good question then-----a 1/2x whippet x greyhound --not allowed ???? that makes them 3/4 grey x 1/4 whippet , but still possibly whippet in appearence,"still definatley a non pedigree whippet " but could easily make 55lb , again is it not allowed , could i have a copy of the breeding regulations please , put online for all to see, i'm not stirring , i'm just interested as to what "I" can breed to race under your banner , if i'm allowed to do so, or are there stipulations ???????----------------------------------look forward to reading the rules ----------stuartIf I thought the lining to the 3/4 whippet 1/4 GHD was better then that's what I would do. Like's been said the BWRA rule was voted in by it's members but it's certainly not a dictatorship on how to breed and it certainly doesn't exclude a dog from racing at all. It is definately not like the closed stud book held by the Kennel Club.
When someone / anyone?!!! can clearly define and proove when a whippet becomes a greyhound then the decision is left with an organisation to decide. In the case of the BWRA it's members decided on their behalf based on the proposals put forward by the committee.
Ranting never wins votes and I doubt a proposal to overturn would win a majority vote now. However, an alternative proposal might replace it if enough thought was put into it.