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Fred's Off To See Another Specialist


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You may remember me saying that Fred has been having problems with his back legs recently. In the last month or so he has suddenly become a bit wobbly, so much so that he stumbles up the stairs, occasionally loses his balance (especially when he's cocking his leg! (w00t) ), and drags one of his hind legs on a walk from time to time.

I've taken him to the vets this morning to see what can be done.

They advised to put him on the metacam again for a week to see if it is arthritis, and they're booking him an emergency appointment with a cardiologist next week as they reckon he has a badly irregular heartbeat. They advised that this could be causing the problems.

Why don't I feel convinced? :unsure: The last time they advised an urgent appointment last year, it was to go and see an opthamologist, which turned out to be a false alarm.

Whilst I was there today, I asked about a small mark on his pad and asked if it could be a corn (after reading a recent thread on here). The vet thought he could well have one (and I have asked before and it's been discounted) but didn't seem too concerned. Admittedly she was preoccupied with his irregular heartbeat.

Soo...I'm wondering if I'm off on another goose chase next week, and in the mean time I feel quite depressed because it seems like Fred has had a corn for quite some time now, and he's had to suffer the discomfort of this. No wonder he limps all the time. I could cry...really!! :(

Sorry to unload my worries like this......the vets are really nice, but I'm wondering if I really need to seek out a specialist sighthound vet. Still..I'd better get Fred's heart checked out all the same.
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:( aww poor fred :huggles: poppy sends uncle fred some gentle cuddle :huggles: and by sounds of it hun you could do with some :huggles: :huggles: good :luck: :luck: luck for next week keep us posted :huggles:
Thanks Nicky. :huggles: I do feel a bit tearful. :oops:

Fred's such a stoical and obediant little chap, and doesn't ask for much. I'd hate to think i've let him down badly.......
Nicola said:
Thanks Nicky.  :huggles: I do feel a bit tearful.  :oops:
Fred's such a stoical and obediant little chap, and doesn't ask for much. I'd hate to think i've let him down badly.......

aww hun youve not let him down ,looking throu pics and stuff you can see you adore him :huggles: you must be worried sick if your anything like me i worry like mad over the littlest of thing with my lot ,upsets ya so much wen ther poorly doesnt it :huggles: :huggles:
nicola you sound very down :huggles: , and its doesnt sound like you have much faith in your vet..........why not take him to a sighthound vet and get a second opinion :thumbsup:

hugs for you and fred :huggles: :huggles:

:luck: :luck:
Sorry to hear about your worries regarding Fred, Nicola - my last dog had an irregular heart beat, and Zephyr has had corns, so do PM me for any further information and if I can help I will. :huggles:

Good luck at the specialist :luck:
:huggles: Sorry to read about Fred. I know exactly how you feel what with Ozzy this week. I think its worse because they cant tell you if or where it hurts. :luck: :luck:
Daisy sends hugs to her Uncle Fred and hopes he feels better soon :huggles:
good luck at the specialists :luck: :luck: :luck: send you and fred a big :huggles: :huggles:
poor Fred, my whippet has had corns on one pad and it took a while before we realised what it was - my dog started being a bit lame and ended up not using the leg at all, she has had the corn removed and is now on her way to recovery -

they are very painful and it took 2 operations to clear

lots of luck with Fred -
:huggles: Nicola, don't be down. You're a wonderful carer for Fred and as with any health troubles, these things can be difficult and take time to get to the bottom of.

Why don't you get his corn sorted out and keep up the arthitis medication, and see if things improve. Our old dog (who looks almost identical to Fred :wub: ) kept going with a wonderful quality of life for years and years with arthritis and heart medication - and the vet said he had a whooshing heart murmur. I'm sure your Fred is actually a very happy chappy. :thumbsup: :huggles:
Wishing Fred all the best Nicola... :huggles: :luck: hope they get to the bottom of his problems...
Sorry to hear about Fred......................Hope you get it sorted :thumbsup: Cuddles to Fred :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Thanks for your kind comments and reassuring words. :) I did feel a tad emotional this morning. :b The news of his heart problems came as a bit of a shock I must admit, even though I thought I'd come to terms with Fred getting older and suffering some age related ailments as a result (at least I thought I had).

He has an appointment to see the specialist in just less than a fortnight. Whilst i'm there I'll ask if she thinks it will be safe for Fred to undergo an op to remove his corn. I'm going to see a different vet for this op me thinks, but I will stick with my local vet for more routine matters. I just feel angry that he has suffered the pain of a corn for so long.
Lots of :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: for you and fred while you wait for appointments and results - not a nice time for any of you :huggles: for Stan too just cos he's cute :b
what kind of specialist is he going to see? I wouldn't so much be looking for a sighthound vet, as a neurologist who had a cardiologist on hand - or at least someone who works in a specialist referral centre and has a diploma in their relevant specialism, not just a certificate.

Mind you, a lot of sighthounds have what's called a 'sinus arrhythmia' where there's an irregularity that disappears under exercise. It's common in racehorses too. Anything other than that needs to be checked, but arrythmias (dysfunctional rhythm) isn't always a big issue - it depends what it is and why it's there.

what part of the country are you in?


how old is Fred?


what's his breeding?

good luck

e (who was a veterinary anaesthetist in her deep and distant past)
Only just seen this Nicola, hope you get Fred sorted out :luck: :huggles: :luck:

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