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For Tara


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My poor Tara is at the vet just now as we speak - she was at the park with Tia last night when they collided and Tara bashed her side off a tree! Tia is fine but my poor baby Tara cant walk or do the toilet properly! :( Im so upset as she is in a lot of pain. The vet examined her last night and tested for nerve damage and any bone fractures - to his knowledge everything was fine, he gave her a strong pain killer that made her very drowsy so she got home and slept the night away. I took her in today and a different vet checked her over - she then started collapsing her back legs when he was pressing around her hips - he then decided it was best to x ray her. So im sitting here waiting patiently for the phone call to tell me everything will be ok. Please keep all your fingers and toes crossed for my precious girl. :huggles:

Oh no poor Tara, hope the x-ray results are good - :luck: :luck: :luck:
so sorry, hope its nothing to serious :(

poor tara hope she feels better soon :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:

:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this.

I really do hope that the vet calls with some positive news soon

Thinking of you and Tara :huggles:
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We hope that is is nothing serious and that she will be back running soon.
Thinking of you Marie and Tara :huggles: :huggles:

Hope positive news comes you way soon :luck: :luck:

Don't you feel so helpless as you wait by the phone, do hope that it is positive news very soon.
Thanks, just off the phone to the vet, she has fractured her pelvis. :( The fracture is right next to her spine! He says that sometimes strict rest and these things can heel by themselves but he is sending the x ray to a specialist in Fyfe to get a second opinion - if he doesnt think rest will heel this she will have to go to the specialist for an operation.

Good news is i get to take her home tonight to cuddle and comfort her. Away to pick her up soon.

I am so so sorry to hear this - I hope that she is on the mend soon :huggles:
[SIZE=21pt]Get well soon Tara [/SIZE] :huggles: :luck:
So sorry to here about Tara Marie :( :( at least she will be in the best place at home with you giving her lots of TLC :huggles: i hope she wont require an op and that the fracture will heal on its own :thumbsup: give her lots of love from all the speymalt whippets :wub: :wub: :wub: and try not to worry yourself too much :thumbsup:
Im so sorry to hear what has happend. This injury can take a while to heal :(

Sending good vibes for you :luck:
Just back from the vet - he said i could let the injury heal on its own but she may be left with a permanent 'hobble' or she could go for the op asap and theres a good chance she will make a full recovery. Im going to go ahead with the operation i think but first i need to speak to the specialist to see what he thinks.
Oh no Marie, so sorry to hear about your lovely Tara. I'm sure you will come to the right decision for Tara and we at Palmik wish her a very speedy recovery. Fingers crossed for you :thumbsup:


Sorry to hear this, get well soon Tara
oh dear poor tara, good luck for the op if you go for it.

really hope she gets better soon :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:

:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
im so sorry to read this :( i hope that she recovers quicky which ever path to take with her :luck: :luck: im thinking about you both :huggles:
Oh how terrible for you, poor little girl - :luck: :huggles: for a succesful op and quick recovery

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