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Doggy Contraception

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omg what a lucky escape little phoebe had. :( bet youre so glad you decided to keep her now,how upset youd be to read this if it was phoebe they were planning to mate :(

just shows you you cant be too careful when someone comes to buy a dog from you,they can tell you one thing and be planning the opposite.glad phoebe is safe with you :thumbsup:
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kris said:
omg what a lucky escape little phoebe had. :( bet youre so glad you decided to keep her now,how upset youd be to read this if it was phoebe they were planning to mate :( just shows you you cant be too careful when someone comes to buy a dog from you,they can tell you one thing and be planning the opposite.glad phoebe is safe with you :thumbsup:

here here , thank god she is safe with you :huggles:

thank god they didnt get there hands on her and you followed your gut instinct :thumbsup:
I feel quite saddened by all this .. if it turns out that the OP was being genuine (I'd almost prefer to think someone had a poor sense of humour, instead).

I do hope I'm proved wrong and that they didn't really mean it ... that they aren't really going to start breeding as soon as possible, and as often as possible.

What a shame.
is a shame really seen as these guys told us they were going to get there boy neutered as soon as he was old enough.....kev n harv you lied to me and lorna not nice!........i thank god we never let you have our darling girl and if i could i would urge you to think very carefully abt what your doing...if you realise you have made a mistake fair enough send the little girl to us we will have her but......if you knew this was your plan all along when you said yr boy needed a playmate and you knew your were looking for a girl to breed with then you should be ashamed of yourselves you sat and told us so many lies we are hurt to read this thread lads especially as you knew what we were going through at the time. gutted.......plz no more unwanted pups and no more ££££££signs b4 peoples eyes its just wrong....soz everyone to rant on these guys almost took us in when we were at our most vunerable and i dont like to be lied to. rant over!!
I see they [Harvandkev] haven't been back on the forum since posting the topic...[unless just looking without signing in]. I bet we won't hear any more from them now.

maggie217 said:
I see they [Harvandkev] haven't been back on the forum since posting the topic...[unless just looking without signing in].  I bet we won't hear any more from them now.

im not suprised they havent been back on, dont think i would either :eek:

i agree with what your all saying though :thumbsup:
kris said:
imperative said:
Check out whippet knickers in market place, non medical, drug free and once covered up should be safe.

pmsl!!!! :lol: youve not met any of my stud dogs! (w00t)

theyd have 'em off quicker than a rat up a drainpipe! :lol:

:teehee: perhaps whippet knickers not a good idea then,unless made of steel (w00t) (w00t)
knowing my lot theyd use a can opener! :- " (w00t) :lol:
I was gutted last year, had my last litter out of Towy as i wanted to keep one and all the others went to really good homes, :thumbsup: then found out one of the bitch pups had been sold on to some gypsies who just breed. When i found out where they were they had sold her one with a load of other dogs as she wouldn't come into season. She was only 10 months old :rant:
swistir said:
I was gutted last year, had my last litter out of Towy as i wanted to keep one and  all the others  went to really good homes, :thumbsup:   then found out one of the bitch pups had been sold on to some gypsies who just breed.  When i found out where they were they had sold her one with a load of other dogs as she wouldn't  come into season.  She was only 10 months old :rant:
Aww poor baby! :angry: Hope she with kind loving peeps now.
its worrying isnt it.people can put on an act of being so nice and so honest and all the time theyre lying through their teeth.if i thought a dog of mine ended up with a bunch of gipsies who were just going to use her as a puppy factory i think id pay someone to go in there and get her out :- "

i think argos has had a very near escape with these two guys. :sweating:
After 3 days this is the first opportunity we have had to log on, and we are astounded by the responses we have seen so far - Not in a positive sense. Lets just clarify a few points.

If you read back to our original post, we came on here for sound advice on how to PREVENT pregnancy in the least invasive way possible.

With regards to the question of potential, rest assured that our whips come from champion bloodlines and have been assessed by our Vet as outstanding breed examples. This has pleased us as we waited along time, and travelled a considerable distance in order to get the right pets for us. This also involved a lot of research in to bloodlines and temperament.

To quote we have not bought our dogs "just to breed off" they are our family pets and form part of a very loving home. They are lucky enough to live in a large house with an acres paddock as well as their own fenced off private area including luxury kennels that even we would stay in LOL. We are lucky enough to come from a farming family, which means we do know a lot about animals and livestock and are fortunate to have many years experience.

It seems many of you have assumed that this is a commercial venture we know as well as any other experienced breeder that there is not much money to be made. We have the time to dedicate to this and want to raise a litter or two of our own to build upon our whippet family and ensure the continuity of very strong bloodlines.

We have been misquoted in the suggestion that we intend to breed “as soon and often as possible” inferring we intend to do this is both untrue and upsetting. May we remind you at this point that our OP was about PREVENTING a pregnancy for the foreseeable future. We care dearly about our bitch and do not want to see her pregnant as any responsible owner would appreciate.

Its amazing how through the transition of this post we have we have gone from being caring, established whippet owners, with a beautiful home to offer our babies through to “Gypsies” we are upset that we have been judged so harshly – and we feel you should reflect upon your posts and reconsider the extent of the comments you have made.

If anybody would like to see pictures of our adorable whippets or would like to speak to us about this further then please contact us via E-Mail as our experience of these forums to date, and the information their members provide has so far proved to be nothing more than opinionated gossip and group lynching.

Harvy and Kev
It is easy for many to 'jump to the wrong conclusion' when your bitch is 6 months and you say you are having a litter next year.

I understand you do not want a litter yet, if you shut the bitch away either in another room or a cage for the full 3 weeks(only letting out for the obvious plus under supervision).

We NEVER had accidents in 13 years when we had dogs & bitches. We now only keep one sex.
T Hoare said:
It is easy for many to 'jump to the wrong conclusion' when your bitch is 6 months and you say you are having a litter next year.I understand you do not want a litter yet, if you shut the bitch away either in another room or a cage for the full 3 weeks(only letting out for the obvious plus under supervision).

We NEVER had accidents in 13 years when we had dogs & bitches. We now only keep one sex.

Thank you for your advice and comments. I think we agree that seperating them will be the best solution for us. Our initial concern was incase an accident happened, but from your experience it sounded like you managed the situation well.
harvyandkev said:
T Hoare said:
It is easy for many to 'jump to the wrong conclusion' when your bitch is 6 months and you say you are having a litter next year.I understand you do not want a litter yet, if you shut the bitch away either in another room or a cage for the full 3 weeks(only letting out for the obvious plus under supervision).

We NEVER had accidents in 13 years when we had dogs & bitches. We now only keep one sex.

Thank you for your advice and comments. I think we agree that seperating them will be the best solution for us. Our initial concern was incase an accident happened, but from your experience it sounded like you managed the situation well.

thats ok. It may sound a harsh thing for the bitch to put up with but it is far better than an unplanned/unwanted litter and it is only 3 weeks. :thumbsup:
It is difficult keeping both a dog and a bitch and I personally would not do it again.

They are very clever at finding ways to get together...I once had a beagle dog mate the bitch through a chain link fence...a successful mating too. Apart from the worry of keeping them apart it is also very stressful for both dog and bitch. The best contraception is to keep one of them at a separate premises, e.g. if house dogs in another loving home. Of course, mamny people do manage dogs and bitches but it is never easy or without stress.

I am concerned also that you are convinced that your whippets are 'outstanding examples' at such young ages. Of course they may be well bred, and your vet can comment on their good health and freedom from health issues but I would not consider that your vet is qualified to state they are or are not 'outstanding examples' . They may be of course, but that will take time to show. It also worries me that you are going to use your own dog as the stud. How do you know that he is suitable for your bitch, unless you are not really concerned about the quality of the pups. He may be, but again too early to say.
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maggie217 said:
It is difficult keeping both a dog and a bitch and I personally would not do it again.
They are very clever at finding ways to get together...I once had a beagle dog mate the bitch through a chain link fence...a successful mating too.  Apart from the worry of keeping them apart it is also very stressful for both dog and bitch.  The best contraception is to keep one of them at a separate premises, e.g. if house dogs in another loving home.  Of course, mamny people do manage dogs and bitches but it is never easy or without stress.

I am concerned also that you are convinced that your whippets are 'outstanding examples' at such young ages.  Of course they may be well bred, and your vet can comment on their good health and freedom from health issues but I would not consider that your vet is qualified to state they are or are not 'outstanding examples' . They may be of course, but that will take time to show.  It also worries me that you are going to use your own dog as the stud.    How do you know that he is suitable for your bitch, unless you are not really concerned about the quality of the pups.  He may be, but again too early to say.

Exactly our point, this is why we are waiting sometime before persuing the breeding option, and wanted to find out about non-permanent solutions. Either way if we breed or not they are still amazing companions and loving dogs. Just for the records our dog is 1.5 years and showing excellent potential. We are not sure about the option of caging our bitch for 3 weeks, however she could have the run of the conservatory or dining room (as she seems to make herself at home in these rooms anyway!)
All I would say is that even excellent breeding can produce inferior dogs, hence me asking what has or will these dogs achieve to justify breeding them?

I read earlier this week the availability of whippets pups is overwhelming at the moment, realisitically what gives yours the edge over everyone elses?

Please don't think I'm being critical of your dogs, I'm not but you've got to realise that those who do breed for a purpose will produce their own pups that they consider themselves to be inferior and will sell on to pet homes. Then you've got the unscrupulous breeder producing puppies for financial gain. There is a lot of competition out there and the only way your breeding will stand out is if they're superior to the market. Your vet claims they are outstanding examples, physically that may well be and credit goes to you for this. :) However to demonstrate they really are outstanding requires a lot of effort and expense at promoting your dogs in their particular field (be it racing, showing, lure coursing etc) but if they are succesful you will be rewarded with achievements and a waiting list of eager buyers. The irony being that you'll probably wait a lot longer before you do breed because your busy gaining these achievements.

I suppose I'm sort of saying just take time out and enjoy your dogs you'll get far much pleasure than any litter of puppies can provide - especially when the whole birth thing carrys a bunch of risks in itself that can bring so much heartache as any experienced breeder could tell you.
harvyandkev said:
After 3 days this is the first opportunity we have had to log on, and we are astounded by the responses we have seen so far - Not in a positive sense.  Lets just clarify a few points.
If you read back to our original post, we came on here for sound advice on how to PREVENT pregnancy in the least invasive way possible.

With regards to the question of potential, rest assured that our whips come from champion bloodlines and have been assessed by our Vet as outstanding breed examples. This has pleased us as we waited along time, and travelled a considerable distance in order to get the right pets for us.  This also involved a lot of research in to bloodlines and temperament.

To quote we have not bought our dogs "just to breed off" they are our family pets and form part of a very loving home.  They are lucky enough to live in a large house with an acres paddock as well as their own fenced off private area including luxury kennels that even we would stay in LOL.  We are lucky enough to come from a farming family, which means we do know a lot about animals and livestock and are fortunate to have many years experience.

It seems many of you have assumed that this is a commercial venture we know as well as any other experienced breeder that there is not much money to be made.  We have the time to dedicate to this and want to raise a litter or two of our own to build upon our whippet family and ensure the continuity of very strong bloodlines.

We have been misquoted in the suggestion that we intend to breed “as soon and often as possible” inferring we intend to do this is both untrue and upsetting.  May we remind you at this point that our OP was about PREVENTING a pregnancy for the foreseeable future.  We care dearly about our bitch and do not want to see her pregnant as any responsible owner would appreciate.

Its amazing how through the transition of this post we have we have gone from being caring, established whippet owners, with a beautiful home to offer our babies through to “Gypsies” we are upset that we have been judged so harshly – and we feel you should reflect upon your posts and reconsider the extent of the comments you have made.

If anybody would like to see pictures of our adorable whippets or would like to speak to us about this further then please contact us via E-Mail as our experience of these forums to date, and the information their members provide has so far proved to be nothing more than opinionated gossip and group lynching.

Harvy and Kev

Hello Harvy and Kev, I am glad you did check back on here and I hope you will stay around.

If you read back all the posts I made in relation to your OP, you will see I've referred to points made directly by yourself (ie to start breeding at your bitch's 3rd season - which could potentially happen at 18 months of age; also you stated "she will eventually have a few litters" - so that did suggest/infer your bitch would be having more than one or 2 litters).

I also stated in a couple of my posts that I did not wish to be intentionally rude but I stand by all the posts I made. I commented on statements you had made - perhaps in your keen-ness to post originally (to get contraceptive advice?) you may not have worded your OP in the best way?

(And as we've already covered lots of times, the best contraceptive for dogs and bitches is to keep them firmly apart, in separate parts of your house etc, throughout your bitch's entire season!!!).

I would agree with previous posters that perhaps a Vet (unless a Whippet expert) is not the best person to assess whether a bitch should be bred from - sure a Vet can say whether a bitch is healthy or not but they are not usually in possession of enough knowledge about a breed to make a qualified statement. Plenty of pet pedigree dogs (and here again I do not intend to be rude or patronising) have wonderful pedigrees on paper - the most common thing you hear from pet owners is "there are loads of Champions in my dog's pedigree"; "it's full of 'red writing'!" etc etc - and yes they have every right to be proud of their pet - there'd be something wrong if they didn't love it).

However that does not make a dog or bitch, ideal to be bred from themselves.

The best way to tell, is to go back to the bitch's breeder when she is mature, and ask their opinion. We all have to start somewhere and I am presuming the breeder of your bitch is an experienced, established breeder of Whippets, whose advice will prove invaluable should you decide to breed in the future. If your bitch is from very strong bloodlines though, is there a need to perpetuate them? Surely her breeder is doing that already, in an established breeding programme?
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