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Bwra Agm

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Fleesh said:
can some one explain the % breeding thing ... :thumbsup:
As I understand it Dee you could put a "7/8" grey to a "7/8" grey(Gen1) and then back to a "7/8" grey(Gen2) and then back to a "full" grey.

"7/8" grey x "full" grey = NO

("7/8" grey x "7/8" grey) x "full" grey = NO

("7/8" grey x "7/8" grey) x "7/8" grey) x "full" grey = YES

Though I was awaiting the outcome of this vote as in my opinion this would put a "breeding cap" in place in order to attempt to bring the size down, fair enough but then to put a "weight cap" in place at the same time seemed a bit far fetched. I feel there should have been one proposal or the other brough in for voting but not both, in essence penalising those breeding in the "correct" manner but still get a dog going over the "weight cap".

It's overall a get lucky or tough sh*t scenario IMO but as has been stated before it's not up to the committee or individual members but the membership as a whole, how are we to know the BWRA did not get a large number of proposals put forward along the same lines and the sheer number of proposals induced the committee into putting it to a membership vote as the number of proposals would represent a large proportion of the membership.

Anyway enough, I'm supposed to be prepping not talking !!! :luck: :luck: 5 hours to go !!!

Would it not also how the 7/8 was bred in the first place?and get back to studying Elise :lol: Good :luck:
rodders said:
Fleesh said:
can some one explain the % breeding thing ... :thumbsup:
As I understand it Dee you could put a "7/8" grey to a "7/8" grey(Gen1) and then back to a "7/8" grey(Gen2) and then back to a "full" grey.

"7/8" grey x "full" grey = NO

("7/8" grey x "7/8" grey) x "full" grey = NO

("7/8" grey x "7/8" grey) x "7/8" grey) x "full" grey = YES

Though I was awaiting the outcome of this vote as in my opinion this would put a "breeding cap" in place in order to attempt to bring the size down, fair enough but then to put a "weight cap" in place at the same time seemed a bit far fetched. I feel there should have been one proposal or the other brough in for voting but not both, in essence penalising those breeding in the "correct" manner but still get a dog going over the "weight cap".

It's overall a get lucky or tough sh*t scenario IMO but as has been stated before it's not up to the committee or individual members but the membership as a whole, how are we to know the BWRA did not get a large number of proposals put forward along the same lines and the sheer number of proposals induced the committee into putting it to a membership vote as the number of proposals would represent a large proportion of the membership.

Anyway enough, I'm supposed to be prepping not talking !!! :luck: :luck: 5 hours to go !!!

Would it not also how the 7/8 was bred in the first place?and get back to studying Elise :lol: Good :luck:

Well it depends - is the dog a 7/8 x 7/8 or a 3/4 x full :- " once case would mean you could go back to a grey after one generation and another would mean you could go back to a grey after two. :unsure:
Fleesh said:
rodders said:
Fleesh said:
can some one explain the % breeding thing ... :thumbsup:
As I understand it Dee you could put a "7/8" grey to a "7/8" grey(Gen1) and then back to a "7/8" grey(Gen2) and then back to a "full" grey.

"7/8" grey x "full" grey = NO

("7/8" grey x "7/8" grey) x "full" grey = NO

("7/8" grey x "7/8" grey) x "7/8" grey) x "full" grey = YES

Though I was awaiting the outcome of this vote as in my opinion this would put a "breeding cap" in place in order to attempt to bring the size down, fair enough but then to put a "weight cap" in place at the same time seemed a bit far fetched. I feel there should have been one proposal or the other brough in for voting but not both, in essence penalising those breeding in the "correct" manner but still get a dog going over the "weight cap".

It's overall a get lucky or tough sh*t scenario IMO but as has been stated before it's not up to the committee or individual members but the membership as a whole, how are we to know the BWRA did not get a large number of proposals put forward along the same lines and the sheer number of proposals induced the committee into putting it to a membership vote as the number of proposals would represent a large proportion of the membership.

Anyway enough, I'm supposed to be prepping not talking !!! :luck: :luck: 5 hours to go !!!

Would it not also how the 7/8 was bred in the first place?and get back to studying Elise :lol: Good :luck:

Well it depends - is the dog a 7/8 x 7/8 or a 3/4 x full :- " once case would mean you could go back to a grey after one generation and another would mean you could go back to a grey after two. :unsure:

Gets confusing :lol: Which is why IMO the proposals that were voted in should not apply to anything before the AGM,and only apply after it.It stands to common sense(well in my eyes)you can't act on anything that has happened before the results have been given.My( :- " don't tell George I said that :lol: ) new pup if he makes over 55lb will not be able to run,and I accept that.A bit of a sticky one for Gary because he hasn't registered his bitch yet,although i'm sure he's not the only one who leaves registering their dog till they are older,and what we have to remember is big dogs take alot longer to mature,so why bother registering them,until they are able to run.I think there will be lots of questions,with regards to the passed proposals.Lots of T's to cross and I's to dot bfore the passed proposals can be put into practise
rodders said:
Fleesh said:
rodders said:
Fleesh said:
can some one explain the % breeding thing ... :thumbsup:
As I understand it Dee you could put a "7/8" grey to a "7/8" grey(Gen1) and then back to a "7/8" grey(Gen2) and then back to a "full" grey.

"7/8" grey x "full" grey = NO

("7/8" grey x "7/8" grey) x "full" grey = NO

("7/8" grey x "7/8" grey) x "7/8" grey) x "full" grey = YES

Though I was awaiting the outcome of this vote as in my opinion this would put a "breeding cap" in place in order to attempt to bring the size down, fair enough but then to put a "weight cap" in place at the same time seemed a bit far fetched. I feel there should have been one proposal or the other brough in for voting but not both, in essence penalising those breeding in the "correct" manner but still get a dog going over the "weight cap".

It's overall a get lucky or tough sh*t scenario IMO but as has been stated before it's not up to the committee or individual members but the membership as a whole, how are we to know the BWRA did not get a large number of proposals put forward along the same lines and the sheer number of proposals induced the committee into putting it to a membership vote as the number of proposals would represent a large proportion of the membership.

Anyway enough, I'm supposed to be prepping not talking !!! :luck: :luck: 5 hours to go !!!

Would it not also how the 7/8 was bred in the first place?and get back to studying Elise :lol: Good :luck:

Well it depends - is the dog a 7/8 x 7/8 or a 3/4 x full :- " once case would mean you could go back to a grey after one generation and another would mean you could go back to a grey after two. :unsure:

Gets confusing :lol: Which is why IMO the proposals that were voted in should not apply to anything before the AGM,and only apply after it.It stands to common sense(well in my eyes)you can't act on anything that has happened before the results have been given.My( :- " don't tell George I said that :lol: ) new pup if he makes over 55lb will not be able to run,and I accept that.A bit of a sticky one for Gary because he hasn't registered his bitch yet,although i'm sure he's not the only one who leaves registering their dog till they are older,and what we have to remember is big dogs take alot longer to mature,so why bother registering them,until they are able to run.I think there will be lots of questions,with regards to the passed proposals.Lots of T's to cross and I's to dot bfore the passed proposals can be put into practise

you would have to be a dna expert to work all that Out that's why you should stick to whippet lines think I'll waddle off now

Lol (w00t)
I like many others i suppose are puzzled ----with this thread --

I can not understand why there is all this element of shock at the outcome of this vote ---

No disrespect to any one we all knew it was on the cards and has been for quite a number of years

The one and only AGM/FARCE I have attended (Asfordby) a few year back

The then BWRA Chairman was asked to put his casting vote on this subject --

due to vote being split even/---for/against

I think his words were it should stay same for that year// breeders should take note------start reducing size in breeding----this matter will be brought up again--

Did anyone take notice?---you decide!

I myself are not bothered either way--

but as a fully paid up member i am entitled to my say/vote--- should i wish to use them.

I just think if i was-----

I might do same as John Meades did some years back / form another option

John /Ron formed the IRG it had its own magazine also---

it was hard work as he will tell you but he felt the need----- he got on with it---

The BWRA when founded had a 32lb limit --way back in 1968

Plus the wording must be whippet like in appearance----

i was there at the bwra agm 6/7 year ago when the debate was going on then about the size of some of the scratch dogs ( so it's been a concern for while ).

and the same people who are kicking off on here now were present, when malcome clarke warned people to watch the way they were breeding.


there is nobody that's likes to watch scratch racing as much as me,but how can you call the pups out of a 1/2 or 3/4 bred whippet greyhound dog/bitch put to a full greyhound. WHIPPETS

Hiya John, yes Michael & I were there too, there was quite a long debate regarding the breeding and yes a warning was given that the Scratch Dogs were getting too big. Like you we no longer race but from what I have read/seen most of the Scratch dogs today have more "Greyhound" blood in them than whippet!!!!!!

Joan Hemmings ex-whippetteer
gary farmer said:
hellbound said:
i was at both meetings reps and agm and at the reps meeting voted that the cap of 55lb should not go out as a proposal i dont feel its workable the only way to bring the breeding weight if needed down is stop breeding greyhound back to 1/2 or 3/4 greyhound and that was already addressed with another proposal, the proposal to cap at 55lb as everyone voted today will only effect pups that are not reg with the bwra as off the start of this years registration any pup already on the bwra books will stay on and run if they go above 55lb, i also ask if members who reg a pup at the start of this year and that dog then makes 56lb and above and find they cant race in none ped whippet racing  (w00t) sorry i mean just the bwra none ped whippet racing lol, will that member get there money back it was after some banter agreed they will,

as far as i can see this cap will only arm the bwra membership its mad  :wacko: , the two member who put this proposal forward are both on the top table of the nnwrf who will keep no limit and 1 member who runs the irg who will also keep no limit racing so the only organization that will suffer with a full in membership will be the bwra , well done the 2 members not a bad days work, and yes i know it was the members who voted it in  (w00t)   (w00t)





the answer is if she's stay under 55lb then yes she can run with the bwra if over 55lb then NO she will have to stay at home for bwra events,

the problem i have with members going on about the breeding of no limit dogs and the size they are, is why are the members putting proposals in and telling everyone to stop breeding this that and the other all racing yd per lb dogs i could well understand if all this was coming from other scratch racers but its not,
Was not shocked at all to see the outcome of the members vote.My only issue was for the capping to affect dogs already here.As Harvey has been registered and racing already for a couple of years,I felt it would have been very unfair to stop him racing now,and like I have said if the new pup goes over 55lb,then he will not be whippet racing when he's old enough to race (have hopefully chosen smaller this time :sweating: )What happens to him,when he's older if he goes over 55lb.I don't know :wacko: he'll have been with us for a year and i'm attached already :wub: :(
hellbound said:
i was at both meetings reps and agm and at the reps meeting voted that the cap of 55lb should not go out as a proposal i dont feel its workable the only way to bring the breeding weight if needed down is stop breeding greyhound back to 1/2 or 3/4 greyhound and that was already addressed with another proposal, the proposal to cap at 55lb as everyone voted today will only effect pups that are not reg with the bwra as off the start of this years registration any pup already on the bwra books will stay on and run if they go above 55lb, i also ask if members who reg a pup at the start of this year and that dog then makes 56lb and above and find they cant race in none ped whippet racing  (w00t) sorry i mean just the bwra none ped whippet racing lol, will that member get there money back it was after some banter agreed they will,

as far as i can see this cap will only arm the bwra membership its mad  :wacko: , the two member who put this proposal forward are both on the top table of the nnwrf who will keep no limit and 1 member who runs the irg who will also keep no limit racing so the only organization that will suffer with a full in membership will be the bwra , well done the 2 members not a bad days work, and yes i know it was the members who voted it in  (w00t)   (w00t)

I am pleased that my finger is on the pulse of whippet racing, and a nearly 2 to 1 majority proves that fact, whilst you are having a pop at me may i defend myself and say that the I.R.G. had a meeting last night and made the top weight limit of scratch racing with the I.R.G. at 40lb, its called having the courage of your confictions. Also i wonder why as a BWRA rep you are so out of touch with the thoughts of its members, no capping you thought, the members voted otherwise, drug testing you said, the members voted otherwise, you seem to make a habit of going against the members wishes, wether it be the BWRA or the now defunct and disgraced NWRF, you carry on your way, and i will mine.

Just because i serve on another body does not mean that i do not support other groups as well, I will do anything for the Bwra on racedays if they require it , In the past i have printed programmes, half way judged in filthy conditions, I did not hear you put up for a working job yesterday.

As for capping not working it already exist in 16 lb, 32 lb form for handicap dogs
just wondering steve bell proposed another class for the bigguns 48/50,i seconded it,was it voted on,steve would like to know as he hasnt a computer?????????
I also agree some are breeding way over the top, a nice small whippet stud dog to a greyhound will always throw varied weights, and most litter will produce a nice scr dog ...its been proving for years esp with the lads from the north east IE bi-carb , jacks back a few to mention ...

Why some are breeding 3/4 greyhound back to full greyhound is beyond me

This 55lb cap thats now been introduced is going to affect the sensible breeders/members of greyhound - whippet crossers ...i think its really unfair

The new breeding % thingy will work efficiently enough to reducing the none ped blood line without penalizing litters already born
I also agree some are breeding way over the top, a nice small whippet stud dog to a greyhound will always throw varied weights, and most litter will produce a nice scr dog ...its been proving for years esp with the lads from the north east IE bi-carb , jacks back a few to mention ...Why some are breeding 3/4 greyhound back to full greyhound is beyond me

This 55lb cap thats now been introduced is going to affect the sensible breeders/members of greyhound - whippet crossers ...i think its really unfair

The new breeding % thingy will work efficiently enough to reducing the none ped blood line without penalizing litters already born

Agree completely with your last sentence Dee,and this also wouldn't have penalized a proportion of dogs from a litter.
Sorry should of said you cannot stop the pups already born or due to be whelped from running as there was no rules to say other wise up till 31st DEC 2008
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are the new rules for pups regisetrd or pups born. i for 1 have a pup coming from a greyhound x 24lb whippet she was born in noverber so wont be here or registerd till next year. she was born before the agm so if she turnes out over 55lb(hopfully wont) from whats being said she will only be abell to race with the feds.

i do agree some sort fo caping should come in. but a rule like not being abell to outcross back to a greyhound for say 3 genertions might have been more sensibel in my oppinion. it would meen dogs would not be cast aside for being to big aslong as they were breed properly.

the have simmaler problems with cat breeding and have differt stages full breed. thats a cat thats at least 3 gens of its breed no outmixsfor 3 generations they can breed with any other cat of there breed or outcross. then there others outcross that are withing 3 gens of an outcross they can only be bread with full breed cats it stops to much of any other type coming into a litter

it would help keep pup sizes down still let new blood in and stope the 7/8 greyhounds happening
john m said:
hellbound said:
i was at both meetings reps and agm and at the reps meeting voted that the cap of 55lb should not go out as a proposal i dont feel its workable the only way to bring the breeding weight if needed down is stop breeding greyhound back to 1/2 or 3/4 greyhound and that was already addressed with another proposal, the proposal to cap at 55lb as everyone voted today will only effect pups that are not reg with the bwra as off the start of this years registration any pup already on the bwra books will stay on and run if they go above 55lb, i also ask if members who reg a pup at the start of this year and that dog then makes 56lb and above and find they cant race in none ped whippet racing  (w00t) sorry i mean just the bwra none ped whippet racing lol, will that member get there money back it was after some banter agreed they will,

as far as i can see this cap will only arm the bwra membership its mad  :wacko: , the two member who put this proposal forward are both on the top table of the nnwrf who will keep no limit and 1 member who runs the irg who will also keep no limit racing so the only organization that will suffer with a full in membership will be the bwra , well done the 2 members not a bad days work, and yes i know it was the members who voted it in  (w00t)   (w00t)

I am pleased that my finger is on the pulse of whippet racing, and a nearly 2 to 1 majority proves that fact, whilst you are having a pop at me may i defend myself and say that the I.R.G. had a meeting last night and made the top weight limit of scratch racing with the I.R.G. at 40lb, its called having the courage of your confictions. Also i wonder why as a BWRA rep you are so out of touch with the thoughts of its members, no capping you thought, the members voted otherwise, drug testing you said, the members voted otherwise, you seem to make a habit of going against the members wishes, wether it be the BWRA or the now defunct and disgraced NWRF, you carry on your way, and i will mine.

Just because i serve on another body does not mean that i do not support other groups as well, I will do anything for the Bwra on racedays if they require it , In the past i have printed programmes, half way judged in filthy conditions, I did not hear you put up for a working job yesterday.

As for capping not working it already exist in 16 lb, 32 lb form for handicap dogs

the only thing i will say is, I NEW WHAT I WAS SECONDING WITH KAREN PROPOSAL ON DRUG TESTING, IT WOULD SEEM YOU DID,NT as you sent a pm telling karen that Harvey would still be able to race under the proposal to cap at 55lb, maybe you should worry more about what your putting your name to and less about having your finger NOW WHERE WAS IT YOU HAD IT (w00t) (w00t)

as for working for the bwra think back to last years championships program and who did the photo finish this year on both days :p
hellbound said:
gary farmer said:
hellbound said:
i was at both meetings reps and agm and at the reps meeting voted that the cap of 55lb should not go out as a proposal i dont feel its workable the only way to bring the breeding weight if needed down is stop breeding greyhound back to 1/2 or 3/4 greyhound and that was already addressed with another proposal, the proposal to cap at 55lb as everyone voted today will only effect pups that are not reg with the bwra as off the start of this years registration any pup already on the bwra books will stay on and run if they go above 55lb, i also ask if members who reg a pup at the start of this year and that dog then makes 56lb and above and find they cant race in none ped whippet racing  (w00t) sorry i mean just the bwra none ped whippet racing lol, will that member get there money back it was after some banter agreed they will,

as far as i can see this cap will only arm the bwra membership its mad  :wacko: , the two member who put this proposal forward are both on the top table of the nnwrf who will keep no limit and 1 member who runs the irg who will also keep no limit racing so the only organization that will suffer with a full in membership will be the bwra , well done the 2 members not a bad days work, and yes i know it was the members who voted it in  (w00t)   (w00t)





the answer is if she's stay under 55lb then yes she can run with the bwra if over 55lb then NO she will have to stay at home for bwra events,

the problem i have with members going on about the breeding of no limit dogs and the size they are, is why are the members putting proposals in and telling everyone to stop breeding this that and the other all racing yd per lb dogs i could well understand if all this was coming from other scratch racers but its not,

As far as i am aware what people voted on at the AGM was that any adult dog that is over 55lb and is currently racing and registerd with the BWRA can continue to do so next year.

In answer to Garys question from what i understand due to the new ruling regarding cross breeding your pup wouldnt be able to register.
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wasnt going to reply on this as every year its the same cap the scratch dogs and its always people that dont have scratch dogs who propose it. everyone is going on about the breeding programme etc etc which has now been brought in about not crossing big dogs with greyhounds ( i think) so ok thats brought in so wot happens if u say cross just for instance i lined nikki whizz with a small stud dog and the pup went over 55lb i cant run with the bwra then someone crosses a half ghd with a half ghd or wotever it is u r not supposed to do and thier pup stays below 55lb.. they can run? makes no sense to me wotsover and any dog over 55lb the majority of the time only runs on the bends anyway. like gary bailey suggested why dont we just do away with the supreme scratch? yes im against the 55lb limit and yes im a scratch racer. carole

thankfully this is only going to happen with the bwra so a clubs own open or the fed no limit will mean that no limit.
Carole I think if some one breeds what ever % it is to a greyhound then no matter what the weight it can't run. Think that's what they mean. I agree with the new way of breeding but pups born already or within the next 9 weeks should be able to run. Capping is a bit stupid as anyone could get a throw back no matter what the breeding. But at the end of the day that's what the majority of members wanted.
can i run my new pup then shes from a greyhound mum and vivs quest dont think she will be over 55lb.she carnt be registerd till next year after shes had her jabs

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