly run very fast looking like that. I myself prefer my "teenagers" to be on the thin side and fill up after 18 months, as they start maturing. I guess that is a left over habbit from rearing Great Danes :b , as pups carrying excess weight were more likely to develop skeletal problems.

Your dogs would run off all what they eat, but I am sure as they mature and "settle" down they will also put some weight on. How old is Beau? Callista only started to put weight on last Xmas when she was almost 2, until then i had hard time keeping condition on her. :)
Tesa said:
Tesa said:
What tends to appeal to the different judges. 
:oops: I will rephase that sentence to "what tends to appeal to the judges"

Didn't have any particular judges in mind :)

i would bring the dogs upto a condition that pleases your eye and you feel is right and let the judges make their choice you carnt please everyone but if you are happy with there condition it a head start
I agree with Seraphina , he does look a little light . As you so rightly said you should JUST be able to see the pin bones , A dog is too thin when all ribs, back bone and pins are showing . IMO , I do tend to put a bit more `cover`on my dogs over winter and on my older dogs in case they get a tad poorly and have some weight to `fall back on ` ;)

On Sunday at Midland whippet there were so many bitches far too fat , (w00t) I know girls can be difficult to get right after a season , some really do go `mumsy` . but they were so soft with it too , too much dinner and not enough exercise im afraid :eek:

Also dogs tend to body up as they mature , a bit like teenages in humans , I mean when we were younger we could eat anything and never put an ounce on , but now Ive reached 30 :- " the weight piles on :oops: :lol:
this is a very good discussion because a neighbour was worried as at his 7 month old dogs last appointment the vet weighed him and said that the dog was at his maximum weight and should not be allowed to get any fatter,to me however he looks absolutely tiny and i swear his stomach is no bigger around than my little puppy :lol:

i suppose everyone is going to have different ideas about what is right and wrong and i suppose that a lot will depend on where the dog lives and how cold it gets.
I think a lot depends on the dog as well all mine are very different Sienna has always been on the skinny side(no matter what she eats) although very muscular yet her twin Callie has always been on the fat side until recentley and I know callie is a lot heathier from losing the extra weight I can tell from the way she races and in general.

Spry has always had a petite frame and her weight flucuates even if she eats the same things, and kane he is a big lad and although he doesnt look fat he is very heavy set and weighs a tonne.

They all get a lot of excersise and that makes a difference to there appearence because the become lean and muscular but are very fit although sometimes it makes them look skinny, its hard keeping an happy medium really, but they are all happy so I'm happy too :D
Tesa said:
Beau about two months ago.  He has always been a hard dog to keep weight on, but this photo concerned me so much I put him back on puppy food, and he now carry's a little more condition :)

Seraphina said:
Beau is little bit too thin,

JAX said:
I agree with Seraphina , he does look a little light .

Remember those photo's were taken a couple of months ago. This is Beau a couple of minutes ago. He has alway's been a hard dog to keep weight on. At the time I took those photo's even though his coat and muscle tone were in excellent condition, I was concerned enough (about the amount of rib I was seeing) to put him back on puppy food for a while. Have had him on Eagle Pack Puppy. Am about to put him on the Eagle Pack Chicken and Oatmeal. He also gets bones and chicken wings.

BTW Lida, Beau was 2 a week ago

:) :)
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Tesa said:
I would like to have a better understanding of what is the right amount of condition for a whippet to carry.  I can spot overweight, correct weight and malnourished, but am having trouble getting my head around that grey area of just right and too thin  As I understand it, for the correct amount of condition, you should see the 3 vertebrae, a hint of their pin bones and the last 3 ribs should also be visable.
I have noticed many whippets who fit this discription, but I have also seen many who appear to be very ribby.  At what point do they cross over the line from being a little ribby to being too thin. 

Are these dogs naturally hard to keep weight on them or are they undernorished??

As I think photo's may be useful  as a reference I have put up a couple of photo's taken of Beau about two months ago.  He has always been a hard dog to keep weight on, but this photo concerned me so much I put him back on puppy food, and he now carry's a little more condition :)

I have a feeling Phoebe is going to be the exact opposite to Beau.  Although I am happy with her condition I suspect that I will have to watch her weight.

As Phoebe is about to start showing I would also be interested to know a little more about what is the correct condition they should carry for the ring.  What tends to appeal to the different judges.  I would aslo be interested to know, if there is a difference in the weight they carry for showing and for home, and if so why?

thanks in advance


Tesa said:
I would like to have a better understanding of what is the right amount of condition for a whippet to carry.  I can spot overweight, correct weight and malnourished, but am having trouble getting my head around that grey area of just right and too thin  As I understand it, for the correct amount of condition, you should see the 3 vertebrae, a hint of their pin bones and the last 3 ribs should also be visable.
I have noticed many whippets who fit this discription, but I have also seen many who appear to be very ribby.  At what point do they cross over the line from being a little ribby to being too thin. 

Are these dogs naturally hard to keep weight on them or are they undernorished??

As I think photo's may be useful  as a reference I have put up a couple of photo's taken of Beau about two months ago.  He has always been a hard dog to keep weight on, but this photo concerned me so much I put him back on puppy food, and he now carry's a little more condition :)

I have a feeling Phoebe is going to be the exact opposite to Beau.  Although I am happy with her condition I suspect that I will have to watch her weight.

As Phoebe is about to start showing I would also be interested to know a little more about what is the correct condition they should carry for the ring.  What tends to appeal to the different judges.  I would aslo be interested to know, if there is a difference in the weight they carry for showing and for home, and if so why?

thanks in advance


Seraphina said:
  However, I think that many dogs in the ring are carrying too much weight.  They could not possibly run very fast looking like that.  I myself prefer my "teenagers" to be on the thin side and fill up after 18 months, as they start maturing.
That's interesting Lida :)
The dog in the photo is too thin, he should be well covered with just a hint of rib showing but not fat, firm to the touch.

My own dogs are fed a different food base, maintanance when they are not working or showing and a high protein base when they are working/showing.Dogs in my experance tend to burn weight off faster than bitches but each dog is different and you can only find out what is right thru trial and error. Dont be affraid

to try things. As far as shoeing is concerned you must know your judges, their likes and dislikes,a little detective work helps here.

When I judge I dont like dogs that are thin or fat, I like a well musled dog.

When I judge Lurchers I wont put a good dog down for working scars, but it is a beauty contest and not a working test.

One last tip when you see a good dog at a show have a chat with its owner, ask how they feed explaned your problems and most owners are only too pleased to help.

Hope this help Philip
Seraphina said:
However, I think that many dogs in the ring are carrying too much weight. 

JAX said:
On Sunday at Midland whippet there were so many bitches far too fat

Even though I see rib & vertabrae on Phoebe she has always looked a little chunky. I particularly noticed this when I have her around other whippets Or is it that I need to see video of her on the move, and perhaps she would look different from the side view, rather than my top view (if you get what I mean).

masta said:
i would bring the dogs upto a condition that pleases your eye and you feel is right and let the judges make their choice you carnt please everyone but if you are happy with there condition it a head start
Yes masta on the whole I am happy with their condition :) But when you see them in so many different shapes and sizes I find it a little confusing as to what is the ideal condition.

Am sure I am not alone on this either.


This is Phoebe taken a couple of minutes ago btw she is a smidge under 18.5" and is 8 months old this week

Not happy at trying to stack on polished floorboards - too slippery :wacko:
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Hi Karen,

Sounds like Beau is very much like Oscar, hes been quite hard to keep weight on too. He looked very bony after being in kennels this year but has now regained it :) thank goodness.

He eats really well, now Kobi on the other hand who also eats well :D (too well at times) puts weight on as Lesley also said about one of hers. I have to watch his food and he tends to look a bit on the podgy side even though they get exactly the same amount of excercise. I suspect Kobi's metabolism is different to Oscars - probably something to do with the breeding maybe. :unsure:
one of my dogs casper is too thin....he is very deep chested and leggy...all his ribs show and his backbone is very arched and obvious....he eats me out of house and home and gets a very good diet but i have had to accept he is just the way he is...i asked the vet to see if he could treat him with medication to help him but he isnt willing to do this as he is perfectly healthy....the only problem i find is that he feels the cold terribly...but he now has a wardrobe full of jumpers so he is happy :thumbsup:
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manor whippets said:
Dogs in my experance tend to burn weight off faster than bitches but each dog is different and you can only find out what is right thru trial and error.

Has anyone else notice this and if so, is there any particular reason?
Tesa said:
manor whippets said:
Dogs in my experance tend to burn weight off faster than bitches but each dog is different and you can only find out what is right thru trial and error.

Has anyone else notice this and if so, is there any particular reason?

Well if Kane is burning energy off faster than the girls I dont know where it's going because it certainly isnt off his body :lol:
Mark Roberts said:
kane he is a big lad and although he doesnt look fat

It's muscle not fat :wub:


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